
All of a sudden, a sound of breaking through the air came out, and a shadow passed in front of Ge Yun's eyes.

Poof ~

suddenly, a bunch of blood splashed.

At the same time, a broken arm, thrown in the air, spilled a lot of blood.

Ah ~

Ge Yun screamed like a pig.

Jiang Hao's eyes were red with blood. He was holding the seven kill sword, and it was another sword.


Ge Yun another arm, sprinkled a string of blood, flew out.

At this time, Jiang Hao's cold voice sounded.

"You will die miserably!"

Ge Yun was excited.

However, before he had any action, his leg pricked and his legs were cut off.


Ge Yun fell on the ground, his limbs were cut off, and he was cut into a stick.

Red blood, from the wound, constantly flowing out.


Another sword light passed, and Jiang Hao cut off his head.

Then, he picked up the girl's and grandfather's heads, wrapped them, carried them on his back, and at the same time, he carried Ge Yun's head to the valley thatched cottage.

Ten minutes later, he arrived.

When he saw two headless corpses on the ground, his fierce intention of killing appeared through his body.


With a face full of remorse, he knelt down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I hurt you." He said with guilt.

Finally, he dug two graves, buried the girl and grandfather, and erected a monument.

At the same time, he used a branch to pierce Ge Yun's head and put it in front of the grave.

He knelt down to worship, swearing: "your revenge, I have for you."

"But that's not enough. When I kill the other two people, I will hold their heads and worship you again."

Jiang Hao kowtowed a few heads and turned away.

However, he had bad luck. On the way, he met seven elders.

Hey, hey

Seven elder ferocious smile, "little beast, finally let me catch you, this time, see where you can escape?"


Jiang Hao burst to drink, without a word of nonsense, directly carrying the seven kill sword, rushed to the past.

Yo ~

seven elders sarcastically said: "what's the matter? Knowing that there is no way to escape, I will not escape? "

"Well, this cat and mouse game, played for several days, also a little bored, it's time to end."

The seven elders, armed with a silver gun, went up.

The two played very hard.

Jiang Hao's injury is better than half, plus the murderous, a strength, super play, for a time, but also reluctantly blocked the seven elders.

"Damn it

Seven elder facial expression blackens, cursed a.

"What kind of skill and healing speed does this boy cultivate? How fast is it?"

Suddenly, his eyes were hot, and his heart was filled with greed.

You know, the faster the healing speed is, the more advanced and precious the skill is. If he can get this skill, he may be able to break through the limit and attack master Er Xing.

Even stronger.

At that time, his position in the gate of Mount Tai will naturally rise.

So he yelled: "little bastard, hand over your cultivation skills, and I may let you live!"


However, in response to him, it was Jiang Hao's word "kill" which was full of killing intention.

"I don't know what to do!"

The seven elder's face sank and his eyes were cold.

"In that case, I'll catch you, then torture you and pry your mouth open!"

He gave a cold drink, and his fighting power was upgraded to a higher level.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao was a little overwhelmed and was beaten back and forth.

"Broken star gun!"

Seven elder low drink a, long gun a shake, stab out.

Suddenly, a little cold, rapid expansion, blink of an eye, it seems to cover the whole world, with the ultimate edge, stab to Jiang Hao, as if to pierce him.

Jiang Hao's heart was cold and his face was cold. He didn't dare to neglect him, so he burst out with all his strength.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

A touch of blood red sword light, cut out.


The collision of sword light and spear awn is like a typhoon, a tsunami, and the sound of it is loud and powerful.


Jiang Hao ejected a few mouthfuls of blood and flew out.

His strength, after all, was weaker and fell into a disadvantage.


He took advantage of the retreating posture to show his figure and abruptly retreated.

"Where to escape?"

Seven long eldest brother drinks, chased up.They ran after each other for half an hour and then crossed several miles.

Seven long old world high, deep cultivation, plus no damage, repeatedly catch up with Jiang Hao.

Every time, Jiang Hao can only fight a few moves.

Then, seriously injured, spit blood, take the opportunity to escape.

Several times, his injuries were very serious again, and his fighting power was greatly reduced.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes brightened.

He found a lake ahead.

So, he suddenly speed up, temporarily away from the seven elders.

Then, head into the lake.


Seven elder disdain of cold hum a, "think to hide in the water, safe?"? How naive

He sneered, ready to plunge in.

Abrupt, a column of water, skyrocketing.

A fish flew out of the water and bit the seven elders.

This fish has two rows of sharp teeth in its mouth, just like a saw blade. It is very scary and can easily tear the skin of its prey.


Seven elder eyelids son jump, complexion is greatly surprised.

The fish in front of us turned out to be the legendary piranha.

In fact, there are also piranhas in the secular world. However, that kind of piranha is not purebred at all. It can only threaten ordinary people and can't hurt the martial arts experts.

However, the pure species of piranha, but very terrible.

Especially in the water, once surrounded by cannibals, even master Gangjin may die.

After all, no matter how vigorous it is, it will be exhausted.

Once the vigorous energy is exhausted, even if it is the master of vigorous energy, it can only be reduced to the food of piranha.


Seven elder wrists a shake, a gun pierced the piranha.


The piranha exploded on the spot.

Seven elder's face is cold and gloomy. They are flying in the air. They look down on the lake, and their eyes are cold.

"Broken! Broken! Broken

Suddenly, he burst out and shot after shot.

All of a sudden, the strong shock wave, spread out, the whole lake, are not calm, burst into a spray, flying to the sky.

Under the water, the tide surged.


Jiang Hao was affected and vomited blood.

All of a sudden, the smell of blood mixed in the lake and floated out, attracting a group of piranhas.

"Damn it

When Jiang Hao saw groups of piranhas, he cursed and changed his face.

He immediately turned on the skill, held his breath, and tried to block the wound without bleeding.

Then, quietly swam away.

A moment later.

He was just a little relieved.

It's too dangerous just now. If he's surrounded by piranhas, even if he has all kinds of means, it won't help. He can only wait to die.

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