At the bottom of the lake, coral is densely distributed, colorful, very beautiful.

Jiang Hao didn't have the time or the mood to appreciate it. He found a cave and went into it. He immediately used the skill to recuperate.

A moment later, he opened his eyes.

He took out something.

It's Nathan.

As soon as he threw his hand, Neidan was suspended above his head, emitting a faint light. He forced out the water around the lake, forming a waterless area.

Jiang Hao uses the skill to absorb the energy of inner alchemy. He heals and improves his accomplishments at the same time.

On the lake, the seven elders stood in the air.

He looked cold, staring down, grinning: "boy, I'd like to see how long you can hold it underwater."

"Hey, hey I'll kill you as soon as you come out! "

Time goes by from tick to tick.

In the blink of an eye, it's half an hour.

Seven elder's face, a little gloomy.

He said to himself, "Damn it, this little beast, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Come on, wait a minute. I don't believe you can stay in the water all the time!"

In the blink of an eye, another half hour passed.


Seven elder's facial expression, thoroughly black, faintly have a kind of anger.

"This boy is so suffocating that he has been hiding for an hour!"

"No way."

Suddenly, he calmed down and analyzed carefully.

"It's reasonable to say that even if you are a master of vigorous energy, the internal energy in your body can only support underwater for one hour. If you exceed that, you must swim up to breathe. Otherwise, you will drown."

"The little beast is not master Gangjin, and he is seriously injured. He can't last for an hour. Has he drowned?"

"Or have they been eaten by piranhas for a long time?"

"No way!"

He shook his head and said, "life depends on people, death depends on corpses, and so on!"

It's not sure that before Jiang Hao died, he can't leave, and he's not sure to leave.

After all, Jiang Hao is not dead, so he can't go back to work, and he leaves behind a lot of troubles.

This wait is another hour.

Seven elder murmured: "already two hours, even if is old man, also already drowned."

"It seems that the little beast is really dead."

He moved, ready to leave.

Suddenly, on the surface of the lake, there was movement.

I saw the calm lake, suddenly turned up, spray rolling.


Suddenly, the surface of the lake exploded, white as jade spray, splashing to the sky.

A shadow of a man rises from the sky.

Seven elder fix one eye to see, immediately, the eyes one coagulate, the facial expression also changed for a while.

"It's you!"

He was shocked and said, "you're not dead?"

Hey, hey

Jiang Hao grinned, "how can I die before I kill you?"


Seven elder cold hum a, way: "small animal, I don't care what method you used, unexpectedly can hold in the water for two hours."

"In a word, since you show up, go to hell!"

He didn't talk nonsense. He stabbed Jiang Hao with his silver gun.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold reprimand and raised his hand. He was very lazy and waved a sword lightly.

However, it was this random sword that burst out with terrible power and split the seven elders away.


Elder seven was shocked.

"No way! It's impossible He shook his head.

He couldn't accept the fact.

After all, not long ago, although Jiang Hao was powerful, he couldn't beat him.

But now, with a sword, Jiang Hao can split him away. It's incredible.

"No way!"

Seven long eldest brother cried: "your strength, can't suddenly become so strong, you must be exerting the secret method of improving strength."

"Yes, it must be!"

Hey, hey

All of a sudden, he said with a ferocious smile, "this secret method has defects. As long as you wait for the secret method time to pass, you will die!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered.

The secret?

Although he knew such a secret method, and there was more than one, he had never practiced it, and it was impossible for him to use it.

His strength has increased dramatically because he has broken through and opened up a seventh air hole.

Now he is confident that he can suppress and even kill a star master, which is comparable to the top five demons in the Qianlong list.

The seven elders squinted at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice: "boy, when your secret time comes, it's your time to die!""Idiot!"

Jiang Hao scolded and rushed up directly.

The seven elders wanted to procrastinate, and they kept dodging instead of fighting.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao saw his intention.

However, instead of fighting by force, he took advantage of this opportunity to familiarize himself with and control the time of the surge.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Seven elder eyebrows deep lock, the heart is born don't understand.

"It's strange that the general secret method can only last ten minutes at most. How can the momentum of this little beast increase instead of decrease?"

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao said, "old man, are you wondering why the time for the secret method has not come yet?"

"That's because I didn't do it at all!"

Seven elder smell speech, fiercely shake head.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. If you don't use the secret method, your strength can't be improved so much all of a sudden."

"That's because I broke through." Jiang Hao said calmly.


Suddenly, the seven elder's face changed.

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "thank you for giving me time, let me control the strength of the surge."

"In return, I will send you to the West!"


Seven elder cold hum a way: "small animal, even if you break through, so what?"

"I'm the real vigorous master. No matter how strong you are, you can't break my vigorous strength."

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao grinned.

"Then I'll try!"

Immediately, he raised the seven kill sword, prepared for a second, and then cut it out with one sword.

The blood red shadow of the sword cuts across the sky, leaving a desolate shadow.

Seven elder eyelids son jump, some surprised, however, not afraid.

Obviously, he is very confident in protecting his body.


The blood color sword shadow cuts on the body protecting vigorous force and sends out a violent explosion.

Click! Click!

Broken sound rang out, seven elder confidence full of protect body Gang strength, unexpectedly smashed.

The sword light's power didn't decrease. It was cut on his chest.


Suddenly, he flew out, opened his mouth and spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood. On his chest, there was a sword mark with deep visible bone, which nearly split him.

If it wasn't for the critical moment, he held up his gun for a moment. This sword would have killed him.

Jiang Hao stood up with his sword and said with a smile, "old man, what's the power of this sword?"

Cough ~

seven elders cough up a few mouthfuls of blood.

He said, "you How can your strength be so strong? Why can you smash the body protecting vigorous force before breaking through to the master of vigorous force

He was really shocked.

Because, from this sword, we can infer that Jiang Hao's strength can be ranked in the top ten of the Qianlong list. Even compared with the Tianjiao Dou Shang of taishanmen, he is no less powerful.

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