"What are you doing, asshole?" Han Chang's eyes flamed out and angrily scolded.

"Damn it, Mo Xuan, if I don't die, I will never forgive you!" Wei Tu roared fiercely.

Ha ha ha

Mo Xuan laughs: "two idiots, you'd better think about how to live!"

Whew ~

the next second, he left a series of harsh laughter, turned into a streamer, and ran to the last transmission array.

"Asshole!" Han Chang broke out and scolded.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Hao and yelled, "Jiang Hao, go to stop him. You must escape. I'll help you block everyone!"

"Yes, Jiang Hao, go and stop Mo Xuan!" Wei Tu nodded.

Then, with fierce eyes and cold face, he scanned all the enemies and said in a cold voice, "these people, give them to us!"

"No!" Jiang Hao shook his head.

He refused!


Suddenly, Han Chang and Wei Tu were surprised.

"Jiang Hao, don't give up."

Han Chang advised: "even if you can't stop Mo Xuan, even if all the transmission arrays here are scrapped, don't give up. There are transmission arrays in other places."

"We'll fight for a teleportation array for you."

He thought Jiang Hao was depressed and desperate, and he wanted to give up running.

So, patient persuasion.


Wei tuzan said: "Jiang Hao, don't give up."

"I promised younger martial brother Chu that I would send you out even if I risked my life!"


Jiang Hao Mou Guang Zhan, shake head way: "you misunderstand my meaning."

"I didn't despair, I didn't give up."


Wei Tu and Han Chang are confused. They don't know what Jiang Hao means.

Jiang Hao wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and sat up slowly. His eyes were sharp and his words were sonorous: "help me protect the Dharma!"

"When I break through, kill them all!"

Wei Tu and Han Chang are stunned.

A moment later.

Wei Tu nodded and said seriously: "don't worry, I promise you that no one will disturb you before you break through!"

He did not question Jiang Hao.

Since Jiang Hao said that, he must be a little sure.

Even if the final failure, no regret!


Jiang Hao gave a sound.

Immediately, take out more than a dozen panacea, put into the mouth, cow chew peony general, chew up.

Then, close your eyes, run the nine day dragon formula, absorb and refine the power of the medicine, and make a breakthrough.

Hey, hey

Seeing this, fat Shura Marion gave a grim smile and said, "it's this time. Do you still want to break through and become stronger?"

"Ha ha How naive

"Go ahead, kill them!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, the sound of breaking the air sounded, and streamers came flying.

Twenty one people, at the same time.

Han Chang looked at Wei Tu, clenched his fist, and said in a deep voice, "you must block it!"


Wei Tu's face was firm and resolute. He nodded and said, "you must block it!"

A big fight is imminent!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the sound of explosion broke all around, just like a wave of explosion.


A few minutes later, Wei Tu spurted a mouthful of blood, retreated more than ten steps, and pulled two deep marks on the ground with his feet.

Keke ~

Han Chang also stepped back a few steps, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Both of them are very strong.

However, there are so many enemies that two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Moreover, among these people, there are many strong men of this rank, fat Shura Marion, who are unable to support themselves on their own. They can't carry them for long.


Wei Tu and Han Chang, burst to drink and rush up again.

What if I can't carry it?

Even if you die, you have to carry on.


Marion saw this scene, not only scolded.

"These two guys are really dying!"

Suddenly, he stared at Jiang Hao, facing several killers beside him, and ordered, "you guys, sneak in and kill that kid."


Several killers take orders, disappear in an instant, hide in the void, quietly approach Jiang Hao.

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, Han Chang waves his dragon's claws and tears into the void.

Suddenly, several killers were forced out.

"If you want to kill Jiang Hao, step on my body first!" He yelled."Grass

Marion burst out: "since you want to die, I will help you!"

"Together, kill this guy first!"


All of a sudden, everyone's goal is the same, and they all kill Han Chang.

Poof! Poof!

More than ten seconds later, Han Chang flew out upside down, vomited blood and was seriously injured.

However, the next second, he stood up and continued to block in front.

The next moment, he was blown away again.

Then he stood up again to stop the crowd.

Wei Tu saw this scene, eyes canthus to crack, took the initiative to be hit by the enemy, took the advantage of dive, help Han Chang.

"Elder Han Chang, I'll help you!" He yelled.


Marion cursed: "another one to die!"

"Kill both of you!"

Suddenly, Han Chang and Wei Tu are in danger and will die at any time.

"Here I am!"

All of a sudden, a shout rang out.

A stream of light, flying.

It's Mo Xuan!

"Elder Han Chang and elder Wei Tu, don't be afraid. I'm here to help you," he said


Han Chang smell speech, full of blood on the face, showed a smile.

"How did he come back?"

Wei TU was not so happy. On the contrary, his face and eyes were full of doubts.

In his opinion, Mo Xuan is a selfish, insidious and vicious man. If he can escape from his life, he will never give up the chance to save them, unless

Sure enough, Wei Tu guessed right!

Mo Xuan didn't come back to save them, but

Run for your life!

He was miserable, with a broken arm and blood all over him.

Behind him, there were seven pursuers after him.


When he saw Han Chang and Wei Tu, they were besieged and beaten passively. They would die at any time. His face became ugly and his eyes were shining.

He fled all the way back to kill the pursuers behind him with the help of Han Chang and Wei Tu.

Unexpectedly, Han Chang and Wei Tu are unable to protect themselves.

He came back, but it was more dangerous.

"Mad, how could that be?" He could not help but scold.

Han Chang saw him and yelled, "Mo Xuan, come and help us block the enemy!"

"Jiang Hao is breaking through. As long as he breaks through, we can win!"


Mo Xuan turned the corner of his mouth and said with disdain: "this little boy is a waste and weak chicken. Even if he breaks through, what can he do?"

"Breakthrough, he is still weak chicken, a move can be seconds to kill!"

He squinted at Han Chang and said contemptuously, "Han Chang, I think you've lost your mind. You put all your hopes on this rubbish."

"Besides, I'm willing to lose my life for him." "What a fool

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