
Han Chang was angry when he heard the speech.

"What are you doing back then?" he asked

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Mo Xuan said coldly.


Han Chang's lungs are about to explode.

"Another one to die!"

Fat Shura Marion, playing with the bloody dagger, ferocious way: "however, it doesn't matter."

"There's no difference between killing two people and killing three people!"

"It's all so easy!"

A person sternly way: "since so, that all killed!"


Marion nodded, glanced at Jiang Hao, who was breaking through the closed door, and said, "kill three of them first, and then kill this little bastard!"


Suddenly, Mo Xuan gave a cold drink.


Marion squinted at him, joking: "is not dying, want to account for what last words?"

"No, you misunderstood."

Mo Xuan shook his head.

With a flattering smile on his face, he bent down slightly and said, "I won't tell you my last words, because I don't want to die."


"Don't you want to die?" said Marion

"Do you think we can't kill you alone with so many people?"

"Of course."

Mo Xuan boasted: "I know that you are all strong. It's easy to kill me."

"But I want to make a deal with you."

"What deal?" Marion frowned.

Hey, hey

Suddenly, Mo Xuan pointed to Jiang Hao, with a ferocious smile, "he."

"The deal I'm going to make with you is him!"

"I know you want to kill him, but there are those two idiots in front of you. For a while, you can't kill him."

"Besides, he is breaking through. If he succeeds, maybe you will have an accident."

"So, my deal is, I help you interrupt his breakthrough, or even help you kill him!"

"But you must let me go, you can't kill me!"

"How's it going?"

Marion was silent, as if considering his proposal.

"How dare you?"

Han Chang heard the words, his eyes burst out with anger, roared: "Mo Xuan, you dare to move a hair of Jiang Hao, I will never forgive you!"


Mo Xuan sneered: "you can't protect yourself. Can you spare me?"

"You'd better think about how to save the dog's life!"

"Mo Xuan!"

Jiang Daowu is also a member of the alliance

"If you kill him, you will betray the wudaomeng."

"You are very clear about the consequences of betraying wudaomeng!"

"Betray, betray!"

Mo Xuan said coldly, "if you don't betray me, you will die immediately. I don't want to die yet!"

"As for the consequences of betrayal..."

He gave a sullen smile.

"When Lao Tzu goes out and finds a place to live in anonymity, what can you do for me?"


All of a sudden, Han Chang and Wei Tu have a heart to kill.

Make it clear that Mo Xuan wants to betray Wu daomeng.

Traitors, no mercy!

Mo Xuan's mouth turned up and sneered. Ignoring Han Chang and Wei Tu's killing eyes, Mo Xuan looked at Marion and said, "Marion, how about my proposal?"

"As long as you promise me, I will kill Jiang Hao immediately. I can also help you get rid of those two idiots, and..."

"You know, I'm an elder of Wudao League. I'm in a high position. I know a lot of secrets and intelligence of Wudao League. I think your heaven will be very interested."

"As long as you don't kill me, I'll take refuge in you. At that time, I'll tell you everything."

For a moment, Marion's eyes sparkled.

He's excited!


He nodded and said, "I promise you."

"Do it!"

"Yes Suddenly, Mo Xuan bent down and said respectfully.

Then, turning around, he made no secret of his awe inspiring killing and walked slowly towards Jiang Hao.

"Stop it Han Chang exclaimed.


Wei Tu scolded: "Mo Xuan, if you dare to kill Jiang Hao, I will not let you go as a ghost, and the law enforcement elder will also kill you!"

Hey, hey

Mo Xuan gives a ferocious smile and ignores them. He goes straight to Jiang Hao.

He looked down at Jiang Hao, grinning, with a cruel smile."Son, don't blame me when you get to hell!"

"If you want to blame it, you can only blame it, damn it!"

Suddenly, he raised his hand, the whole palm, rising from the purple flame.

Flame temperature is very high, the air will be burning crackle sound, diffuse out a burnt smell.

Purple flame hand!

An ancient unique skill Mo Xuan got by chance is extremely powerful, which can be called his strongest mace.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, he burst to drink, urged Ziyan hand, patted JiangHao's tianlinggai.

If he hits Jiang Hao in the head, he will explode, smash and die on the spot.

"No!" Han Chang roared.

"Jiang Hao, wake up Vito yelled.

They want to rush over and rescue Jiang Hao.

However, they were entangled and couldn't get away at all.

Hey, hey

Seeing this, Marion narrowed his eyes and gave a cruel grin.

The palm is not falling.

The purple fire has licked Jiang Hao's hair.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss.

Jiang Hao's eyes are still closed and motionless. He doesn't seem to feel the danger of the outside world, so he is always breaking through.

Is he going to die?

Shua ~

at the critical moment, Jiang Hao wakes up, opens his eyes and shoots out two flashes of light.

He broke through!

"Go away!"

He gave a roar, and his whole body was shocked, releasing a golden light.

The immeasurable golden light turned into a golden bell and protected him.

Buzzing ~ ~ buzzing ~

Mo Xuan's purple flame hand clapped on the golden bell, making a dull sound.


There was a crack in the bone.

Ah ~

Mo Xuan screamed, covered his broken arm, and flew out backwards, spewing out several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

He was injured by the shock, and Ziyan's hand was broken.


Marion was stunned to see this.


Han Chang and Wei Tu both smile and breathe a sigh of relief.

Jiang Hao stands up slowly, glances at the battlefield and sees Han Chang and Wei Tu, who are bleeding and crumbling.

All of a sudden, the opportunity to kill suddenly rose.

"Jiang Hao, have you broken through?" Han Chang is slightly uneasy and asks.


Jiang Hao nodded faintly.


Wei Tu tugged at the corner of his mouth and said weakly: "now that you have broken through, hurry up Let's go. Don't worry about "We're not going to do that

Poop! Poop!

He and Han Chang, finally unable to support, fell to the ground, furious momentum, instant weakness to freezing point.

"No, I won't go."

Jiang Hao said calmly: "I said, after I break through, kill them all."

"I do what I say." "You can rest in peace, they will give it to me!"

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