
Marion's face was cold and his eyes were bright. He hummed coldly, "arrogant little bastard, what if you break through?"

"In my eyes, you are always a mole ant!"

"I'll kill these two trash first, and then I'll kill you!"

"You have no chance!"

Jiang Hao's voice is as cold as death.


Suddenly, Mo Xuan yelled.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up slowly, scolded and said, "mad, little boy, I didn't expect you to be very powerful after you broke through."

"That's fine."

"The stronger the prey, the more successful it is to hunt."

Jiang Hao squinted at him.

Then he took his eyes back and prepared to kill Marion.

Jiang Hao completely ignored him!


Mo Xuan feel humiliated, instant rage, scolded: "little bastard, your opponent is me!"

"Go to hell!"

He burst out and killed Jiang Hao.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao didn't even look at him. He waved his hand and shot out a sword.

Ah ~

suddenly, Mo Xuan screamed like a pig.

His only left arm, cut off, sprinkled with blood, flew out.


He also lost his balance, fell down, hit the ground heavily and spewed out a mouthful of blood.


Marion was stunned at the sight.

Rao Shiwei and Han Chang are also a little confused.

Ha ha ha

Immediately, they laughed and said, "good, good, great!"

They were surprised and happy.

After Jiang Hao broke through, he was so powerful that he didn't let them down. After a while, even if he couldn't save them, he would be able to escape from the siege and run for his own life.

In this way, they have achieved their goal and died without regret.

"Cao, I knew earlier that I would destroy this little bastard's breakthrough at all costs, or even kill him." Mo Xuan murmured.

He regretted it.

So he wanted to make up for it.

As a result, he flashed by with one hand and grabbed Wei Tu and Han Chang, who collapsed on the ground.

Bloody daggers, against their necks.

He gave a grim smile and threatened: "little bastard, I admit that it's my fault that I didn't interrupt your breakthrough!"

"But it doesn't matter, because I have both of them in my hands!"

"Son of a bitch, if you don't want them to die, you should abandon your cultivation immediately!"


Han Chang yelled: "Jiang Hao, don't listen to him, don't abandon your accomplishments!"


Wei Tu nodded and said, "Jiang Hao, don't worry about us. Run away!"

"As long as you remember, you can avenge us in the future!"

"Shut up

Marion gave a fury.

Suddenly, he shook his wrist, swung a sharp dagger, and stabbed a blood hole in Han Chang's shoulder.

Then, he raised his head, looked at Jiang Hao coldly, and yelled: "little bastard, let's abandon our cultivation quickly!"

"Or I'll kill them!"

Jiang Hao smell speech, slowly raised a hand.

"Jiang Hao, no..." Vito yelled.

"Ma De, shut up

Marion cursed fiercely.

Immediately, he swung the dagger and was ready to bleed Wei Tu.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao burst out to drink.

Suddenly, an almost transparent sword cut Marion.


All of a sudden, more than 20 blood columns, like the water column in the spring, gushed out together.

"Well? What is it? "

Wei Tu and Han Chang shivered all over.

They felt as if some liquid had splashed on their necks, wet and warm.

They were a little confused and didn't know what was going on.

"This This This... "

Mo Xuan witnessed everything, instantly stunned, stiff, wide mouth, round eyes, a face of horror.

At the same time, there was a fear in my heart.


It's horrible.

Kuangdang ~

suddenly, the dagger on Wei Tu's and Han Chang's neck fell to the ground, and Marion, behind him, also fell slowly.

Wei Tu and Han Chang are confused.

They were curious and slowly turned to look.

Suddenly, they were stunned and petrified.

Behind them, the ground was covered with headless corpses, and hot blood was gushing from their necks.Not far away, many heads, covered with dust, the joys and sorrows of life, all solidified in the face.

"This is What's going on? " Wei Tu licked his dry lips and trilled.


Han Chang swallowed his saliva and asked, "you Did you see an illusory sword Qi just now

"Look I see

Vito nodded dully.

Suddenly, he suddenly turned around, looked at Jiang Hao and asked weakly, "Jiang Jiang Hao, this Did you do this? "


Jiang Hao nodded indifferently.

"Lying trough!"

All of a sudden, Wei Tu and Han Chang, both burst into foul language.

They are so surprised!

Han Chang's lips trembled and said: "the unreal sword Qi swept over the front and cut off Marion's head in an instant, but it didn't hurt us half a minute."

"This This is the sword of emptiness and reality! "

Wei Tu and Han Chang are shocked again.

The realm of kendo, from simple to profound, is sword light, sword light and sword Qi.

It can be said that if you understand the sword Qi, you can be called a master of kendo.

There are no more than 50 Kendo masters in the world.

On top of this, there is another realm.

That is The sword of reality!

Sword Qi varies from person to person. Different people have different understanding of sword Qi. Some people's sword Qi is white, some people's sword Qi is red, some people's sword Qi is gold

Not all of them.

However, these swordsmanship have one thing in common.

That is to say, sword Qi is a substance, which can be seen and touched.

The sword of emptiness and excess is to further comprehend and improve, to make the sword Qi illusory, which can be changed at will between emptiness and excess.

The virtual sword can penetrate any object.

The real sword has unparalleled lethality.

Jiang Hao cuts off the heads of Marion and others with a sword, but does not hurt Wei Tu and Han Chang. This is the credit of the virtual and real sword.

When the sword Qi touches Wei Tu and Han Chang, it turns into a virtual sword and passes through them like a shadow.

Then, it turns into a real sword to kill Marion and others.

"Good How terrible

Han CAIDA said: "he's just Then he realized the virtual and real sword, the five elders of shoulder to shoulder sword. "

Looking at the world of martial arts and Taoism, only Jian Wuyi has realized the sword of virtual reality.

Jiang Hao is the second!

Han Chang had a bitter smile on his face.

He has always been known as a genius with great potential. He is recognized by the Wudao League. After the five law enforcement elders, he is the most promising person to break through the nine star master.

However, compared with Jiang Hao, he is no genius.

At this moment, he finally understood why the three law enforcement elders, Wu Daozi, long Xuzi and King Kong, told him, even ordered him, at all costs, to protect Jiang Hao. This genius is worth it!

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