"Watch it!" Andre raised his eyebrows and said haughtily.

Immediately, he was shocked all over, exuding awe inspiring momentum, especially a pair of eyes, like hawk eyes wolf pupil, sharp and cutting edge.

He raised his hand in a bow and arrow pose.

Suddenly, a bow and arrow composed of energy appeared.

Andrea drew a bow, took an arrow, aimed and shot.

The whole set of actions, in one go, is perfect, standard and fast.


An energy arrow, burst out, fast like a lightning, pierced the air, stirring out the smell of destruction.

This arrow, too strong, seems to destroy heaven and earth.

All of a sudden, one side of the vidio, Kameda Ichiro, KuMan, all of a shock.

They looked at each other and read out a thick sense of horror and fear from each other's eyes.

Rao is the most calm minu. At this moment, he is not calm.

Obviously, Andre's strongest mace, the power of the arrow of destruction, was beyond their expectation, and it was terrible.

The arrow of destruction, like a locator, locks Jiang Hao in the distance and shoots out.

Rippling out of the energy, the shock of the entire Golden Avenue are trembling.

Jiang Hao's face was calm. Looking at the approaching arrow of destruction, he didn't dodge or dodge.


At the foot of Wuji mountain, Han Chang's face suddenly changed when he saw this scene.

"Jiang Hao, hide "Wei Tu is pulling a voice, with the greatest strength, shout a way.

Cut ~

with a cut, vidio shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that the monkey of wudaomeng was so stupid and didn't know how to dodge."

"It's boring. It's boring."

"This monkey can't even stop a move. It's really boring," he said


Minu uttered two words coldly.

A few people have no fun, have to withdraw their eyes, no longer pay attention to Jiang Hao, ready to continue climbing Wuji mountain.

So is Andre!

He is confident that the arrow of destruction can kill Jiang Hao.


Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his face changed.

"What's the matter?"

Minu and others raised their heads when they heard his cry.


Suddenly, they were also shocked.

It's terrible. It's like an arrow that can destroy heaven and earth. It's caught by Jiang Hao's hand.

The energy of destruction is constantly aroused from the arrow, as if to destroy and annihilate Jiang Hao's hand.

However, it doesn't work at all.

The energy of destruction, as soon as it was close to Jiang Hao's hand, dissipated silently.


Suddenly, the palm of Jiang Hao's hand smashed the arrow of destruction.

The arrow of destruction smashed and turned into innumerable points of light, floating in the sky and earth.

He looked up at Andre and said coldly, "such a little trick is boring. Don't show it in disgrace."


The most powerful mace is actually called a trick.

Andre felt humiliated.

He's angry! I can't stand it!

"Cheap wild monkey, I'll kill you!" Andre roared, boiling with murder.

"You can't!"

Jiang Hao said calmly, "you are too weak. One move is enough to kill you."


Andre's eyes are burning, and his whole body is murderous. It seems that he wants to turn the whole world into Shura hell.

Jiang Hao ignored him, and his eyes swept slowly from vidio, Ichiro Kameda, KuMan, Mino and others.

"Let's go together!" He said indifferently.

"You want to die!"

"I don't know what's high and what's thick!"

"Hey ~ ~ it's interesting. I didn't expect that there was a arrogant and self righteous Crazy Monkey in Wudao League."

Minu and others, or angry, or sneer, or ignore It's not enough.

All of a sudden, Andre glanced at the others and said, "don't rob me!"

"This wild monkey is mine. I'll kill him!"

"No one's robbing you." Vidio said.

KuMan was speechless.

"Yes, he is yours."

"Hurry up!"

Minu cold face, said: "I do not want this monkey, live too long."

"All right

Andre grinned with a cruel smile.


Suddenly, his whole body was shocked, and a violent breath burst out, stirring the air and forming a small tornado.

"Enough!"Suddenly, Jiang Hao burst out to drink.

He frowned, as if a little impatient, cold voice: "I said, you together, don't waste my time!"


"Mad, I can't bear it!"

"What else do you say? Since he asked us to go together twice, please help him!"


All of a sudden, the five men were furious, and the fierce killing broke out.

"All use the best way to kill, blow him to ashes!" Minu cheered coldly.

How angry he is!

The elder of the temple of light, the strongest of the people, has been repeatedly provoked by a younger generation. How can he not be angry?

"Good!" The other four answered.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, five violent momentum, like five plumes of smoke, scattered the clouds in the sky, even the Wuji mountain, trembled slightly.

Five unmatched momentum, intertwined together, too terrible, diffuse out like a god of authority.

At the foot of Wuji mountain.

Wei Tu and Han Chang, trembling all over, slightly bent back, the whole body sank, the ground is depressed.

"What a terrible pressure!" Han Chang is palpitating.

Even though he was affected, he felt as if he was in the sea.

The next second, minu five people, release a bright light.

Andrea drew his bow and arrow, and again used the arrow of destruction.

However, this time, he gathered six arrows and broke out completely without any reservation.

On the other side.

Minu summoned a sword.

Bright sword!

The sword is not big. It's about four feet long, but it's full of magnificence, brightness and magnificence. It seems that it can kill all the demons and monsters in the world.

Short Shura vidio, with a flash of body, is hiding and ready to make a killing at any time.

Ichiro Kameda, summoning his type God, manipulates it and kills Jiang Hao.

KuMan of the blood clan, turned into an incomplete Yaksha and killed the past.

"Jiang Hao, come back quickly!"

Han Chang saw this scene, yelled: "don't be impulsive, don't fight with them, hide!"

Vidio, Ichiro Kameda, KuMan, Andre and Mino, any one of them, are the best. Rao is him, and he may not be sure to win.

Five people join hands, he can only escape.

In his opinion, although Jiang Hao is strong, he is not rational enough to fight with them and will never win.

Even, they may die.

"Jiang Hao, come back quickly."

Wei Tu also yelled: "give up snatching the empty mirror, it's important to protect your life!" Obviously, he is not optimistic about Jiang Hao either.

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