"Jiang Hao, run away!" Vito cried.

"Run away?"

Andre a smile, "can escape?"

He drew his bow and locked Jiang Hao firmly. The violent energy of destruction kept escaping, distorting the void around him and shaking like a scroll.

"Run away, Jiang Hao!" Wei Tu saw Jiang Hao, still indifferent, urged again.

Han Chang was also in a hurry. He yelled: "Jiang Hao, I order you to give up the void mirror and run back quickly!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao looked down at them and said calmly, "elder Han Chang, elder martial brother Wei, don't worry. I'll be OK."

"I'll get rid of these rubbish as soon as possible and take down the void mirror!"

"To die!"

Minu smell speech, eyes, chilly.


Suddenly, he waved the bright sword and chopped at Jiang Hao.

At the same time, vidio, Ichiro Kameda, KuMan and Andre also started.

Five attacks, from five directions, to Jiang Hao.

The energy of terror poured out in an instant.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, heaven and earth roared, the huge Wuji mountain trembled with naked eyes, and there were pieces of gravel and animals falling from the mountain.


It's horrible.

"No!" Wei Tu Mu canthus to crack, hissing.


Suddenly, with a stamp of his foot, the whole person soared up, like a rocket, straight to Wuji mountain.

He's going up the mountain!

He wants to save Jiang Hao!

On one side, Han Chang also mobilized his inner strength and flew to Wuji mountain.

However, Wuji mountain was too high. In addition, they were seriously injured. After flying more than 20 meters, they began to land.

Han Chang and Wei Tu are very anxious.

After landing, try to take off again.

However, they can't touch Wuji mountain at all, and there is still a long way to go.

Hey, hey

Minu and others all showed a ferocious and proud smile, as if they had seen the scene of Jiang Hao's tragic death and being blasted into dregs.

"The clouds are coming!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao burst out to drink.

Suddenly, on the top of Wuji mountain, the cloudless sky suddenly darkened. Thick black clouds blocked out the sun and could not see any sunlight.

More than ten miles around, it's dark.

Han Chang was stunned. He looked up at the sky and was stunned.

All over the sky in the dark clouds, electric light flashing, thunder rumbling.

Countless lightning, crisscross, just like a spider web, overlap together, forming a sea of lightning.

Thunder sea breathes electric snakes, sending out palpitating waves, hanging in the sky, as if, at any time to topple down, drowning the whole world.

"What the hell is this?" Minu exclaimed.

His face was full of fear.

Others, too, were terrified.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao raised his hand and grasped the sky.

All of a sudden, the vast thunder sea, instantly boiling, countless thunder, as if by traction, fell down, dense, like a curtain of rain.

Thunder and lightning, like rain, pour down.


Han Chang and Wei Tu, seeing this scene, became petrified and thrilled.


Jiang Hao reached out and grabbed a large piece of lightning.


Then, gently knead, countless lightning, instant fusion together, forming a silver white lightning gun.

Let's turn the thunder into a gun!

This kind of means, too incredible, too terrible.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao grabs the lightning gun and throws it out.


All of a sudden, the lightning gun pierced the void, and also penetrated the hidden vidio in the void.


Vidio spits out a mouthful of blood and looks at Jiang Hao in horror.


The next second, the lightning gun exploded, and it turned him into a blood mist.

The scarlet blood fog, under the bombardment of lightning, quickly evaporated and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Vidio is dead!

Completely erase from the world, there is no trace left.

All this happened so suddenly and so fast that minu and others had no time to save him.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao grabs the boiling thunder sea, grabs a large area of thunder and turns it into a lightning gun.


As soon as he threw his hand, the lightning gun shot through the void.


Suddenly, Yasha KuMan, who came from the dive, was hit and exploded on the spot. The whole person, together with his clothes, was blown into dust by lightning."No!"

This time, Andre finally responded. His face changed dramatically and he let out a cry.

"Run away!"

Then, he resolutely stopped the arrow of destruction, gave up shooting Jiang Hao, turned around and fled.

On the other hand, Kuroda Ichiro and Mino, without hesitation, immediately showed their fastest speed and fled.

"Can you escape?"

Jiang Hao's face was cold. He opened his arms and slowly lifted off.

Finally, in the thunder sea, bathed in endless thunder.

At this moment, he was like a Thor!


Suddenly, he spat out a word.

Suddenly, the thunder sea surged, endless thunder and lightning, twisted, fused with each other, forming countless lightning guns.

"Kill Jiang Hao pointed his hand and burst out.

In a flash, countless lightning guns, divided into three parts, turned into streamers and shot at Andre, Ichiro Kameda and Mino respectively.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, three blood colored fireworks bloomed on the gorgeous golden road. Under the reflection of silver thunder, there was a different kind of enchantment.

The next second, the blood red disappears and is evaporated by lightning.

Andre, Ichiro Kameda, and Mino were all dead, and there was no residue left.

The golden road connecting them, under the endless bombardment of lightning guns, is also fragmented, crumbling, and will dissipate at any time.

At the foot of Wuji mountain, Han Chang and Wei Tu look up at their necks and don't move. Their eyes don't blink. They seem to be petrified and become sculptures.

They are so confused!

After a long time, I recovered a little.

Han Chang touched Wei Tu rigidly. His throat was dry and he said, "you What did you see just now What? "

Wei Tu's lips trembled and said, "I I saw a sea of thunder, saw countless lightning guns, look I saw five bloody fireworks. "

"I I saw it, too. "

Han Chang said mechanically: "look It seems that we are so hurt that we are all dazzled. "

"No That's right. " Wei Tu nodded.

Then they rubbed their eyes desperately.

Finally, the eyes are red, swollen, severe pain, stimulate them, they wake up.

They looked up.

What I saw was still a surging thunder sea, countless violent lightning guns, and Bathed in a sea of thunder, Jiang Hao looks like a thunder god.

They looked at each other and said, "we Are you not dazzled? "

Gudong! Han Chang's Adam's apple wriggled, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and trembled: "minu Dead? Are they all dead? "

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