"Mad, are you crazy?"

"Then you will die soon!"

The great protector of the temple of light was a little scared when he saw Wu Daozi's posture.

"When you die, you die."

Wu Daozi laughed and said, "if I die, I can take you to be buried with me


The great protector of the temple of light made a rude remark.

He counseled and chose to escape.

"You don't want to run away. Die with me!" Wu Daozi stared at him and yelled.

One runs, one chases.

The great protector of the temple of light can't get rid of him.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

He scolded a, a face of anger, eyes, are about to spray out anger.

He can't escape!

"Madder, you forced me!"

All of a sudden, he stopped, his face showing a ferocious and cruel expression, his eyes flashing with blood.

"If you want to die, I will help you!"

He doesn't want to run away. He just wants to go all out.

Buzzing ~ ~ buzzing ~

in a flash, the bright god sword burst out a limitless golden light. A breath of terror diffused out. Before it was stimulated, it spontaneously stimulated countless sword Qi.

Every sword Qi is a terrorist attack.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyelids jumped wildly and their faces changed dramatically. Without thinking about it, they ran wildly and stepped back for several hundred meters.

Ha ha ha

However, Wu Daozi was not afraid at all. Instead, he burst out laughing.

He is not afraid of death!

Moreover, eager to die, he took the great protector of the temple of light on the road.

"Heaven and earth chart, accompany me crazy once!" He roared.

All of a sudden, the heaven and earth chart burst out a brilliant light, shrouded him, and made his momentum, climbing steadily and quickly to the extreme.


For a moment, he seemed to merge with heaven and earth.

Endless light poured out from the picture of heaven and earth, like a huge wave on the angry sea, sweeping to the great Dharma protector of the temple of light.

Every ray of light, can collapse, extremely terrible.

This is Wu Daozi's best move in his life.

Give it all!

No reservation!

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, his eyes were shining and his face was very dignified.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and slowly raised the bright sword. The surging inner strength in his body was injected into the sword crazily.

He didn't reserve it completely.

Then, with a sword.

"Light cut!"

The vast white sword light and the boundless light collided together and set off a huge mushroom cloud, raging in all directions.

the great sound is hard to hear. The great form has no shape.

This time, the explosion was so terrible that it could be called the destruction of heaven and earth. The terrible destructive force engulfed and annihilated the air of a hundred meters, creating a vacuum world.

There was a loud explosion. It couldn't be heard.

Under the feet of the ice, all disintegrated, broken.

The sea water under the ice also evaporated. In this area, the sea water sank for several meters.

The next second, endless sea water, pouring in, instantly filled the depression.


After a long time, the sound of the explosion was heard, and the invisible sound wave surged, stirred the sea water and set off a huge wave more than ten meters high.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

all of a sudden, screams came one after another.

Hundreds of meters away, all the people covered their ears, screamed or roared, and their faces were very painful.

Especially Chu Tianzi, Xia Wushuang and others, their cultivation is weak and even more miserable. Their ears are bleeding, their eardrums are almost broken, their heads are buzzing, and they are very dizzy.

If it wasn't for long Xuzi and others who helped them block most of the damage, they would surely be killed by the sound wave.

Even, it will be shattered and burst into a blood mist.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

A human figure, flying out in the sky, spewing blood.

It's Wu Daozi!


He fell to the ground and vomited another mouthful of blood.

He was badly hurt.

Even, it can be said, he is dying.

His breath, weak to the extreme; his face, pale to the extreme.

"Old Wu!"

Seeing this scene, long Xuzi's face changed greatly and rushed over immediately.

Jiang Hao and others rushed through.

Ha ha ha Puff

Wu Daozi lay on the ground, unable to move. He vomited blood and laughed: "I'm going to die, old man. You're going to die, too."

"I'm not sorry to have you buried with me!""You are wrong, old man!"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Light scattered, a shadow, slowly came out.

It's the great protector of the temple of light!

He was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his whole body was injured. He staggered and was seriously injured.

However, there is no life to worry about, and there is still the power of the first World War.

"Old man, you will die, but I will not!" He looked down at Wu Daozi with a sneer on his lips.

His body, an additional armor.

This is the armor of light!

Another supreme artifact in the temple of light has a desperate defense, especially when used with the sword of light.

It was the light God armour that offset 99% of his damage and saved his life.

"No impossible! How could that be? "

All of a sudden, Wu Daozi was stimulated and excited. His face was full of horror, and he seemed to want to stand up.

However, this time, affected the injury, the body trembled, coughing up blood.

At last, he spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell straight down.

For a moment, his breath was more dispirited, like a little spark in the wind, which would go out at any time.

"Don't get excited, old Wu. Calm down." Longxuzi helped him and persuaded him.

Then, he put his hands on Wu Daozi's back and tried to save him and stabilize his injury.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work!

Wu Daozi was too seriously injured. He was hurt to the root. Ordinary methods can't save him.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Longxuzi is in a panic!

"Old Wu, you can't die. Get up quickly!" He cried.

Wu Daozi opened his lips difficultly and said weakly, "don't Leave me alone, you Run away

"Such as If you can't get away with it, you'll immediately commit suicide. "

"The people of wudaomeng, absolutely Never be a traitor

"And And you You can't escape, just It will destroy the heaven and earth map, and it must not be allowed to fall Fall into the enemy's hands


Longxuzi nodded heavily.

Ha ha ha

The Dharma protector of the temple of light laughed and said, "do you want to commit suicide? Want to destroy the picture of heaven and earth? "

"Good idea."

"But do you think you can do it?"

His tone was full of mockery and banter.

After hearing this, everyone was a little angry.

Then, the next second, they all bowed their heads, silent, desperate.

Yeah, can they do it?

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light has two supreme magic weapons, the sword of light and the armor of light. He is as strong as Wu Daozi. He can't kill him if he cooperates with the map of heaven and earth to fight for his life.

Who can kill the people present?


Even if all of us go together, we can't kill him.

He is invincible!

With this invincible person, they want to commit suicide. Can they do it? The answer is no!

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