
Wu Daozi felt angry and vomited blood again.

That's right.

With the great Dharma protector of the temple of light, plus two supreme magic weapons, such as longxuzi, they can't do it even if they want to commit suicide.

"I regret it Wu Daozi looked up at the sky and roared.

He regretted it!

I regret that I was too careless and didn't notice the enemy's small moves or the enemy's Secret assistance, which led to my own side being surrounded and dying.

He also regretted that he was not decisive enough. If he had tried his best at the beginning, at all costs, at the heyday, he would have killed himself.

He regretted bringing the picture of heaven and earth.

If the plan of heaven and earth falls into the hands of the enemy, he will be a sinner through the ages.


Everyone was desperate.

Can't survive, can't die, who can't despair?

Hey, hey

Suddenly, the great protector of the temple of light, with a smile, joked: "how? Are you all desperate? "

"Why do I think you are not desperate enough?"

"Well, I'll make you more desperate."

He said to himself, "I think it would be more desperate if your companion died?"

"Who will die first, then?"

His eyes, full of light, like the eyes of wild animals staring at prey.

"No Don't... "

The people trembled and shook their heads subconsciously.

Luo Yan, Xiao Long and Lu Tao, in particular, were full of fear. Their bodies were like chaff, and they were almost curled up together.

They're scared, scared!

"Just you!"

Suddenly, the great protector of the temple of light stares at Lu Tao.

Immediately, he opened his fingers and sucked hard.

In a flash, Lu Tao's whole body flew past and was caught by him with one hand without any resistance.

"Help me Help me Suddenly, Lu Tao struggled violently and yelled.


The dragon beard son side rushes over, at the same time angrily shouts a way: "have what to rush me, quick release him!"

King Kong also moved.

They want to save Lu Tao!

"You want to save him?"

The guardian of the temple of light grinned with disdain.

"Well, I'll give it to you!"

Suddenly, he threw Lu Tao to them.

Dragon beard son see this, face a joy.

He immediately opened his arms, calculated the position and distance, made a good posture, and was ready to catch Lu Tao.


Suddenly, there was an explosion.

Lu Tao exploded!

He exploded like a balloon.

In an instant, countless blood, broken meat, bone stubble, mixed together, splashed in all directions.

Long Xuzi was stunned!

He froze in place, keeping his arms open, as if petrified in general.

On his clothes, face, hair Covered with flesh and bone.

At this moment, his mind was blank.

Ah ~

after a long time, he let out an angry, hysterical and murderous roar.

His eyes were scarlet, staring at the great Dharma protector of the temple of light, and he said, "I'll kill you!"


Then, he turned into a streamer and killed the past.

"Son of a bitch, I want you to die!" King Kong roared.

He rushed up, too.


The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, squinting at them, said contemptuously, "just you two trash, do you want to kill me?"

"It's a dream!"

Suddenly, he waved gently and casually.

All of a sudden, a terrible energy, blasted out to the dragon beard son, King Kong two people.

Dragon beard son and King Kong, face a change, eyes reveal dignified color.

They take a deep breath, mobilize the whole body strength, and make a defensive action.

Poof! Poof!

The next second, their defense was smashed, and both of them vomited blood.


Complete rolling.

A random hit crushed their full defense.

The gap between them is too big.

Without Wu Daozi, the great protector of the temple of light is really invincible!

Wu Daozi and long Xuzi flew away with one sleeve. The great protector of the temple of light couldn't look at them all. He looked at Jiang Hao and others with wild eyes.

"Who will be the next to die?" He said with a faint smile.

Suddenly, everyone bowed their heads.Even if he was as proud as the emperor of Chu, he lowered his head.

Because the eyes of the great protector of the temple of light were so terrible, just like the eyes of the God of death, which contained the terrible pressure. He was very scared and bowed his head instinctively.

The Dharma protector of the temple of light, his eyes moving, seems to be indecisive.

"Just you!"

Suddenly, he stared at Jiang Hao, grinned and said, "little boy, do you know that when you were in Wonderland, I wanted to shoot you to death several times."

"Unfortunately, at that time, you were in wujixian. I wanted to kill you, but I couldn't kill you."

"But it doesn't matter."

He gave a cold smile and said, "now I have plenty of opportunities."

"If you want to kill you, you can't be stopped!"

Shua ~

suddenly, he reached out and sucked Jiang Hao.

"Asshole, let him go!" Dragon beard son sees this scene, angry shout a way.

He can't sit!

Jiang Hao's talent, which he has seen before, is the most important seed of Wudao League.

Anyone can die.

But he can't!

"Let him go!"

Dragon beard son burst to drink, forced to resist the injury, rushed to the bright temple, trying to save Jiang Hao.

"Let go of Jiang Hao!"

King Kong roared and rushed over.

"Go away!"

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light gave a cold reprimand and shook his sleeve.

Immediately, the dragon beard son and King Kong fan fly.

He lowered his head, looked down at Jiang Hao, moriran said: "son, I can't imagine that you are so important in their hearts."

"Yes, your talent is amazing, almost no one can compare. If I were you, I would attach so much importance to you."

"It's a pity that talent is useless."

"Because you're dying!"

Suddenly, he frowned, as if he had encountered some problem.

"You say, how can I kill you?"

"Strangling you? Or screw your head off? Or do you tear it up? "

He shook his head and said to himself, "forget it, I'd better shoot you. I've wanted to shoot you for a long time."

After that, he raised his hand to pat Jiang Hao on the head.

"Stop it, you stop it!" Seeing this, longxuzi roared.

King Kong threatened: "asshole, let Jiang Hao go!"

In the distance, Chu Tianzi, Xia Wushuang and others raised their heads and yelled.

Even a few people stood up and wanted to rush to save Jiang Hao.

At this moment, they forget their fear!

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, what roar, what threat, what roar, has become the most humble, the cheapest, the most powerless moan.

There's nothing they can do!

They can't save Jiang Hao! The only thing they can do is to watch Jiang Hao being patted to death!

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