Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, all the surrounding ice layers burst open, and the sea water under the ice layer also surged endlessly, as if an angry dragon was overturning the river and the sea, setting off huge waves.

"Back! Back! Back Wu Daozi's face changed and he cried.

This violent momentum is extremely terrifying. Even if it is him, he would not dare to resist it without the plan of heaven and earth.

After hearing this, they quickly withdrew.

In an instant, it dropped out of more than 500 meters.

"Back again! Back again Wu Daozi continued.

The crowd retreated again and again.

In the end, Wu Daozi stopped after one kilometer.

However, he is still very cautious, tense body, standing in the front, ready to resist, raging from the aftermath of the battle.

"Come on!"

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, with a loose face, pointed at Nangong Wuji, hooked his finger and said defiantly, "do your best!"

"Otherwise, I'm worried that you, the myth of martial arts and Taoism, won't hurt my hair!"

He is very arrogant!

Even, it can be said to be arrogant.

Suddenly, Nangong Wuji's eyes showed a cold light.

He raised his hand slowly.

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light saw this. His eyes were shining and his whole body was tight. He focused his attention to the extreme and was very serious and cautious.

The armor of light shines, defends Start!

The bright sword clangs, attacking get ready!

There is no empty man under the fame!

Although he looked down upon Nangong Wuji and didn't think he was very powerful, his decades of fighting experience made him understand that lions fight rabbits with all their strength.

We must not be careless in dealing with the enemy on the spot.

"Come on!" He challenged again.


Suddenly, a broken arm, with blood, flew into the air, sprinkling a string of blood.


The great protector of the temple of light frowned.

Suddenly, he felt a stab in his left arm, like a mosquito bite.

"Damn the mosquito!"

He grimaced and scolded.

The next second, he was stunned.

"This is Antarctica. It's freezing and snowy. How can there be mosquitoes?"

So he turned his head and looked at his left arm.

Ah ~

in a flash, he screamed like a pig, and the sharp sound waves spread out, shattering a small iceberg floating hundreds of meters away.

"My hand is broken! My hand is broken

He screamed and screamed.

There was a deep fear in his face and eyes.

Yes, it's fear!

He underestimated Nangong Wuji and seriously underestimated it.

Nangong Wuji, too strong!

When and how did he do it? The great protector of the temple of light didn't see it at all. He didn't even see the shadow.

He didn't even know when his arm was broken.

Too fast!

Even his pain nerves didn't have time to give back information.

He didn't feel sharp pain until the broken arm flew more than ten meters.


He covered his broken arm and looked at Nangong Wuji in horror. He stammered and could hardly speak.

Nangong Wuji looked down at him and said coldly, "what? Want to do it again? "

"No I don't want to

The great protector of the temple of light shook his head violently.

He's scared!

He counseled!

At this moment, there is no arrogance, arrogance or conceit on his face There's just fear.

He wants to escape from here as soon as possible, from Nangong Wuji!

So, he slightly bent down and said, "Nangong Wuji, I hurt your people. You broke my arm. It's even."


He arched his hand.

Then, get ready to leave.

"Dharma protector, what are you doing?" The Three Dharma protectors of the temple of light frowned and said in a cold voice.

"Don't talk about it. Let's go!" The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, in a hasty tone, yelled.

"What are you going to do?"

The third Dharma protector was not angry and said, "I admit that Nangong Wuji is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, there is only one person!"

"There are so many of us, and there are several magic weapons. What are you afraid of him for?"

"Yes, I'm afraid he's a bird!" The old lion king of paladins, echoed.

Then he took out a bow.

This bow is very delicate and beautiful. The stars are shining, and the breath of killing is creepy.

This is the star bow!

Paladin's magic weapon.

The old killer of heaven, take out a dagger.The whole body of this dagger is as red as jade, and it diffuses the majestic and mighty power of the dragon. It seems that the sound of the dragon can be heard vaguely.

This is the dragon blood sword!

It's the first magic weapon in heaven.

It is said that this short sword is made by immersing the dragon's blood in the hardest and sharpest bone of the ancient beast.

For decades, I don't know how much I have drunk from the strong.

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University and the old man of blood clan also took out the magic weapon one after another.

They are Yin Yang gourd and yecha halberd.

Hey, hey

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University glanced at him and said with a ferocious smile: "ten people, five supreme magic weapons, even if he is the king of heaven, he will die!"

The old killer of heaven turned the Dragon Blood Sword, his eyes showed a strong hatred, and said: "today is the best time to kill him, how can we miss it?"

"Stop talking nonsense and kill him!"

The old man of the blood clan yelled: "I've been looking at him for a long time!"

Hearing the words of the great protector of the temple of light, his eyes sparkled.

Obviously, he was moved.

That's right. Nangong Wuji is very strong. He can't fight alone. He will definitely be killed.

However, there are ten of them and five magic weapons. They don't need to fight alone at all. It's not impossible for ten of them to fight together and kill him in seconds.

"Dharma protector, this is a golden opportunity. Why do you hesitate?" Three Dharma protectors of the temple of light, urge the way.

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light looks fierce.

"Well, we won't run away. Let's go together and kill him!" He yelled.

"Let's go together, let's kill him!" Everyone cheered.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Suddenly, they moved.

Ten people, separated from ten directions, surrounded Nangong Wuji.

Ten breath of terror, spurted out, intertwined, formed a cage, imprisoned this side of the world, trapped Nangong Wuji in it, cut off his retreat.


Seeing this, Wu Daozi's face changed greatly.

Jiang Hao and others also changed their faces.

"Ten for one, that's mean!" Xia Wushuang scolded.


Chu Tianzi was nervous and worried.

"Vajra, you stay to protect them, longxuzi, come with me to help Nangong brother!" Wu Daozi was very decisive and made a decision immediately.


King Kong nodded.


Whew! Whew!

Wu Daozi and longxuzi, turning into two rays of light, sprang up and rushed to Nangong Wuji.

"Don't come here!"

Suddenly, Nangong Wuji opened his mouth, and his tone was as cold as ever.

"To deal with them, I'm enough alone. Step back!" He said coldly.

"But brother Nangong..." Wu Daozi was in a hurry to persuade him.

Two fists can't beat four hands! Now, it's not the time to show off.

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