"Brother Nangong, don't try to be brave, I..." Wu Daozi advised.

"I said I don't need your help!" Nangong Wuji is indifferent.


Wu Daozi was at a loss.

"Well, we don't help, but you have to be careful."

The next second, he obeyed, stopped and didn't rush up.

Hey, hey

Seeing this, the great protector of the temple of light gave a grim smile and grinned: "Nangong Wuji, I have to say that you are the most crazy person I have ever seen!"


Suddenly, Nangong Wuji interrupted him.

He frowned and looked cold. "Are you finished?" he said


The great protector of the temple of light was stunned.

Nangong Wuji looked down at him and said indifferently: "the nonsense is over, you can go together. Don't waste my time!"


Chiguoguo's contempt.

Nangong Wuji's tone was flat and his movements were casual. He didn't pay attention to them at all.


The great protector of the temple of light was angry and made a rude remark.

"Since you want to die, I'll help you!"

He said angrily: "from today on, you, the myth of martial arts world, will disappear from this world forever!"




All of a sudden, the roar of killing filled the air, turned into essence, intertwined together, forming a blood fog, enveloping everyone.

Ten people, move in an instant!

Guangming Shenjian, Guangming Shenjia, Xingchen bow, Yinyang gourd, yecha halberd and Longxue sword all burst out with terrible power and accumulated great energy.


The Dharma protector of the temple of light, a burst drink.

Prepare to annihilate all five magic weapons at the same time.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the sound of gushing blood continued to ring, strings of blood, like raindrops, like pearls, splashing in all directions.

At the same time, broken arms, blood, dancing in the air.

All of a sudden, ten people, including the Dharma protector of the temple of light, screamed bitterly and fell to the ground.

Their arms, in a flash, were all cut off.


Not far away, both Wu Daozi and long Xuzi were shocked, and their faces were muddled.

They are not far away.

However, I didn't see Nangong Wuji's action at all. I didn't see how he cut off their arms.

No, it's not that I didn't see it!

I don't think I saw it. I didn't even see the shadow.

Wu Daozi shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "the myth of martial arts and Taoism is a myth after all."

"I haven't seen you for a few years. You are becoming more and more unfathomable. You completely left us old men behind and walked on the top of the road of martial arts."

He was very emotional!

At that time, when Nangong Wuji first showed his strength, he had already become famous all over the world.

Today, the younger generation has become a recognized myth of martial arts and Taoism. Their cultivation is far better than that of him. How can we not feel sad?


The great Dharma protector of the temple of light raised his head, his eyes turned red, staring at Nangong Wuji, and yelled, "Why are you so strong? Why? "

He's a little nervous!

First, they are conceited and arrogant; then, they are hit and despair; then, they abandon their face and bottom line and choose to cheat more and less to regain their confidence.

In the end, Nangong Wuji smashed all confidence mercilessly.

In a short period of time, his mentality collapsed after many ups and downs.

"Good How terrible The elder of Yin Yang Normal University, his lips trembled, his whole body trembled, and he was frightened.

His face, eyes, are full of fear.

"He Is he a man or a ghost The old man of the blood clan, trills.

He was scared, too.

Others, too, are scared.

One move!

Nangong Wuji completely smashed their psychological defense with just one move, which made them deeply afraid and hard to extricate themselves, leaving an indelible spiritual trauma.

Even after three, five, or even ten years, they may not be cured.

Nangong Wuji has become the devil of their life!


All of a sudden, Nangong Wuji reaches for a breath.

All of a sudden, the magic weapons that fell on the people's side flew to him one after another.

"What do you want to do?" The great protector of the temple of light, with quick eyes and quick hands, seized the sword of light, then, staring at him, asked.

Other people, also very fast, have seized the weapon."Let go!"

Suddenly, Nangong Wuji gave a cold drink.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the great protector of the temple of light and others vomited blood.

At the same time, a loose hand, a few pieces of magic weapon, all flew out.

Nangong Wuji grabs five magic weapons.

Buzzing ~

in the next second, the five supreme magic weapons vibrated at the same time, releasing a bright light and a sense of terror.

Magic weapon has spirit.

The supreme magic weapon is more spiritual.

They recognize their masters. Ordinary people can't control them without special methods.

They will resist.

They are more likely to bite back and wipe out those who forcibly manipulate them.

"To die!"

The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, seeing this scene, his face showed a touch of joy.

It's a completely revived magic weapon. It can be called a super killer. It's no less powerful than a missile and five magic weapons. It can backfire together

In the world of martial arts, no one can resist.

"Die! Die The elder of Yin Yang Normal University muttered.

He slightly raised his head and peeped at Nangong Wuji in the sky, with strong expectation on his face.

The old man of the blood clan is also looking forward to it.

I hope that the five magic weapons will explode quickly and kill Nangong Wuji.


Suddenly, Nangong Wuji snorted coldly, and a cold light came out of his eyes.

"Be quiet!"

With a low drink, he seized five magic weapons and squeezed them.

All of a sudden, the five supreme magic weapons seemed to give out a cry of grief. The bright light dissipated in an instant, and the fury of the breath also converged.

Five magic weapons, all silent!


The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, his eyes suddenly burst and his face was full of horror.

Others, too, were surprised.

No, it should be thriller!

It's terrible!

Nangong Wuji is terrible.

With one hand, he suppressed the counter attack of five supreme magic weapons, and even more forcefully squeezed them.

Suddenly, Nangong Wuji looked down at the great Dharma protector and others in the temple of light, and said coldly, "I don't want to kill you for the moment. Why don't you go away?"

"But But... " The great Dharma protector of the temple of light, staring at the magic weapon in his hand, said.

"If you want a magic weapon, ask your patriarch to come to me and apologize!" Nangong Wuji said coldly.


The great protector of the temple of light hesitated.

Others are reluctant to leave.

You're kidding!

In this mission, they mobilized the masses and expended a lot of manpower and material resources. They not only failed, but also lost the patriarchal apparatus.

Even if they have a very high status, second only to the suzerain, they can not shoulder this responsibility. We can't lose the tools of the Dharma school!

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