"What's going on?"

Mrs. Peng's body shook and her face faded, and said, "I just went to have a hairdressing and had afternoon tea. It wasn't long. How did the master vomit blood?"

Han Lulu pursed her lips and muttered, "Mr. Peng is so sick that she is still in the mood to have beauty and afternoon tea."

"Is she really Mr. Peng's wife?"

All of a sudden, Han Jiande glared at her with severe eyes.

Han Lulu knew she had made a slip of the tongue and immediately shut up.

Housekeeper Wang rushed over immediately, helped Mrs. Peng and said, "don't worry, madam. The master is OK."


Mrs. Peng asked, "Why are there so many needles on the master?"

"Who made this?"

"It's him."

Housekeeper Wang pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "the master has vomited blood just now. It was he who pricked a few needles to stabilize the master's condition."


Suddenly, Mrs. Peng was angry.

She stares at Jiang Hao and scolds: "smelly boy, who allows you to stab my master?"

"Do you know that my master is the leader of the Peng family in Zhonghai, the richest man in the twelve provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, worth hundreds of billions, and the dragon body is precious."

"How dare you stab my master!"

"My master, a hair of sweat is more expensive than your life. If you damage my master, you are poor. Can you afford to pay for it?"

As soon as she came up, she was scolded by Balabala. Her mouth was very bad and poisonous.

Jiang Hao frowned.

"I'm a doctor. I don't use needles indiscriminately, let alone stab him." He said in a cold voice.


Mrs. Peng looked at Jiang Hao suspiciously and said, "what doctor?"

"Chinese medicine." JiangHao road.


Mrs. Peng was angry again.

"Are you Chinese medicine?"

She said angrily, "who allowed Chinese medicine to come in? What's more, he was asked to treat the master! "

"Traditional Chinese medicine is a big liar. If they have no ability, they will only cheat people!"

She was once cheated miserably by a fake TCM doctor.

Therefore, she has always hated and hated traditional Chinese medicine. She thinks that traditional Chinese medicine is a liar.

"That's right!"

Zhang Xuanhe nodded and said, "madam is right. TCM can only deceive people!"

"In today's medical world, the prosperity of Western medicine and the decline of traditional Chinese medicine are enough to show that western medicine is more advanced and more brilliant than traditional Chinese medicine."

"I admit that there are still some old men in Chinese medicine who have real talents and practical knowledge, but..."

All of a sudden, he glanced at Jiang Hao and said sarcastically, "this boy only knows how to go astray and improve his reputation by hype. He has no ability because of his bad medical ethics."

Hey, hey

After that, he gave a very insidious and cunning smile.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao cold drink, Mou Guang a little cold.

"You should shut up!"

Mrs. Peng scolded: "come on, blow this liar out for me!"


Suddenly, a group of people in black came.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Han Jiande spoke.

He looked at Mrs. Peng and explained, "Mrs. Peng, I invited Xiaojiang. I have seen his medical skills with my own eyes. I can assure you."

"What's more, he has just given a few injections, which has stabilized Mr. Peng's condition. It's obvious to all."

"What do you see together?"

Mrs. Peng said in a cold voice: "my master is a noble man, a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

"You can take this dirty poor boy into the ward and let him prick my master with a needle."

"What do you mean?"

"What if he hurt my master?"

"In case the poor man gets sick, what should he do?"

Han Jiande frowned and his face was a little cold.

"Mrs. Peng, please be polite!"

"I'm not polite. How about that?"

Mrs. Peng said rudely: "this poor man, stick a needle at my master. I'm very polite without breaking his hand!"

"You are so kind, madam."

Zhang Xuanhe was bashful and flattered: "if it was me, I would beat this boy and throw him out."

Mrs. Peng smelled the speech and a smile appeared on her face.

Obviously, she enjoyed Zhang Xuanhe's flattery.

"You're good."

Mrs. Peng looked at Zhang Xuanhe and praised him.

All of a sudden, Zhang Xuanhe turned a face into a chrysanthemum with a smile. He almost didn't kneel down and bowed down to thank him: "thank you, madam. What I said is true."Mrs. Peng's smile became more and more brilliant.

"By the way, what's your name?" She asked.

Zhang Xuanhe bent down and said, "Madam Hui, my name is Zhang Xuanhe. I'm the main person in charge of treating general manager Peng."


Mrs. Peng nodded and ordered, "you should make arrangements to disinfect my master."

"Remember, disinfect the whole body!"

She glanced at Jiang Hao with disgust on her face and said, "who knows how many bacteria there are on this poor man's body and hands?"

"My master, the dragon body is precious. It can't be polluted."

"Don't worry, madam!" Zhang Xuanhe nodded.

He looks like a slave, like a pug who fawns on his master. It's disgusting.

"Madam, what about Mr. Peng's silver needle?" He asked, pointing to the silver needle.

"It's all out!" Mrs. Peng took out a small mirror, was smelling beauty, makeup, smell speech, waved, impatient tunnel.


Zhang Xuanhe reaches out his hand and prepares to pull out the silver needle.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

"The silver needle can't be pulled out," he warned

"As soon as the silver needle is pulled out, his illness will break out immediately, and it will be even more serious. In less than an hour, he will die!"


Zhang Xuanhe was stunned and his hands were frozen in the air.

"Shut up

Mrs. Peng put away the small mirror and said angrily, "poor man, you have eaten the heart of a bear, how dare you curse my master?"

"Get out of here!"

Then, she looked at Zhang Xuanhe and said in a cold voice, "what are you doing? Quickly pull out the silver needle and disinfect my master's whole body! "


Zhang Xuanhe nodded and reached for the silver needle.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

he moved very fast and pulled out all the silver needles in ten seconds.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

All of a sudden, the unconscious Mr. Peng convulsed violently, and the whole bed was shaking and creaking.

"What's the matter with you, sir?"

As soon as Mrs. Peng's face changed, she rushed over.

Ah ~

the next second, she screamed, stood up in horror, stepped on high heels, and quickly exited more than ten meters.

"This This This... "

One side of Zhang Xuanhe, on the spot paralyzed, a buttock down to sit on the ground.

"This What's going on? "

Housekeeper Wang's face was full of fear, his legs and feet were weak, and he was almost paralyzed.

It's not far away.

Han Jiande and Han Lulu, also surprised, could not help but back a few steps.

Only Jiang Hao has a calm face. It seems that he had expected all this!

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