Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and Zhang Xuanhe were all paralyzed.

Because the picture you see with your eyes is so weird and frightening.

On the bed, Mr. Peng is still convulsing.

At the same time, there was a roar in his mouth, and his eyes slowly opened with scarlet blood.

His arms, legs, neck and face were all covered with thick, thin and long black hair, and his body size gradually grew larger, which broke his clothes.

The whole person, in the blink of an eye, turned into a human monster!

"What's going on?"

Mrs. Peng looked frightened and confused.

Roar ~

all of a sudden, Mr. Peng let out a roar like a wild animal and suddenly turned over and jumped out several meters like a monkey.

Then, he jumped twice, opened his sharp and long tusks, and bit Mrs. Peng.


Suddenly, he threw Mrs. Peng to the ground.

Ah ~

the next second, Mrs. Peng screamed bitterly and bitterly.

Mr. Peng bit her shoulder very hard and bled.

"Help me! Help me Cried Penfold.

At this time, a group of people in black, just reaction, immediately rushed up, three people work together, just subdued Mr. Peng.

Mrs. Peng got up and screamed, "tie him up! Tie him up


Three people in black, should a, make concerted efforts, escorted Mr. Peng to the hospital bed.

Then, a man in black found a rope to tie Mr. Peng to the hospital bed.

Roar ~

suddenly, with a roar and a sudden force, President Peng overturned three men in black and flew to the nearest housekeeper Wang.

Ah ~

housekeeper Wang was so scared that he yelled and turned around to escape.

Unfortunately, it's too slow!

As soon as a shadow flashed, Mr. Peng rushed over and threw him to the ground.

Immediately, he opened his Tusk and bit his shoulder.

Ah ~

housekeeper Wang screamed in pain and convulsed all over.

"Help him! Help him Cried Mrs. Peng, with an anxious face.

All of a sudden, six or seven men in black rushed on and defeated general manager Peng.

Eventually, he was tied to a hospital bed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mr. Peng struggled violently.

It seems that he has really become a beast, with great strength. When struggling, the whole luxurious solid wood bed is shaking, pounding the floor and banging.

Seeing this, Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and others stepped back and did not dare to get too close.

"What's going on?" Housekeeper Wang has sharp eyes and stares at Jiang Hao.

"It's easy."

Jiang Hao light smile, "he is sick!"


Mrs. Peng and housekeeper Wang were furious when they heard the speech, and their eyes were burning.

Mr. Peng's body was covered with black hair, and his teeth became sharp tusks. His eyes were scarlet, like a ferocious beast.

You tell me, he's sick!

What's more, is there such a disease all over the world?

They want to swear.

"He is sick, but his illness is special." Jiang Hao is indifferent.

"That's bullshit!"

Suddenly, Zhang Xuanhe gave a cold rebuke.

He arched his hand at Mrs. Peng and said, "madam, I know what happened to Mr. Peng."

"Say it Mrs. Peng said eagerly.


Zhang Xuanhe nodded and explained: "madam, Mr. Peng, this is something that is not clean, which is commonly known as" hit a ghost! "


Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and others were startled by the speech.

They glanced at Mr. Peng on the bed.

Then he retreated a few meters in silence.

Rao is Han Jiande, also a little afraid, pulling Han Lulu, quietly back a few steps.

"In fact, a few days ago, I had doubts, but I was not sure. Until just now, Mr. Peng suddenly became like this, I was not sure..."

"There's a sneaker who's on Mr. Peng!" Zhang Xuanhe talked.

Mrs. Peng looked frightened and said, "well Do you have any way to save my master


Zhang Xuanhe shook his head.


Mrs. Peng was in a panic.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

"Don't be afraid, madam!" Zhang Xuanhe said hastily

"Although I have no way to save Mr. Peng, my martial uncle has."

"Your martial uncle?" Mrs. Peng frowned."That's right!"

Zhang Xuanhe nodded slightly, with a proud face, and said: "my martial uncle is a great master. He is proficient in all kinds of strange skills

"If he does it, it's not a small evil. Even if he's a thousand year old ghost, he'll die!"

"Where is he?" Asked Mrs. Peng eagerly.

"Don't worry, madam."

Zhang Xuanhe stood up with a negative hand and looked like an expert. He said calmly, "not long ago, I sent a message to my martial uncle. He will be here soon."

"That's good, that's good."

Mrs. Peng patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. A trace of blood color returned to her pale face.

Others, too, are a little relieved.

"Master, he Is he really a ghost Steward Wang was a little suspicious, he said.

"That's right!"

Zhang Xuanhe, with a firm face, said: "although I'm not deep in Taoism, I still have this insight."


Jiang Hao couldn't see any more. He shook his head and sneered.

"What did you say?"

All of a sudden, Zhang Xuanhe is hairy, his eyes are cold, and he stares at Jiang Hao.

"I said you were talking nonsense!"

Jiang Hao said indifferently, "if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. You have to pretend that you understand it very well, and then make up a lot of nonsense!"

"Do you know, nonsense, sometimes it will kill people!"


Zhang Xuanhe stares at Jiang Hao. His face is red and he almost spits blood.

"Who said my martial nephew was talking nonsense?"

Suddenly, an ethereal and dignified voice sounded.

The next second, a figure, suddenly, appeared in front of everyone.

This man is very thin, half white hair, but very ruddy skin, eyes hale and hearty, vigorous spirit.

He was wearing a retro black robe, like a monkey's head, which looked a little funny.


Housekeeper Wang, Mrs. Peng and others were startled.

Mrs. Peng stepped back slightly, stared at the man and said warily, "you Who are you? "

Zhang Xuanhe saw the man with a smile on his face.

Then he bowed, bowed and arched his hand, respectfully saying, "see you, martial uncle!"


The thin old man nodded slightly.

"Martial nephew, where is the person with the upper body of the ghost?" He asked.

Zhang Xuanhe pointed to the general manager Peng on the bed and said, "uncle, here it is."

Shua ~

the thin old man, with a flash of body shape, instantly crossed four or five meters and appeared in front of the hospital bed.

"This This This... "

Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang, and others, when they saw this scene, looked frightened and almost paralyzed.

Rao is Han Jiande, also a face of horror expression, eyes flashing, for a long time can not be calm.

In an instant, it's like a blink across a distance of four or five meters.

This is incredible!

Is this still human?

Only Jiang Hao has a calm face.

In a flash, across the distance of four or five meters, very powerful? He broke out with all his strength. In an instant, he could span dozens of meters.

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