Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang, and others all look creepy.

With a proud smile, Zhang Xuanhe said, "madam, don't panic. My martial uncle is a contemporary master. He can catch ghosts and subdue demons on the top and defend the way on the bottom. He has the ability to understand Heaven."

"Little blink, nothing to be surprised at!"


Mrs. Peng sniffed the speech, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked carefully, "you Is your martial uncle really so powerful? "

"Of course!"

Zhang Xuanhe nodded with pride.

Suddenly, the skinny old man spoke.

He stroked his goatee and said softly, "martial nephew, it seems that you have made progress recently."

"This man is a ghost indeed!"

"Besides, it's not an ordinary ghost!"

"It's not an ordinary ghost? What do you mean

Zhang Xuanhe frowned.

Then, bending over and clasping his fist, he asked, "please give me some advice."

Lean old man, negative hand and stand, Kan Kan way: "the world, all inclusive."

"A man has a soul. If he does not enter reincarnation after death, he becomes a ghost."

"In the same way, wild animals have souls and can also turn into ghosts!"

He glanced at Mr. Peng and said, "this man is possessed by a beast ghost."

Ah ~

Mrs. Peng, housekeeper Wang and others all changed their faces when they heard the speech.

It's scary enough to have a ghost on it.

It's even more creepy now that it's a ghost.

After the shock, Mrs. Peng was suspicious.

She had heard of ghosts, but she had never heard of any animal ghosts. She could not help suspecting them.

"Master, you Is that true? " She asked.

The skinny old man gave her a sidelong look.

"Are you doubting me?"

All of a sudden, Mrs. Peng shuddered and suddenly explained, "no No, I... "

"Well, there's no need to explain."

Suddenly, the skinny old man interrupted her rudely.

"Since you doubt me, I'll show you my strength."

So he looked up and down at Mrs. Peng and said, "the house you live in used to be a disorderly grave or someone died."

"Besides, at least two people died, right?"

"How do you know?" Mrs. Peng's face was startled, and she said.

That's right.

He's absolutely right!

She lived in the villa, before the purchase, it is said that a person died.

After she bought it, an accident led to the death of two nannies, and a total of three people died.

How did he know?

Skinny old man, enigmatic smile.

"I can see it."

"You can see that?"

Mrs. Peng was suspicious.

The thin old man said with a light smile, "you have a very heavy Yin Qi. Even in the daytime, it lingers on you for a long time."

"Moreover, you are full of resentment, faintly, there is a faint ghost spirit."

"It follows that the house you live in, a few months ago, died."

"Besides, the death of this man has something to do with you!" He was determined.

Suddenly, Mrs. Peng's body trembled and her face changed greatly.

"No No, Xiao Hong's death has nothing to do with me! " She cried in horror.

She denied it.

However, from her flustered expression, we can see that the skinny old man was right again.

Suddenly, Mrs. Peng pointed to the skinny old man and said angrily, "you sent someone to follow me and investigate me, right?"

The skinny old man shook his head and laughed.

"I said, I can see that."

"Since you don't believe it, try again."

Immediately, he looked at Mr. Peng on the bed and said firmly, "he should have killed a wild wolf a week ago."

Although he was questioning, his tone was very positive.

"So what?"

Mrs. Peng said coldly, "my master is fond of hunting. He bought a large area of woodland and raised a large number of wild animals. He hunts once a month."

"It's well known to all. Just ask a little bit about it."

The thin old man, with a faint smile, continued: "the wolf he hunted should be a female wolf, right? Besides, it's a pregnant female wolf. "

"After he found out, he tried to save the mother wolf, but he failed."

"In the end, the mother wolf and her pups died around midnight, right?"


Once again, Mrs. Peng was shocked.

That's right!

He was right about everything. There was no mistake, including the exact time when the mother wolf died.Except for her, Mr. Peng, housekeeper Wang and a group of servants and nannies, no one knows about it. He knows it all.

This is so creepy!

"He really saw all this?"

On one side, Han Jiande was also shocked.

Han Lulu was surprised, but also a little scared.

Rao is Jiang Hao, also slightly sideways, surprised to sweep a thin old man.

The old man has some real skills!

"You Are you a man or a ghost Mrs. Peng said in horror.

"Of course I'm human!"

Thin old man, said with a smile: "but I can catch ghosts!"

Mrs. Peng still doesn't believe it.

"You What does that have to do with my master? " She asked.

"Of course it does."

Thin old man, said: "I said, he is the beast ghost upper body."

"This beast ghost is the unborn wolf cub in the belly of the female wolf!"

"Although the wolf cub is not born, it is also a life. If she dies before she is born, she will have great resentment. In addition, when the mother wolf dies, it is midnight."

"Yang people enjoy the day, Yin people occupy the night!"

"Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night is the time of the heaviest Yin Qi."

"Resentment and Yin Qi, not born wolf cub, chance coincidence, did not go reincarnation, became a beast ghost, on his body."

"If you want to kill him, take revenge!"


When Mrs. Peng heard the speech, her hair stood upside down and her scalp was about to explode.

She retreated ten meters quickly.

But there was still some doubt on her face.

It's normal!

After all, although ordinary people are tired of listening to all kinds of stories about ghosts in their life, no one has ever really seen a ghost or believed that there are ghosts in the world.

It's the same with her.

"This Is there really a ghost in this world Mrs. Peng said weakly.

"You don't believe it?" Asked the thin old man.

Mrs. Peng shook her head.

Housekeeper Wang, a group of people in black, and even Han Jiande shook their heads subconsciously.

They don't believe in ghosts!

Sniff ~

the skinny old man sniffed and sighed: "mortals, they are always so ignorant and stupid!"

"Things that you can't see, touch or detect will naively and naturally conclude that they don't exist."

"How ridiculous

"What do you mean?"

Mrs. Peng looked puzzled and asked, "is there really a ghost in this world?"

"Of course there are ghosts!" The thin and the old. "Besides, there is a ghost in this ward!"

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