With an apologetic face, Mr. Peng said, "Mr. Han, in order to express my apology, we have agreed on a good project, and the cooperation will continue. Moreover, I am willing to invest an additional 3 billion yuan."

Han Jiande was excited by the speech.

For this project, he spent a lot of effort, and even, most of his worth has been invested in it.

Although he has attracted Mr. Peng as a big client, for the whole project, the investment is still a little insufficient and has a great impact.

But now, with an additional investment of $3 billion, Mr. Peng has solved all difficulties.

This project is bound to succeed.

Can he not be excited?

"Thank you, Mr. Peng. Thank you, Mr. Peng." Han Jiande repeatedly thanks.


Mr. Peng waved his hand and said, "let's go. Let's leave this place first. I'll give you a banquet."

"Good, good."

So they left the mortuary together.

"Mr. Peng."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

He looked serious and asked, "you've been given genetic medicine for this disease. Who gave you genetic medicine, please?"

This problem is very serious.

The birth and appearance of gene drugs indicate that one or even a group of forces have developed gene drugs.

What's more, this force, a non virtuous person, secretly drugged general manager Peng. It must be plotting something wrong.

Jiang Hao has a solemn face and is very concerned about this issue.

Because after his trip to Wuji fairyland, he joined Wudao League.

And he became a bronze medal elder.

His duty is to protect the common people and keep them at home and abroad.

The elders of Wudao league are also classified from low to high: iron, bronze, silver, gold, law protection and law enforcement.

Generally speaking, the iron medal elder is the one with stronger strength and greater contribution among the five-star masters.

The same is true of bronze medal elders, silver medal elders and gold medal elders.

However, nine star masters are scarce.

Therefore, all nine star masters are Dharma guardians.

According to the hierarchy, the iron medal elder is in charge of one city; the bronze medal elder is in charge of several cities; the silver medal elder is in charge of one province; the gold medal elder is in charge of several provinces.

As for the elders of protecting the law and enforcing the law, they either sit in the headquarters of the Wudao league or secretly protect the big people.

The division of labor is clear and orderly.

Now, a mysterious force has suddenly emerged, which has developed gene drugs. Moreover, it has started against ordinary people with great influence like Mr. Peng.

Jiang Hao Ran into this matter and had to take care of it.

"I've been drugged?"

Mr. Peng's face changed greatly when he heard the speech.


Jiang Hao nodded and said in a deep voice, "this matter is very serious."

, "the gene injected into your body has been very successful. The genes and extracts of plants and animals are injected into the human body, which makes them become a monster of half human and half animals."

He stared at Mr. Peng and asked seriously, "Mr. Peng, please tell me who gave you the gene medicine?"

"I I don't know. " Mr. Peng shook his head.

He had a blank face.

"If you recall carefully, who did you contact when you came to Jianghai city?" Jiang Hao reminds a way.

He has to find out about it.

"Well, let me see."

Mr. Peng slowly recalled: "I came to Jianghai City, met Mr. Han first, and talked with him about cooperation for two days."

"During that time, I stayed in the hotel and never went out."

"After the cooperation talks, I was ready to return to Zhonghai city. As a result, I suddenly fell ill."

"In the whole process, no one told me..."


Suddenly, the body a shock, the sound instantly increased dozens of decibels.

"What do you think of?" Jiang Hao asked.

"It's him!"

Mr. Peng said excitedly, "I'm ready to go back after I've talked about cooperation."

"All of a sudden, Jiang Zhengfeng came. He said he would cooperate with me, but I know very well that other people's products are not good, and his company is not clean."

"So I turned him down."

"At that time, he said a lot of puzzling words, saying that the world was about to change, and a new era was coming."

"If I don't cooperate with him, I will be eliminated, and the Peng family of CNOOC will be submerged in the new era."

"I was very strange and didn't care too much."

"After seeing him off, I made a reservation for a plane ticket and prepared to return to Zhonghai city. As a result, I suddenly fell ill. I don't know what happened later."

"Jiang Zhengfeng?"

Jiang Hao murmured, his eyes shining.On one side, Han Jiande said, "I know Jiang Zhengfeng very well. He and I are known as the double king of Commerce in Jianghai city."

"When he was young, he was a local ruffian, until he was in his thirties, he did nothing."

"Six years ago, he suddenly developed and founded a company with a market value of one billion."

"Subsequently, he has been relying on the means of the next three abuse, defeated one competitor after another, step by step bigger."

"Today, he is worth 10 billion, and his industries are all over the surrounding provinces."

Jiang Hao heard the speech and pondered.

"It seems that there is something wrong with Jiang Zhengfeng."


Peng always angrily scolds a way: "this damned thing, dare to harm me unexpectedly!"

"I'll never let him go!"

"Mr. Peng, don't act rashly." Jiang Hao reminds a way.

"Don't worry."

Mr. Peng sneered, "I am the owner of the Peng family in Zhonghai. There are many ways to rectify him."

"Be careful." Jiang Hao reminds again.

If Jiang Zhengfeng is really the one who takes the medicine.

Then, there must be gene medicine in his hand, which can create half human and half animal monsters at any time.

This kind of monster can't be dealt with by ordinary people!

"Forget it, let's not mention him today. Let's have a drink first. I want to thank Jiang Xiaoyou for saving his life." Mr. Peng said with a smile.


So they went to the hotel.

A few hours later, the crowd parted.

Jiang Hao finds a reason to leave and goes to Jianghai wudaomeng branch alone.

At this time, wudaomeng branch, a special training room.

A man in his thirties is practicing martial arts.

"Flame knife!"

All of a sudden, the man gave a loud drink, waved his long knife and chopped it out.

All of a sudden, flames, around the blade, in an instant, split out seven knives.

These seven knives, one is faster than the other, one is fiercer than the other, one is fiercer than the other.

The seven swords are overlapped, as if to split the whole sky.

Exhale ~

the man stands up with his knife and spits out a foul breath.

"Elder martial brother Xie, you are very powerful."

All of a sudden, a slim, pretty woman ran over with adoration and handed a clean towel.

With stars in her eyes, she worshipped: "elder martial brother, you are so powerful!"

"In the martial arts and Taoism League, it's known as the most difficult flame sword to learn. After only one year of practice, you completely learned it. Moreover, in an instant, you split seven swords."

"You know, you are the five-star master. Many of the six-star master's bronze medal elders can only chop five or six swords." "What a genius you are!"

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