Xie Kun enjoyed the worship and praise.

He waved his hand and said modestly, "where, where."

"My talent is nothing."

"Compared with the emperor of Chu, Xia Wushuang and others, I'm still far behind."


Lu Chan cold hum, Du mouth, dissatisfied with the way: "they are what genius."

"They just depend on their family background." Since childhood, there has been no shortage of anything. There are also many elders of law protection and law enforcement, who rely on their resources to build up their talents.

"since childhood, there has been no shortage of anything. There are also many elders of law protection and law enforcement, who rely on their resources to build up their talents. This kind of person does not deserve to be called a genius."

"What's more, they have been focused on training since childhood, and now they have just broken through to master Gangjin. Elder martial brother Xie, you are already a five-star master."

"Combat effectiveness is not inferior to the six star master."

"They can't match you at all!" Lu Chan is very angry.

Xie Kun smell speech, the corner of the mouth raised the arc, bigger.

Yes, Chu Tianzi and others, but if I had so many resources like them, I would definitely be a seven star master or even an eight star master now.

He said in secret.

So he stood up with his hands folded. A pair of elders commented on the appearance of the younger generation and said, "they are still good."

"But there's one thing you're wrong about."

"What's wrong?" LV Chan blinked and asked.

Xie Kun said with a proud smile: "in another year or two, I will not be a five-star master."

"What do you mean?"

LV Chan was a little confused, but she didn't understand.

Xie Kun said with a smile: "in one or two years, I am sure that I will go further and break through to the six star master!"


Suddenly, LV Chan even more adored, "elder martial brother Xie, you are so powerful!"

"Not bad, not bad."

Xie Kun waved his hand and said modestly, "when I get to the six star master, I'll apply to him to be the silver medal elder."

"I believe that with my strength, I will be able to challenge success!"

"Yes, yes."

Lu Chan nodded and said, "elder martial brother Xie, you can do it!"

"Grandfather said that your talent can rank in the top 100 in the Wudao League. I think he looks down on you too much."

Lu Chan wrinkled her nose and said, "elder martial brother Xie, your talent can definitely rank in the top ten."

"Talent doesn't matter."

Xie Kun said with a light smile: "hard work is the most important thing!"

"As long as you work hard, you can always make progress and surpass others."

"My goal is Nangong Wuji!"

"I hope that one day, I can surpass him and become the first person in the martial arts circle of China and even the whole world!"

Suddenly, LV Chan's eyes lit up with stars and worshiped: "elder martial brother Xie, I believe you. You can do it!"


Xie Kun nodded heavily.

"Xiao Kun, Xiao Chan."

Suddenly, an old voice rang out.

An old man, stooping, came slowly.

He was very old, his hair was gray and sparse, his face was wrinkled, but in his eyes, he was bright and sharp.

His name is Lu Hong!

He used to be a silver medal elder, but in a mission, he was seriously injured, never recovered, and his accomplishments regressed year by year.

In the end, he chose to retire.

So he went back to his hometown Jianghai city and became an iron medal elder, enjoying life while giving full play to his surplus heat.

"Master." Xie Kun said quickly.

"Grandfather." Lu Chan ran over and hugged the old man's arm affectionately. She shook it and said coquettishly.

Ouch ~ ouch ~

LU Hong said with a smile, "don't shake it. If you shake it again, your grandfather's old arm will be broken."

"I'll shake it." Lu Chan is coquettish.

Then, she shook a few more times.

"All right, all right."

LU Hong kindly said, "don't make a fuss. I'll tell you something serious."

"Just now, I received news that there was a bronze medal elder. Not long ago, when he arrived in Jianghai City, I have found out where he is."

"You two, get ready and come with me to see him."

"Here comes the bronze medal elder?"

Xie Kun was slightly surprised.

At the same time, a surge of fighting spirit rose in the chest.

Because, a few months ago, he wanted to apply for the bronze medal elder, but Lu Hong stopped him, saying that his strength was still lacking and needed to be polished for another year or two.

To challenge rashly is likely to fail!

Xie Kun is very angry!

He was arrogant, and felt that his strength, to complete the challenge, was absolutely no problem.

However, the master's words can not be ignored.Therefore, he has always been very upset, always want to prove his strength to LU Hong.

But I never had a chance.

Now, here's the chance!

"Where is he?" Xie Kun asked excitedly.

LU Hong looked at him and frowned. He couldn't help reminding him: "Xiao Kun, I warn you, don't mess around!"

"I know that you have been very angry and dissatisfied. I think it's wrong for me to prevent you from applying for the bronze medal elder, and I underestimate your strength."

"You've been trying to prove it to me."

"I appreciate this kind of enterprising spirit, but this time it's different."

"The bronze medal elder who came here this time is the most gifted evil in the Wudao League. Several law enforcement elders personally invited him to join the Wudao League and appointed him as the bronze medal elder."

"It is said that during his trip to Wuji fairyland, he was the most brilliant. He made a great contribution to the success of his trip, which was superior to many talents such as the emperor of Chu and Xia Wushuang."

"This kind of young arrogant, may be very proud, you must not be angry."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious!"

LU Hong said in a sharp voice, "do you hear me?"

"I hear you." Xie Kun is absent-minded.

In his heart, he had been thinking about how to motivate the bronze medal elder to fight him.

LU Hong is a little worried.

"Xiao Kun, why don't you go to see the bronze medal elder?" He suggested.

"No way!"

LV Chan is the first to stand up against it!

She said angrily: "grandfather, you look down on elder martial brother Xie. Elder martial brother Xie is very talented. He just said that he is sure that he will break through to the six-star master in one or two years."

"At that time, don't mention the elder bronze medal, even the elder silver medal. When you see elder martial brother Xie, you have to be more respectful."

"A new bronze medal elder, what to be afraid of!"

"What do you know?"

LU Hong angrily scolded: "this man is highly valued by several law enforcement elders. We can't afford to offend him."

Cut ~

Lu Chan turned her lips and said, "don't you take some credit in Wuji immortal?"

"If it wasn't for elder martial brother Xie's age, beyond the limit, how could he be in the limelight?"


LU Hong was angry and angry.

"You two don't have to meet the bronze medal elder!" He said in a cold voice.

Xie Kun and LV Chan, with such an attitude, will definitely have an accident if they meet the bronze medal elder.

You can't take them! LU Hong ordered: "you two, stay in the branch. You are not allowed to go anywhere. I will go to see the bronze medal elder alone."

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