"I Keke ~ "

out of sight, Xie Kun coughed a few times, pretended to be injured and weak, and said," I'm ok. "

"Younger martial sister, no Don't worry about me

"When I solve these two monsters, I I'll go and save you! "

However, he retreated while resisting the attacks of the two monsters.

He's running away!

After the fire cloud chop, he consumes a lot and his strength is greatly reduced. With him and LV Chan, he can't fight five monsters at all. If he sticks to it, he will probably die.

However, if two people retreat together, the five monsters will surely pursue.

In this way, we can't get rid of them.

Therefore, he plans to abandon LV Chan and use her as bait to attract several monsters. He runs away alone.

As for whether LV Chan will die or not, he doesn't care!

Unfortunately, LV Chan didn't know his mean and insidious plan at all.

She believes in Xie Kun.

"Elder martial brother Xie, you will come to help me soon. I can't hold on for long." Lu Chan trills.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine with me." Xie Kun yelled.

Then, he pushed back the two monsters with one sword. Without hesitation, he turned and ran.

Roar ~ roar ~

two seriously injured monsters roared and ran after them.

When LV Chan heard the roar, her heart trembled.

She whispered, "I hope elder martial brother Xie is OK."


Suddenly, a monster slapped her, fanned her away, hit the wall and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"It hurts so much!"

She sucked in the cold air in pain and almost burst into tears.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, three monsters rushed over, huge body, like a wall, surrounded her.

Ah ~

suddenly, LV Chan screamed in horror.

"Help me!"

"Elder martial brother Xie, come and help me She cried.

However, there was no response.

Her heart thumped and worried.

Is something wrong with elder martial brother Xie?

She guessed.

All of a sudden, three monsters, shaking their tentacles like whips, lashed at LV Chan's head.

This time, if you hit her, her head will definitely blow up.

"No! No Lu Chan screamed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, a dull voice rang out, and all three monsters flew backwards.

LV Chan looked up and was surprised.

On her head, there was a light film, like a ball, covering her and protecting her.

"What's going on?"

She had a confused face.

All of a sudden, she saw the jade pendant hanging around her neck, emitting a faint light, and suddenly realized.

"It's a jade pendant from my grandfather!" She said with great joy.

This jade pendant was given by LU Hong on her 10th birthday. It looks very common, but it's actually an expensive and rare defense weapon.

This jade pendant is enough to withstand the six-star master's attack.

Although the three monsters are strong, they are far inferior to the six star master. It takes at least ten minutes to break the light film.

With the light film, LV Chan is no longer afraid.

"I don't know what happened to elder martial brother Xie?" She murmured.

She's worried about Xie Kun!

She's going to help Xie Kun!

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

suddenly, three roars sounded, and three monsters surrounded again.

"Get out of here!" Lu Chan said angrily.

She relies on the protection of light film, only attack, not defense, want to kill out, save Xie Kun.

However, she thought too much.

Even with the protection of the light film, she couldn't rush out.

She's too weak!


The next second, she was pulled away by the tentacles of the monster and hit the wall. Although she was undamaged, she was forced into the corner again and couldn't get out at all.


She gave a fury.

"Elder martial brother Xie, are you ok?" She cried.

However, there was no response at all.

"Is something really wrong with elder martial brother Xie?"

Her face changed and she became more worried.

"Get out of here!"

She gave a roar and burst out, trying to rush out.

Unfortunately, it failed.

Moreover, under the attack of three monsters, the light film was a little dim.

If it goes on like this, the light film will break.

Once the film breaks, she will die!

Lu Chan had a sense of urgency in her heart."How are you, elder martial brother Xie?" She cried.

No response!

"Elder martial brother Xie, where are you?"

Still no response!

"Elder martial brother Xie, answer me quickly. How are you doing?"

Still no response!

As time goes by, the light film is getting dimmer and dimmer. It won't last long.

LV Chan is scared at last!

"Elder martial brother Xie, come and help me quickly!" She cried.

However, there has been no response.

She didn't know that Xie Kun had already abandoned her and ran away alone. Instead, she thought that something had happened to Xie Kun. She had been worried about him and wanted to rush out to save him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three monsters, waving their tentacles, or pulling, or pulling, or patting Keep attacking the light film.

They even spit spider silk to corrode the membrane.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

LV Chan is flustered!

She tried several times to rush out.

But they all failed.

The light film is getting dimmer and dimmer. It seems that it will break at any time.

She was really scared.

"Elder martial brother Xie, where are you? Come and help me She cried, looking up at the sky.

However, there was no response.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dreary clapping sound, rings out unceasingly.

The light film is getting dimmer.


Lu Chan slumped down and leaned against the wall, her head buried in her knees, her face full of fear and despair, and she began to cry.

"Elder martial brother Xie, where are you? Come and help me. " She sobbed.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, the light film broke.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

suddenly, three monsters roared with joy.

The blood light in their eyes was burning in an instant.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

They shake tentacles, draw to LV Chan's head, as if to blow her up.

LV Chan is so scared!

She was so confused that she didn't know how to avoid.

Of course, even if she wanted to, she couldn't.

"Am I going to die?" She murmured.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout.

Then, a white light burst out.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the white light cut off all the tentacles thrown out by the three monsters and stunned them.

Even, half of a monster's shoulder was cut off.

A figure came flying.

"Elder martial brother Xie, is that you?"

Lu Chan exclaimed in surprise: "I knew you would come to save me!"


The man gave a cold hum and showed his true face.

It's Jiang Hao!

"It's you?"

Seeing Jiang Hao, LV Chan's face sank and said in a cold voice, "who asked you to save me?"

Jiang Hao squinted and said coldly, "is that how you treat your benefactor?"

Cut ~

Lu Chan turned her lips and said coldly, "I didn't ask you to help me again!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "then I'll go!"

After that, he really has to go.

"You Stop Suddenly, LV Chan held him, "you You don't want to go

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