"What for?" Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Thank you..."

Lu Chan's lips murmured a few times. She reached her head and said weakly, "thank you Thank you for saving me

"If you are not Lu Lao's granddaughter, even if you die in front of me, I will not save you." Jiang Hao said coldly.


Lu Chan Du mouth, staring at him, a puffy look.


She snorted and asked, "where is my elder martial brother Xie?"

"Did you see him?"

"I see it." JiangHao road.

Suddenly, Lu Chan's heart was tight, and she asked uneasily, "he Did he get hurt and pass out? "


Jiang Hao said coldly: "he ran away!"


Lu Chan's face changed.

Jiang Hao glanced at her and frowned: "your elder martial brother Xie used you as bait to attract monsters. Then he abandoned you and ran away alone!"

"No way! Absolutely impossible

LV Chan shook her head.

Then, staring at Jiang Hao coldly, he scolded, "you are talking nonsense!"

"Elder martial brother Xie said that he would always protect me. He would never abandon me and run away alone!"

"You must be slandering elder martial brother Xie!"

"You've long seen elder martial brother Xie upset and deliberately slandered him, haven't you?"


Jiang Hao shook his head and uttered two words coldly.

Poor man, there must be something hateful!

That's true.


Lu Chan scolded.

She was so angry that she almost lost her mind.

Suddenly, she grabbed Jiang Hao's clothes and said angrily, "you dare to slander elder martial brother Xie, I'll beat you!"

After that, she waved a pink fist and hit Jiang Hao.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold, and his sleeve shook her away.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, an angry cold cry rang out.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Several figures flashed in.

They are Pan Yang, Luo Rui, Ge Qingyun and Yuan Yuan.

The next second, Pan Yang rushed over, helped LV Chan up and asked, "are you OK, younger martial sister?"

Luo Rui's eyes were cold, and his chance of killing appeared occasionally. He stared at Jiang Hao and said harshly, "how dare you bully our younger martial sister?"

"Don't think you're a bronze medal elder, you can do anything wrong."

"Apologize to the younger martial sister immediately!"

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao gave an angry rebuke.


Lori was furious.

He said coldly: "boy, don't think you are some bullshit bronze medal elder. I'm afraid of you."

"Today, if you don't apologize to younger martial sister, don't blame me for being rude!"


Pan Yang nodded and said, "if you don't apologize, we'll make you apologize."

"Those who are wise, please apologize." Ge Qingyun grinned.

"Hum, Yuanyuan is angry!"

Yuan yuanweng said: "you dare to bully younger martial sister, Yuanyuan will kill you!"

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "a group of idiots, if they don't know anything, they just know how to yell!"


Pan Yang and others were even more angry when they heard the speech.

"What's the matter?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Xie Kun appears!

Suddenly, LV Chan raised her head, showed a bright smile and said: "elder martial brother Xie, you're OK. It's so good."

"It's just a beast with half a man and half a beast. It can't hurt me."

Xie Kun waved his hand and said, "younger martial sister, after I kill those two monsters, I will come back to rescue you immediately. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

Lu Chan looked adored and said, "elder martial brother Xie, I knew you would not leave me."

"Silly girl!"

Xie Kun doted on a smile, said: "I said, I will protect you, with me, you will be OK."

"How can I leave you?"

"Yes, yes."

LV Chan nodded, eyes, are all small stars.

"What's going on?" Xie Kun glanced around and asked confusedly.

He's acting like that!

In fact, after killing two seriously injured monsters, he came back, hiding in the dark and seeing everything.

"This boy, bully younger martial sister!" Pan Yang said coldly.


When Xie Kun heard the speech, his face showed exaggerated anger.He stared at Jiang Hao and said angrily, "elder Jiang Hao, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation!"

Jiang Hao squinted at him.

"Your acting is very good."


Lu Chan was furious.

She glared at Jiang Hao and said angrily, "asshole, you've gone too far!"

"At the beginning, you slandered elder martial brother Xie, saying that he took me as bait, abandoned me and ran away alone."

"Now that he's back, you say he's good at acting, and you stigmatize him for acting!"

"I know that a few days ago, elder martial brother Xie invited you to fight, but you didn't answer. His words ridiculed you."

"But it's over. Elder martial brother Xie apologized to you. Why are you still holding on? And yet, in spite of his resentment, he deliberately slandered him? " She cried angrily.


Hearing this, Xie Kun pretended to be innocent and angry. He stared at Jiang Hao and said angrily, "elder Jiang Hao, you How can you accuse me of taking advantage of my younger martial sister and abandoning her? "

"You've gone too far to stir up the relationship between me and my younger martial sister!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Pan Yang scolded.

"Elder Jiang Hao, please explain!" Luo Rui's eyes are bright and cold.

Ge Qingyun's face was angry, and he yelled, "I'm sorry to explain that!"

"Jiang Hao, I thought that you were just a weak and counsellor at most. I didn't expect that you were so despicable!"

"Yuanyuan will kill you!" Yuan yuanweng, sound Weng, airway.

The crowd was angry.

Seeing this, Xie Kun drew an imperceptible sneer from the corner of his mouth.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao angrily scolded: "a group of idiots!"


Pan Yang said angrily: "you have made a mistake and done dirty things. We have exposed you. Not only do you not apologize, but also you are so arrogant."

"Do you really think you are a bronze medal elder, and I dare not teach you a lesson?"

"Grass! "

LUO Rui made a rude remark and said," don't stop me. Today, I have to beat him! "

"Yuanyuan will beat him, too!" Yuan Yuan echoed.

When Xie Kun saw this, the curve of his mouth was bigger.

The next second, he stood up and acted as a good man.

"All right, all right."

He advised: "several elder martial brothers, calm down."

"We're on a mission. We can't fight. No matter what happens, we'll wait until the mission is over."

"Did you hear that?"

Lu Chan stares at Jiang Hao and sneers: "elder martial brother Xie is so generous, but you are so mean and insidious."

"Compared with him, you are for lower!"

Jiang Hao squinted at her and said in a cold voice: "big chest, brainless idiot!"


Lu Chan was angry and angry when she heard the speech.

Pan Yang and others, a little calm anger, and an instant burst out.

Luo Rui stares at him and says: "boy, after the task is over, no matter who blocks me, I'll beat you up!"

"Count me in!" Pan Yang said coldly.

Ge Qingyun said coldly: "add me!"

"And the circle." Yuan yuan raised his hand.

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