Hissing ~

a Feng, a man in black, spits out snake letter and stares at Xie Kun tightly, as if he is a delicious prey.

Whew ~

suddenly, he was like a flash of lightning and rushed to Xie Kun.

Xie Kun's heart was tight and he quickly dodged.

However, he was too slow to escape. He could only use Huolin sword to resist a Feng's claws.


A burst of impact, burst out, immediately will Xie Kun Zhen fly.

Cough ~ ~

Xie Kun coughed several times, his face was a little red, and his chest was stuffy.

"It's no use."

Jiang Zhengfeng shakes his red wine glass and says with a smile: "the speed of snakes, especially the short-range attack speed, is very fast. You can't avoid it at all."


Xie Kun shook his numb arm and said, "since you can't hide, kill him!"

Ha ha

Jiang Zhengfeng showed his face for the first time.

Look of disdain!

He sneered: "then try to see if your sword can touch ah Feng."

He has great confidence in ah Feng.

"Come on!" Xie Kun pointed to a Feng and challenged him.

Hissing ~

a Feng is spitting out snake letter. In his cold vertical pupil, there is not a trace of anger, but only constant indifference and bloodthirsty.


The next second, he moved.

The speed is still very fast, just like lightning in the shuttle, in an instant, appeared in front of Xie Kun, black light, containing poisonous nails, grasp Xie Kun's neck.

Just make a cut and the toxin will penetrate.

In this way, Xie Kun will surely die!


Xie Kun snorted coldly. As expected, as soon as his wrist turned, Huolin sword came sweeping.

The angle of this sword is tricky. If a Feng doesn't retreat, his poisonous nails and two hands will be cut off by Huolin sword.

At the same time, his chest may also be cut open.

A Feng didn't hesitate and immediately stepped back.

"Where are you going?"

Xie Kunleng drinks, his wrist turns again, and the sword edge swings. Huolin sword abruptly changes its direction, from upward cutting to sweeping, pointing straight at the retreating ah Feng.

He still has some ability!

Shua ~

a Feng's toes are a little bit sharp. As he retreats, his body, which is as soft as a snake, twists in an instant.

He didn't move his upper body, nor his lower body, but he twisted his waist to the right. His whole body was in a "C" shape, and he easily avoided the sweeping of Huolin sword.

Hey, hey

Jiang Zhengfeng light smile, way: "I said, your sword, can't touch a wind."

"You can't kill him, but he can kill you!"

Pan Yang saw this scene, a little worried, said: "younger martial brother Xie, do you need my help?"

"No need!"

"I can take care of him alone," Xie said coldly


Pan Yang is worried.

"It's nothing but!"

Xie Kun said coldly, "next hit, I will kill him!"

"All right."

Pan Yang was a little helpless and said, "be careful."

"Son of a bitch, you have ideals."

Jiang Zhengfeng sipped a mouthful of red wine and said, "come on, I wish you can kill ah Feng!"

His tone, very flat, but how to listen, feel like a mockery.


Xie Kun snorted coldly, looked at a Feng and said defiantly, "come on."

"Next strike, you will die!"

Hissing ~

a Feng seems to be angry and spits out snake letters.

Whoosh ~

suddenly, he left and right, pulling out one shadow after another, confusing Xie Kun.

Then, take the opportunity to fly to him.

Xie Kun's face didn't change and he chopped out with a sword.

However, the sword failed, even the corner of a Feng's clothes did not touch, just split a shadow.

Jiang Zhengfeng said with a smile, "don't waste your efforts. Your sword can't touch ah Feng."

"Fire cloud chop!"

Suddenly, Xie Kun gave a violent drink and a sword.

Suddenly, a large flame, swept out, will be more than ten meters around, are turned into a sea of fire.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

the shrill scream, the sound of which is chilling.

In the sea of fire, there is a burning man, rolling and hissing

It's ah Feng!

A minute later, the flames dissipated.


A charred corpse fell to the ground and split in an instant.

Ah Feng is dead!

He died thoroughly and miserably."Ah Feng Cried Jiang Zhengfeng.

At this moment, he could no longer keep calm, his eyes were full of shock and anger.

Xie Kun put away the Huolin sword and sneered: "he's very fast. My sword really can't touch him."

"But I don't need to touch him to kill him!"


Jiang Zhengfeng stares at him, his anger burning in his eyes.

Immediately, he calmed down.

"Good boy, you're good!"

He stared at Xie Kun and said: "those who dare to kill me, I will defeat you!"


Xie Kun sneered and said, "do you have this ability?"

"Do you want to try?"

Jiang Zhengfeng curved his mouth.

"Of course I'll try!"

Xie Kun's eyes, firelight jump, killing boiling, cheered: "kill you, I made the first achievement, when the time comes, I have a bright future!"

"So, you die for me!"


Before the words were heard, Xie Kun rushed up, waved his Huolin sword, and chopped Jiang Zhengfeng.

This sword is very powerful.

Ding ~

JIANG Zhengfeng took a sip of the wine with his red wine glass in one hand, and slowly lifted up his other hand, stretched out two fingers and gently clamped Huolin sword.


Xie Kun's eyes contracted and his face changed greatly.

He was shocked!

It seems that people and animals are harmless. Even some weak Jiang Zhengfeng just uses two fingers to break his sword power and clamp Huolin sword.

It's a little scary.

"Spread it out!" Xie Kun yelled.

Suddenly, his whole body was shocked, and his surging inner strength gushed out.

All of a sudden, the Huolin sword was in full bloom and burst into flames. In an instant, it enveloped Jiang Zhengfeng and burned him mercilessly.

Hey, hey

Xie Kun gave a ferocious smile and said, "fool, my Huolin sword can't be touched by anyone!"

"Is it?" Jiang Zhengfeng said with a smile.

"Give me Scattered

Suddenly, he waved his hand.

All of a sudden, the flames all over the sky dissipated out of thin air.

"This This This... "

Xie Kun was thrilled and his face changed greatly.

Even his body trembled a little, and all kinds of emotions welled up in his mind, such as anger, horror, fear

Pan Yang, Luo Rui and others were also thrilled.

Even Jiang Hao's eyes were a little surprised.

"Let go, let go!" Xie Kun roared.

He pulled out his sword and wanted to draw out the Huolin sword. He immediately backed away from Jiang Zhengfeng.

Because, his heart is a little uneasy!

"You want to step back?"

Jiang Zhengfeng mouth with a smile, light way: "good, I give you a ride!"

"Go away!"

All of a sudden, he caught Huolin sword between his two fingers and threw Xie Kun away, bumping into the glass dish containing the living experimental objects.

Poof! Suddenly, Xie Kun ejected a mouthful of blood and suffered a lot of injuries.

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