"Elder martial brother Xie!"

Seeing this scene, LV Chan's face changed. She rushed up, helped Xie Kun up, and asked with concern, "elder martial brother Xie, are you ok?"

"No It's OK. "

Xie Kun shook his head and stood up slowly.

He stared at Jiang Zhengfeng and said in a cold voice, "I can't imagine that you are so powerful when you pretend that you are a second-class officer who has no power to bind a chicken."

"I'm careless!"


Jiang Zhengfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "you mean you were careless, so you were hurt by me?"

"That's right." Xie Kun wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and said haughtily.

"Is it?"

Jiang Zhengfeng's corner of the mouth, raised a touch of radian, said with a smile: "in this case, I'll give you another chance."

"Hit me!"

"Remember, try your best, don't keep it."

His tone, very flat, but full of irony.


Xie Kun was angry and said, "I must kill you!"

Let's go.

He pushed LV Chan away, raised Huolin sword, pointed his foot and catapulted at Jiang Zhengfeng.

At the same time, he urged his whole body to inject into Huolin sword and cut it out with all his strength.

"Fire cloud chop!"

All of a sudden, the flames turned into a sea of flames and rushed to Jiang Zhengfeng, which immediately submerged him.


Xie Kun took a big breath and hummed coldly: "I'll see if you die this time..."


All of a sudden, a cold cry came out.

All of a sudden, the sea of fire, dissipated in the invisible, revealing a person.

It's Jiang Zhengfeng!

He's still intact.

"It's impossible!" Seeing this, Xie Kun cried.

Fire cloud chopping is his strongest mace.

He was killed not long ago.

However, now even a hair of Jiang Zhengfeng could not be hurt.

This is incredible!

"Nothing is impossible."

Jiang Zhengfeng said with a smile: "your strength is so weak that I can't stand still and let you fight. You can't hurt me."

Tut tut

He smacked his lips and said sarcastically, "the elite of Wudao League and LV Hong's Apprentice have only this ability. It's really disappointing."

"Bastard, die for me!"

Xie Kun is furious and his eyes are red.

With a roar, he was as fast as lightning. He waved his Huolin sword and cleaved to Jiang Zhengfeng.

Jiang Zhengfeng seems to be scared silly, stupidly set in place, did not resist, did not dodge.

Hey, hey

Xie Kun saw this scene and gave a ferocious smile.

He felt that his speed was too fast for Jiang Zhengfeng to react.

"Go to hell!"

Without any reservation, he grasped Huolin sword with both hands and used all his strength to cut Jiang Zhengfeng's chest, as if to split his shoulder.


Huolin sword cuts on Jiang Zhengfeng's chest, making a metal collision sound, accompanied by scattered sparks, splashing out.


Xie Kun's face changed greatly.

He's confused!

Huolin sword is a magic weapon. It is powerful and extremely sharp. When it is cut on Jiang Zhengfeng's chest, it only cuts out a bloodstain and penetrates a little blood.

This Is this still human?

The rest of them were also shocked and almost stunned.

Jiang Hao's eyes were a little surprised.

Even Huolin sword can't hurt. This defense is abnormal.


With a smile on his face, Jiang Zhengfeng stretched out his finger, gently clamped Huolin sword and said with a smile, "don't be surprised."

"In the animal kingdom, the tortoise's shell is extremely hard. In my body, the genes of the world's largest adabella weevil are fused."

"But I improved a little bit."

"My skin is more than ten times harder than the shell of the adabella tortoise."

Jiang Zhengfeng stares at Huolin sword, and his eyes show fiery light.

"I thought that in this world, except for large missiles, no weapons or guns could hurt me."

"Unexpectedly, this sword hurt me."

"What a sword

Suddenly, he yelled: "such a peerless sword falls into your hands. It's a pearl covered with dust. It's a terrible thing."

"Let go, this sword belongs to me!"


All of a sudden, he was shocked.

Suddenly, a surge of power, along the fire Lin sword, rushed to Xie Kun.

AhThe next second, Xie Kun screamed, could not help but let go of Huolin sword, and retreated.

His hands are full of blood. The wounds are all over the place. It's like being cut countless times by a small knife. The wound is not deep, but it's very painful and a lot of blood has been shed.

"Good sword! What a sword

After winning the sword, Jiang Zhengfeng stroked the Huolin sword and praised it again and again. The smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

With this sword, his strength has greatly increased.

Xie Kun was angry and angry when he lost his sword.

He stares at Pan Yang and others and scolds: "what are you doing? Help me get back the Huolin sword


Pan Yang answered, stamped his foot, cracked the ground and rushed to Jiang Zhengfeng.

Xie Kun also rushed up.

Two people join hands, cooperate very tacit understanding, one left and one right, attack Jiang Zhengfeng.

"If you can't beat one, just two?"

Jiang Zhengfeng mouth with a smile, not panic not busy way: "unfortunately ah, even if two to one, you can't beat me."

"Well, I don't bully you. I don't use weapons. I fight you with my bare hands."

After that, he put away the Huolin sword. He really didn't want to use it.

"Hum, arrogance!"

Pan Yang snorted coldly, and a cold light came out of his eyes. As soon as he swung the blade, he took Jiang Zhengfeng's eyebrow.

When he makes a move, he will kill!

Shua ~

suddenly, Jiang Zhengfeng reaches out his hand and grabs Pan Yang's knife.

Then, the other hand, squeezed into a fist, roared at Pan Yang.


All of a sudden, Pan Yang, like a shell, flew out and spewed out several mouthfuls of blood in the air. When he landed, he was seriously injured.

All over the body bone, broke several.

"Get out of here, too!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Zhengfeng stares at Xie Kun and gives him a direct blow.


Xie Kun also flew out, without any resistance.

It's terrible!

Jiang Zhengfeng's power is terrible.

A blow out, it is like an armored tank, rolling over, Rao is Xie Kun and Pan Yang, are five-star masters, also can't carry.

Xie Kun stares at Jiang Zhengfeng with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Jiang Zhengfeng sat down slowly, picked up the wine glass, sipped the wine and said with a smile, "are you surprised that I am so thin and weak, but my strength is so terrible?"

"I forgot to tell you that I've fused not only the genes of the adabella tortoise, but also the genes of the ant."

"In the biological world, ants are the most powerful when they are of the same size."

"So, I'm strong!"


Xie Kun stares at an eye, startled a way: "you fused the gene of two kinds of animals?"

"Not necessarily." With a faint smile, Jiang Zhengfeng joked: "maybe I have fused the genes of three or four kinds of animals."

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