
Xie Kun's face changed greatly when he heard the speech.

The rest of them also changed their faces.

By fusing the genes of two kinds of animals, Jiang Zhengfeng is already so terrible.

If three, four or even more animal genes are fused, isn't he Invincible?

People are a little creepy!

Jiang Hao's pupil shrank, his face became gloomy, and his eyes also sparkled with moriran's murders.

Jiang Zhengfeng actually fused the genes of two kinds of animals, even more.

From this we can infer that his research on genes is very thorough.

If we don't stop him, he may be able to create extremely terrible genetically modified people, which may lead to disaster.

So, he has to die!

Jiang Zhengfeng shakes his red wine glass, glances at Xie Kun and others, and says with a smile, "what's the matter? Scared? "

"Have you not been ordered to get rid of me?"

"Come on, I'm here. Come and kill me!"

His tone is very flat, but full of provocation and arrogance.

Everyone is angry!

Luo Rui said angrily, "what are you afraid of? There are five or six of us. No matter how hard his skin is and how strong his strength is, we can kill him! "

"Yes, let's go together. Don't be afraid of him!" Ge Qingyun echoed.

Hey, hey

Yuan Yuan said with a smile, "Yuan Yuan will kill him!"

Xie Kun and Pan Yang smell speech, looked at each other, nodded, eyes, no fear.

Five or six people, hit one, afraid of a hair!

"Together!" Xie Kun yelled.




Pan Yang, Luo Rui and others agreed.

Even LV Chan answered.

Immediately, Xie Kun, Pan Yang, Luo Rui, Ge Qingyun, Yuan Yuan, and LV Chan were all in full swing, carrying the awe inspiring intention to kill Jiang Zhengfeng.

"Six for one?"

Jiang Zhengfeng, with a smile on his face, said: "it's a pity that you can't beat me even if you beat me six to one."

Then he stood up slowly and shook his arm.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, a burst of GuJie.

Suddenly, he hit.


All of a sudden, Luo Rui, who rushed up, was beaten back, his face turned red, his chest was very stuffy, and a wisp of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

Chi Chi ~

his body retreated abruptly, his feet on the ground, dragging out two traces.

Fortunately, he was well prepared and fully defensive, so he didn't get hurt.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dull voice, one after another.

Xie Kun, Pan Yang, Ge Qingyun and others were all beaten back by Jiang Zhengfeng.

They can't get close to Jiang Zhengfeng!

If you can't get close, you can't hurt him.

"What to do?"

Pan Yang realized this, his face was ugly, and he looked at Xie Kun helplessly.

Xie Kun wiped the blood stains on the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "Yuanyuan, you are born with divine power. Your power is not much weaker than him. You are responsible for blocking him in the front."

"We'll take a chance and surprise him. We'll kill him with one blow!"

"Good!" All agreed.

Hey, hey

Yuan Yuan shakes his strong arm and stares at Jiang Zhengfeng. He laughs: "Yuan Yuan likes fighting most!"

"Elder martial brother said that you are stronger than Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan is not happy. Yuanyuan will kill you!"

"Kill you! Kill you Yuan Yuan yelled.

Immediately, he swung his fist and hit Jiang Zhengfeng.

"Shoot me?"

Jiang Zhengfeng's mouth turned up and outlined a sneer.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grasped Yuan Yuan's fist.

Bang! Bang!

The dull voice rang out, and under the collision of terrible forces, a circle of invisible waves surged up and swept away.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the floor under the foot of Jiang Zhengfeng burst one after another, unable to bear the burden.

"Good chance!"

Xie Kun's eyes burst out a wisp of cold light and yelled: "let's go together and kill him!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, everyone moved.

Ah ~ ~ ah ~ ~

all of a sudden, Yuan Yuan screamed in pain and yelled, "pain, pain in the hand, let go of yuan yuan!"

His hand, just pinched by Jiang Zhengfeng, was almost deformed.

Yuanyuan struggled violently, but he couldn't get rid of it at all. His hand, like being clamped by a pair of pliers, couldn't be pulled out at all.

Sobbing ~ ~ sobbing ~

he began to cry in pain.

"Elder martial brother, Yuanyuan's hand hurts. Save Yuanyuan quickly!""No one can save you!"

Jiang Zhengfeng eyes cold and evil, cold to spit out a few words.

"Give me Die

Suddenly, he let out Yuan Yuan's hand. His hands were like claws. He grasped Yuan Yuan Yuan's shoulder and put his fingers into the meat.

The muscle on the arm, instantly uplift, suddenly force, pull out.

All of a sudden, blood, intestines and internal organs flowed all over the ground.

Yuan Yuan was torn in two by Jiang Zhengfeng!

Bang! Bang!

Jiang Zhengfeng threw off two pieces of corpses, put out his tongue, and licked the blood on his hands. He said: "hot blood, it's delicious!"

"Yuan yuan!"

Xie Kun, Pan Yang and others stopped when they saw this scene.

They are confused!

Natural power, even if they are a little afraid of yuan yuan, so torn in two, dead without a whole body?

After a while, they were angry.


Jiang Zhengfeng licked the blood on his hand and said, "your companion is dead. Come on, kill me and take revenge for him."


Xie Kun's eyes turned red, and he yelled: "all use their Maces. We must kill him and avenge yuan yuan!"

"Good!" Everyone cheered.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a violent momentum burst out of their bodies, just like a volcanic eruption, which made the whole underground research institute tremble slightly.



Xie Kun, Pan Yang and others drank heavily and killed Jiang Zhengfeng.

"Yes, yes, that's it. Come on, kill me!" Jiang Zhengfeng laughs.


Suddenly, his body shook, the whole person disappeared.


Xie Kun and others, pupil a shrink, face big change.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The next second, they all spewed blood and flew out. When they hit the ground, they couldn't get up for a long time and suffered a heavy injury.

One side of Jiang Hao, eyes slightly a coagulation, low voice way: "good fast speed!"

Whew ~

the sound of breaking the air.

Jiang Zhengfeng sat on the soft chair, took up the wine glass, crossed his legs, sipped the scarlet red wine, and looked down at the crowd.

He light a smile, way: "I said, you even if six together, also beat me."

"Do you believe it now?"

No one answered his question.

Xie Kun and others, all lying on the ground, howling in pain, had no energy to answer his questions.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhengfeng stares at Jiang Hao.

He said with a smile, "you little boy, it's very interesting."

"From the beginning, I was very calm. I just stood by. Was I afraid or confident that one person could kill me, so I disdained to join hands with them?" "Guess!" Jiang Hao is indifferent.

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