"Guess what?" Jiang Hao light way.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhengfeng was stunned.

Ha ha ha

Immediately, he said with a laugh: "interesting, little boy, you are really interesting."

"What can I do? I don't want to kill you."

"Otherwise, you can submit to me. As long as you submit to me, I promise you that you will enjoy endless splendor and wealth."

"At the same time, I will transform your genes to make you strong and strong!"

"Submit to you?"

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and said indifferently, "you don't deserve it!"


Jiang Zhengfeng was angry and glared at him.

Then, he said with admiration, "it's not bad. It's worthy of being the person I like. It's really tough."

"In that case, I'll leave you for a while."

He looked at Xie Kun and others and said, "when I kill them, I'll play with you slowly."

"I must tame you!"

When Xie Kun, Pan Yang and others heard the speech, their hearts and bodies trembled.

They're scared!

Two merciless crush, they finally admitted that they can not beat Jiang Zhengfeng, perhaps, also can not escape.

Dada ~

the sound of footsteps, clear and loud, reverberates in the empty underground research institute.

Jiang Zhengfeng walked slowly to Xie Kun and others.

"Wait Wait a minute

Suddenly, Xie Kun held back his injury and stood up with difficulty.

Jiang Zhengfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "what? I know I'm going to die, so before I die, I'll give my last words to you? "

Suddenly, Xie Kun's face was stiff.

Coughing ~

he coughed a few times, but he didn't feel strong enough to say: "I I want to make a deal with you! "

"What conditions?"

Jiang Zhengfeng's eyes are full of light.

"I'm a member of the Wudao League, and my master is the iron card elder of the Wudao League. If you kill me, the Wudao League will be angry and will kill you at all costs." Xie kundao.


Jiang Zhengfeng's face was calm, with a faint smile.

"So you should let me go!"

Xie Kun seems to have the strength, straightened his chest, and said: "as long as you let me go, I promise that I will not target you and retaliate against you."

"Even, I can help you, help you hide your identity, deliberately report false information that you have been removed."

"That way, you can hide and be at ease."

Xie Kun said with a smile, "how about my condition?"


All of a sudden, Jiang Zhengfeng gave a violent drink.

Xie Kun looks around.

I saw Ge Qingyun, I don't know when, actually sneaked out more than ten meters, close to the exit of the research institute laboratory.

He wants to run!

However, it was found.

So, he no longer stealthily, suddenly straightened up, toes a little, launched a speed, like a lightning, shot out.


Jiang Zhengfeng sat on a soft chair, holding a red wine glass. His face was very sad. He snorted coldly and said, "under my eyes, can you escape?"


Suddenly, he raised his other hand and shot a blow across the air.

All of a sudden, the terrible fist force, like a shock wave, shot out at a very fast speed. After rubbing the air, it produced a little bit of fire.


Ge Qingyun exploded, just like a bunch of blooming blood fireworks, charming and magnificent.

Patta! Patta!

Pieces of meat and bones were scattered.

Underground research institute, a dead silence, everyone was shocked, head confused.


Xie Kun swallowed hard, and his face showed a strong fear.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Zhengfeng took a sip of red wine, looked at him and said with a smile, "by the way, what did you say just now? I didn't hear you. Say it again. "

"I I I... "

Xie Kun, I haven't said it for a long time.

He's scared!

He's scared!


Jiang Zhengfeng frowned and his voice was a little cold.

"I just heard that you want to negotiate with me?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if with a touch of coldness.

"I I... "

Xie Kun trembled all over, and his body was like chaff. On his forehead, he was sweating one bean after another.

"Say it

Suddenly, Jiang Zhengfeng said coldly, "what conditions do you want to discuss with me?"


All of a sudden, Xie Kun's body trembled and he sat down on the ground, his face as white as paper.

He yelled, "I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!""Oh?"

Jiang Zhengfeng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "what's wrong?"

"I shouldn't have made a deal with you." Xie Kun is in a hurry.

Jiang Zhengfeng raised his mouth and outlined a smile.

"If you are wrong, you have to pay the price."

He said coldly, "I'm a good man. I've never had blood on my hands."

"So, you decide for yourself!"

"That's right."

All of a sudden, he turned his head and scanned Pan Yang, Luo Rui and LV Chan, saying, "you are the same. Let's do it now."

"I I... "

Suddenly, Pan Yang and Luo Rui trembled.

Jiang Zhengfeng's eyebrows frowned and his face was slightly cold. He said, "what? Shall I do it myself? "


Suddenly, Pan Yang's knees softened and he knelt on the ground.

He can't carry it!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Jiang Zheng No, brother Jiang, I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. "

"I am willing to listen to you, I am willing to submit to you, please don't kill me!"

"I'm the elite of Wudao League. I know a lot of Secrets of Wudao League. I believe you and the forces behind you will be very interested."

"As long as you spare my life, I will tell you all the secrets!"

"That's a good suggestion."

Jiang Zhengfeng nodded slightly and said, "your strength is good. It's really useful to keep you."

Pan Yang's face brightened when he heard the speech.

He continued to kowtow and said, "yes, brother Jiang, I'm very useful!"

"Brother Jiang, don't you like Huolin sword? There is a better sword from my master! "

"That old man is very stingy and refuses to pass the sword to me. Brother Jiang, as long as you don't kill me, I promise to help you win the sword."

"Good, good."

Jiang Zhengfeng nodded with satisfaction, "you are very knowledgeable."

There's a play!

Pan Yang's smile brightened when he heard the speech.

His life seems to have been saved.

Luo Rui, on one side, saw this scene with his eyes moving. He immediately knelt down in front of Jiang Zhengfeng and kowtowed: "brother Jiang, I'm willing to submit to you, too."

"I'm willing to help you win the sword, too!"

"Elder martial brother pan, you..."

Lu Chan looks at Pan Yang and Luo Rui in horror. Her pretty face is full of shock.

Obviously, she didn't expect that Pan Yang and Luo Rui were so mean and dirty. In order to protect her life, she even dared to betray wudaomeng.

They even sold the masters who raised and cultivated them for decades.

"Shut up

Pan Yang's face was ferocious and he roared at her.

Lu Chan was stunned! At this moment, she felt that the elder martial brother, who had been with her for more than ten years, was very strange, which made her a little afraid.

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