"Signature meeting, over!"

With this remark, people were in an uproar.

"The signature meeting is coming to an end?"

"Goddess Qianqian, don't go. You didn't sign for me?"

"I've been waiting in line for hours, goddess Qianqian, sign for me!"

"Qianqian goddess, I love you!"

Cried the crowd.

"Be quiet!"

Suddenly, Dou Qianqian's agent cheered coldly: "we want to sign, next month, we can go to Zhonghai city."

"Now, please get out of the way. Qianqian is tired and needs a rest!"

After hearing the words, people consciously stepped back and gave way.

Suddenly, Dou Qianqian, surrounded by a kind of security guard, walked slowly.

"Goddess Qianqian, wait a minute."

All of a sudden, two youths, pushing aside the blockade of the security guards, rushed over.

They excitedly and excitedly said: "Qianqian goddess, for your signature, we have been in line for three hours. Can you sign for us?"

"No way!"

The agent stopped them, grimaced and yelled, "you go now!"

"The weather is so hot, Qianqian has signed for you for an hour, very tired, you are all her fans, you should think more for her."


A young man said weakly: "but other stars hold signature meetings, and they all sign for at least two hours."

"Qian Qian just signed for an hour..."

"Shut up

Agent a face anger, rebuke a way: "other people can compare with Qian Qian?"

"Qianqian is the most popular little Huadan now. She is very popular. The notice is arranged very tightly. If you delay the contract because of you, can you afford to pay for it?"


The young man was speechless.

Seeing this, another young man looked at Dou Qianqian and said with a smile, "goddess Qianqian, please sign for us. One will do. It won't delay your time."

Dou Qianqian's face was cold and said, "can't you understand my agent?"

"Get out of the way, I'm going to shoot ads!"

"Goddess Qianqian, I..." The young man opened his mouth.


Dou Qianqian was impatient and cheered coldly: "security guard, drive them away quickly!"

"By the way, write down their identities, my next signature meeting, and all kinds of concerts. They are not allowed to go."

"As soon as you find out they're gone, drive them away!"


All of a sudden, four robust security guards came over, the action is very rude, directly took them away.

"Hey, goddess Qianqian, it's too much for you to do so."

"Yes, it's too much."

"They are all your fans. Aren't you afraid of being exposed and hacked when you do this?"

Some people, seeing this scene, yelled.

They are not Dou Qianqian's fans.

They just join in the fun and can't watch it any more.

"Shut up

Dou Qianqian's face was cold, and he said: "you can expose me, black me, but as long as I find out, I can't spare him!"

"Damn, threaten us?"

"It's arrogant. I'll expose you now!"

"Dou Qianqian, I've recorded it. I'm going to post it on the Internet to let you have a look at how arrogant the popular little Huadan is!"

Suddenly, some people were angry.

Dou Qianqian's face changed.

She pointed to a tall and thin man and yelled, "security guard, destroy his cell phone immediately!"


Suddenly, two security guards rushed up, seized the man, grabbed his mobile phone, and fell to the ground.


All of a sudden, the mobile phone fell apart.

Ah ~

the man yelled, "my new mobile phone!"

He's furious!

"Smelly woman, you pay for my cell phone!"

He roared and rushed to Dou Qianqian.

Dou Qianqian panicked and yelled: "security guard, hurry up Help me

Suddenly, two security guards rushed over and subdued him.

Dou Qianqian patted his chest and said fiercely, "send him to the police station, just say he beat me, and you must shut him up for a year and a half."


Two security guards, with tall and thin men, went straight to the police station.

A lot of people were angry and yelled when they saw this scene.

"Dou Qianqian, why do you break his mobile phone?"

"Dou Qianqian, you've gone too far. You not only dropped his mobile phone, but also sent him to the police station. Are you still like a star like that?""Goddess Qianqian, there's nothing wrong with that man. Let him go."

Dou Qianqian's fans can't watch it any more.

"Shut up

Dou Qianqian cheered coldly: "security guard, security guard, drive them away immediately!"

"Whoever doesn't go, hit him!"


All of a sudden, dozens of burly security guards came out.

They have a tough attitude, and they are also very hard at hand. They push and shove, or drag hard, and drive away the fans around them one by one.

Even a few grumpy security guards started beating people.

Agent see this scene, a little worried: "Qianqian, won't it happen?"

"If this matter is exposed on the Internet, it will have an impact on your reputation and popularity."

"Don't worry, it's OK."

Dou Qianqian light smile, not care: "don't forget, this time, I came to Jianghai City, is to see less thunder."

"Lei Shao is the prince of Huatian entertainment group. With him covering me, even if it is exposed on the Internet, it has no influence on me."


The agent nodded: "Qianqian, you must firmly grasp Lei Shao."

"If Lei Shao can support you and praise you, you will become the first female star in China in three years, and then you will be the real queen."

"I know."

Dou Qianqian gave a charming smile.

"Let's go."

Suddenly, a thin figure rushed over.

It's su Juan!

She handed out the book and pen, looked up, pure and innocent eyes, a look of hope, nervous: "Qian Sister Qianqian, I I adore you. "

"You were born in the countryside, but with hard work, you become a big star. You are great."

"I come from the countryside, too. You are my example."

"You Can you sign it for me? " She said uneasily.

"Go away!" Dou Qianqian's face was cold and angry.

When she heard the word "country", her face turned black, and anger rose in her eyes.

She was born in the countryside, which is the biggest shame in her heart.

On hearing these two words, she felt that others were mocking her, and he would be angry.

Su Juan trembled, a little afraid.

She said weakly: "sister Qianqian, I..."

"Who is your sister?"

Dou Qianqian angrily scolded: "get out of here!"


Suddenly, she raised her hand and slapped Sujuan in the face. Her strength was very strong.

Su Juan is very thin.

Suddenly, the whole person fell back, fell on the ground, hit his head on the ground, and bled on the spot. She convulsed a few times and fainted.

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