
Dou Qianqian saw Su Juan fall on the ground, no movement, scared.

The agent turned pale and said in a trill, "no You're not going to die, are you

"Death Dead? "

Dou Qianqian smell speech, face big change, body in a flash, scared almost fall.

She's really scared!

"Why What should I do? What should I do? " She panicked.

The agent panicked, too.

"Wow, Dou Qianqian, I saw it. You killed people!"

"I saw it, too!"

"Dou Qianqian, you're finished. In broad daylight, you killed people. I'm going to send this incident to Weibo."

"Call the police, call the police

A small number of people who have not yet been driven away yell at this scene.

Dou Qianqian almost paralyzed when he heard the speech.

As soon as her face changed, she cried out, "security guard, come on Get them under control. Don't let any of them go. "

"Also, confiscate their mobile phones!"


Dozens of security guards acted very quickly, and some people's mobile phones were seized before they could send microblogs and call the police.

Then, they forced the masses to surround themselves and no one was allowed to leave.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Dou Qianqian was in a state of confusion and trembled.

She trills, "run, I'm going to run!"

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, the agent stopped her.

The agent squatted down slowly, stretched out his finger and explored Su Juan's nose.

The next second, she said happily: "there is a breath in her nose, she is not dead, she just fainted."


When Dou Qianqian heard the speech, his heavily made up face showed great anger.

"Damn bitches, they're pretending to be dead to scare me!"

She was full of anger, scolding and kicking Su Juan with her feet. "Mad, bitch, I want you to scare me, I want you to scare me!"

"Grass, do you want to get up quickly!"

She export into dirty, repeatedly burst foul language, where there is a little bit of star temperament and quality.

Clearly like a street swearing shrew!

"Stop fighting, Qianqian, stop fighting."

The agent stopped her immediately, "this little bitch, his head is bleeding. He should be seriously injured. Don't beat her. If you kill her, it will be a big trouble."

All of a sudden, Dou Qianqian trembled and immediately stopped No, it's stopped.

"Fang Sister Fang

Dou Qianqian holds the hand of agent, ask for advice: "how should I do?"

"I hurt my fans. I've been seen by so many people. Sooner or later, I'll be exposed. I Shall I go abroad at once to avoid the wind? "

"No need."

The agent shook his head and said, "Qianqian, Lei Shao of Huatian entertainment group, don't you like you very much?"

"With him covering you, you don't have to worry about such a small thing."


When Dou Qianqian heard the speech, he was relieved.

Huatian Entertainment Group is one of the largest entertainment companies in China. It is very important in the entertainment circle.

Especially in the entertainment circles of several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, it can be said that only one hand covers the sky.

Lei Shao is the prince of Huatian entertainment group. This small matter can be easily solved.

Dou Qianqian was relieved, and his face was calm.

She squinted at Su Juan on the ground and said in a cold voice, "sister Fang, what about this little bitch?"

"Take it to the hospital."

"Remember, it's claimed that she accidentally fell and knocked herself on the head," the agent warned

"When you find out, you immediately stop the signature meeting and take her to the hospital in person in the scorching sun."

"That way, you can make a wave of fame."

"Yes, yes."

Dou Qianqian nodded and praised: "sister Fang, you are so smart!"

Agent light smile, said: "OK, quickly send her to the hospital, head injury, is not a small matter, in case of something, it is not good."

"Well, good."

Dou Qianqian looked at the two security guards next to him, pointed a hook, and ordered: "you two come here, quickly take this little bitch to the hospital."

"Remember, if the doctor asks, she says she fell and hit her head."

"Are you clear?"

"Listen up!" Two security guards, respond.

"Do it now."

Dou Qianqian urged.

Then, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "sister Fang, it's too hot. Let's go. Let's go back to the hotel."

"Back to the hotel?"

Sister Fang frowned and said, "half an hour later, director Li has an advertisement there. What should I do?""It doesn't matter."

Dou Qianqian wayward way: "the day is too hot, advertising tomorrow to talk about it, today does not shoot."

"Go back."

"All right." The agent nodded.

So the party prepared to go back to the hotel.

"No! No

Suddenly, a big cry of panic rang out from the mouth of two security guards carrying Sujuan.

Dou Qianqian turned his head, frowned coldly and scolded: "what are your two names?"

"Dou Miss Dou, you Look... " A security guard, pointing to Su Juan on the ground, stammered.

Dou Qianqian looked down.

Suddenly, her face changed.

Su Juan, who was still in good condition just now, froth at her mouth and twitched all over. Her face turned pale in an instant, but her lips turned black a little bit.

"This What's the matter? " Dou Qianqian flustered way.

"I I don't know. "

A security guard, shaking his head, said: "we two, just ready to lift her up, but before we touched her, she suddenly twitched and became like this."

"Is she ill?" It's humane.

Suddenly, Su Juan stopped twitching, the whole person stiff, motionless, do not know is dead or alive.


Dou Qianqian's face changed greatly, her lips trembled and said, "she She's not going to die, is she? "

"Let me see."

The agent went over, squatted down, stretched out his finger and probed Su Juan's neck.

Suddenly, her face changed.

Then she touched Su Juan's neck again.

And, still cling to her chest, listen to the heartbeat.


The agent was shocked and fell to the ground.

"Fang Fang Jie, she How is she Dou Qianqian asked uneasily.

The agent trilled, "she She has no breath, no pulse, no heartbeat

"She She's dead

Ah, ~

Dou Qianqian yelled, completely flustered.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

She was in a mess and her mind was blank.

All of a sudden, she looked up at the two security guards and said in a cold voice, "it's you who killed her!"

"No It's not us. "

The two security guards trembled at the speech and quickly explained, "Miss Dou, I We didn't touch her at all. We didn't kill her. "

"You killed her. Sister Fang and I saw her with our own eyes."

Dou Qianqian cut off the railway: "right, sister Fang?"


The agent was stunned. Dou Qianqian winked at her and said, "sister Fang, we saw them two and killed the little girl, right?"

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