Suddenly, Peng Yi turns around and bows.

"Thank you for your help

Old crane shook his head and said, "it's the duty of the old man to protect him."

"It's you?"

Suddenly, the young man with long hair, his eyes burning, fixed on the old crane and asked, "did you save Peng Yi?"

He said nothing.

He was so lonely that he didn't seem to want to talk much.

"Unexpectedly, there is a master hiding here."

He licked his lips, eyes burst out bloodthirsty light, the whole person like to see the prey of wild animals, full of dangerous breath.

"I thought, this task, just kill a mole ant, very boring, did not expect, unexpectedly met a master, really exciting."

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, he said: "what I like most is to kill experts and taste their blood!"

Hey, hey

Cuntou youth and bald youth also gave a few grim smiles.

Shua ~

suddenly, old crane opened his eyes, and a light came out of his eyes.

He said coldly, "ignorance is a capital crime."


"What do you mean?"

The young man with long hair was stunned for a moment, and his face was muddled.

Cuntou youth and bald youth are also full of doubts.


old crane sighed, shook his head and said, "I can't imagine that the killer of night wolf is becoming more and more unbearable, weak in strength and poor in eyesight."


The face of the young man with long hair was gloomy.

"What do you mean?" he said coldly


Old crane shook his head and said indifferently, "dead people, you don't need to know too much."


The young man with long hair was furious.

He narrowed his eyes, the cold light, and said harshly, "old man, how dare you look down on us?"

"You're dead!"

In the eyes of cuntou youth and bareheaded youth, there was also anger.


Suddenly, the young man with long hair was shocked all over, and flames appeared out of thin air, lingering around him.

He bathed in the fire, like the supreme god of fire!


"Is it magic?"

"Is it magic or magic?"

"Why is he not afraid of fire?"

"Is he human or not?"

When people saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded and shocked.

Clusters of flames, jumping and burning.

In an instant, the temperature of the whole reception site soared up. It was very hot. Everyone was sweating and took off their clothes.

They were horrified!

These flames are real.


Suddenly, the young man was shocked.

His whole body, instantly appeared a continuous stream of light cyan.

These light cyan air currents, very subtle, very thin.

However, it has a palpitating edge, seems to cut the skin.

Ah ~

suddenly, several people screamed.

They were too close to each other. They were slightly affected by the light cyan air flow around the young men. In an instant, they split their skin and exuded a little blood.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the body of the bald youth.

His body surface, dense out of a faint halo.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the ground under his feet cracked and his feet sank slowly.

Poop! Poop!

All of a sudden, the people around, suddenly, a short body, waist bent down, knees also bent down, several people, caught off guard, directly knelt down.

As if there is a mountain, pressure on them, to press them down.

Hey, hey

The young man with long hair, with a smile, stirred a group of flames with his fingers and said in a cold voice: "old man, can we get into your eyes now?"


He laogujing no wave, light to spit out four words.

Then he closed his eyes again.


A young man with long hair, his mouth twitched, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Old man, since we wind, fire and mountain became the killer of Tianzi, you are the first to say that we are vulnerable."

"So, I will take good care of you!" he said ferociously

"One is full of flames, one is full of air, one is full of yellow light. Are they still human?"

"This What's going on? "

"Am I blinded?""I Am I watching Hollywood special effects movies? "

There was a lot of discussion.

Many of them have been in contact with the world of martial arts and Taoism, and even met martial arts people.

But they never saw it.

What a shock!

At this moment, their three outlooks will collapse.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, a celebrity, unable to resist the impulse in her heart, took out her mobile phone, took a few photos, and was ready to show off on Weibo.


The young man with long hair noticed it and turned his head and stared at the lady.

"Who allowed you to take pictures?"

All of a sudden, the famous lady trembled, her legs and feet softened, and almost collapsed on the ground.


She was too scared to speak.


Suddenly, young man with long hair, finger a little.


A flame, like electric light, burst out and fell on the lady, instantly turned into a raging flame and wrapped her.

The next second, the flame disappeared, and so did the celebrity.


Instead of disappearing, she turned into ashes.

In less than a second, she was burned to ashes by the fire, even a scream, did not have time to shout out, too terrible.

At this moment, everyone shivered and their scalp seemed to explode.

The young man with long hair, with a pick on his lips, glanced at the old crane and said coldly, "old man, what's the power of my flame?"

"Average." Old crane is indifferent.


Suddenly, the young man with long hair was angry.

"Good, good."

He laughed angrily and said, "old man, I didn't expect you to be so arrogant even when you are going to the earth!"

"In that case, I'll send you to huangquan in advance!"


All of a sudden, old crane spoke.

The young man with long hair grinned and said, "what? Old man, are you scared? "

"You are afraid, I can spare your life!"

"As long as you kneel down, kowtow to me, and then abandon your cultivation, I will spare you a dog's life!"

"You think too much!"

Crane old not angry also not angry, indifferent way: "you are too weak, together on it, don't waste old time."

"When you are old, you should sleep more."

How arrogant!

How arrogant!

But crane old tone is very flat, as if to say a fact.

The young man with long hair was trembling and his eyes were burning.

"Old man, you want to die!"

"We'll help him," he thundered

"Together, blow him to pieces!"



Cuntou youth and bald youth, respectively, should say.

"Old crane."

Peng Yi is worried.

"Don't worry, sir." Crane old complexion is calm, light way: "master, please step back, quiet wait for a moment, old rotten first clean up them."

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