Peng Yi hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "OK."

Then, he stepped back more than ten meters.

Seeing this, Han Jiande quickly pulls Han Lulu back more than ten meters.

Others, too, have retreated.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The air broke.

The three young men with long hair, dragging out three shadows, carrying a huge killing intention and powerful momentum, killed old crane.


Suddenly, old crane opened his eyes and shot out two rays.

He slowly raised his fist and blew it out.


Suddenly, the air explosion, as lit a pack of high explosives, terrible waves, swept in all directions, the floor was broken.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three explosions, almost at the same time.

The three young people with long hair exploded and turned into three groups of blood mist, just like the blooming blood fireworks, with a kind of eerie beauty.

Dead silence!

There was a dead silence at the reception.

A group of bosses, celebrities, all eyes wide, mouth wide, motionless, like petrochemical.

They are all confused!

Han Jiande is also a little confused.

He has seen the fighting and fighting among the warriors.

Not long ago, in a private hospital, Peng Yi and Jiang Hao were fighting like a werewolf. He remembers it clearly and vividly. Every time he thinks about it, he will be amazed.

However, the fighting scene was far less shocking than this one.

This time, what a shock!

The whole person is bathed in the flame, not dead or injured. With a little finger, the flame can instantly burn a person to ashes.

This is just a picture in the legend!

However, such a terrible three people, but by chicken skin and crane hair, old and frail, rickets and thin, the whole body exudes a thick Twilight old crane, a blow burst.

They were so frightened that they almost lost their chin.

Crane old slowly put down his fist, terror such as God of war momentum, instantly dissipated invisible.

He stooped to Peng Yi and said respectfully, "master, get rid of the troublemakers."

When Peng Yi heard the speech, he bent down and arched his hand.

"Thank you for your help."


Old crane nodded faintly.

Then he closed his eyes and stood quietly beside Peng Yi.

Peng Yi looked around at the crowd and said in a loud voice, "I'm sorry, everyone. There was an accident at this reception, which made you scared. I'm sorry."

"At the same time, I would like to express my mourning for several unfortunate people."

"I will pay for their losses."

"It's OK. It's OK."

"Mr. Peng is serious!"

"Mr. Peng, thanks to your reception, we've opened our eyes. We also want to thank you."

A group of bosses, celebrities, fear.

Their words are full of flattery and flattery.

Peng Yi himself is the owner of the Peng family in Zhonghai city. He is a famous business tycoon in China. In addition, he has an old crane who looks like a god of war.

Such people, they don't please, then please who?

Peng Yi pressed his hand and yelled, "everyone, be quiet."

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

Peng Yi glanced around and asked, "ladies and gentlemen, I would like to ask whether this reception should continue or end?"

"Go on, go on!"

"Yes, go on, we haven't had enough."

They all said.


Peng Yi said with a faint smile: "in that case, I will announce that the reception will continue."

"Manager Huang, clean up the scene."


Manager Huang, who was soft all over, immediately arranged for someone to carry away the body and clean the blood stains on the ground.

A moment later.

The party returned to normal, as if there had been no accident.

"Mr. crane, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I'm the chairman of flying group..."

"Mr. crane, here's to you. I'm the president of Baida real estate company..."

"Mr. crane, here's to you. I'm..."

One by one, the managers, one by one celebrities, are holding glasses, very respectful, full of flattery, toasting to old crane.

Old crane kept his eyes shut and ignored them.

Finally, he became impatient. He opened his eyes, frowned and said coldly, "I don't drink. Go away. Don't disturb my rest!"

His tone is very impolite.

"Yes, yes."

All of a sudden, a group of bosses, celebrities, have laugh.

Then, dare not hesitate, hastily retreat, dare not disturb crane old.

At the reception, the lights were red and the wine was red.On the other side.

One of the five great forces in Jianghai City, Shijiazhuang.

The manor was desolate and bleak, and the atmosphere was depressing and sad.

A pair of ice coffins, lying in the hall, sent out strands of cold.

In the ice coffin, there was a body split in two.

It's Shi Lei!


Shi Lei's second uncle sighed and said, "what can I do?"

"Before big brother went out, he gave Xiaolei to us and told us repeatedly that we must protect Xiaolei and not let him suffer any injury."

"But now, Xiaolei has been killed."

"When big brother comes back, what should we tell him?"

Suddenly, Shi Lei's third uncle shivered.

He timidly said: "big brother dotes on Xiaolei so much. He has a bad temper. If he knows Xiaolei is dead, he will be angry. Maybe we will all suffer."

"It's the damned Jiang Hao!"

Shi Lei's second uncle gritted his teeth and said, "mad, he dares to kill Xiao Lei. I really want to kill him!"


"What are you going to kill him with?"

Shi Lei's third uncle shook his head and said, "not to mention his strength, he is probably stronger than us. He is the bronze medal elder of Wudao League."

"We don't dare to touch him!"


Shi Lei's second uncle felt deeply aggrieved and said something rude.


Shi Lei's third uncle, with a helpless look on his face, sighed: "this matter should be dealt with after elder brother comes back."

"Lei Er, Lei er..."

All of a sudden, a cry, like thunder, mixed with strong inner strength, penetrated many obstacles and passed on.

All of a sudden, Shi Lei's second uncle and third uncle trembled.

"Big brother is back!"

Suddenly, a touch of fear appeared on their faces.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Shi Lei's third uncle is a little scared and flustered.


Suddenly, a breeze came.

A figure appeared.

This man is very tall and burly, and his whole body is very muscular. In his eyes, the light is like electricity, which is breathtaking. His breath is as deep as the sea, which is unfathomable.

He is the master of the stone family, the five-star master, Shixiong!

Shi Lei's second uncle, when he saw him, his pupils shrank and said in a trill: "big Brother, you're back. "


Shi Xiong nodded slightly.

He frowned and said, "second brother, third brother, why are you all here? What about lei'er? Where is he? "


Shi Lei's third uncle, his lips trembled a few times, but he didn't dare to speak after all.

Why? Suddenly, Shi Xiong saw the ice coffin. He frowned and said, "what's the matter with you? Why did you carry the ice coffin into the hall? "

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