"Don't worry, he's not dead!"

Shi Xiong's face was ferocious and said, "call at once and ask Jiang Hao to roll over."

"Or I'll kill your father!"


Han Lulu was angry and embarrassed.

On one side is her father and on the other side is Jiang Hao. She really doesn't know what to do.

"Give you five seconds to think about it."

Shi Xiong said in a grim voice: "as soon as five seconds arrive, if you don't call, I'll tear off your father's hand!"





"Don't count, I'm coming!"

All of a sudden, a cold cry came out.

A figure, Shua, appeared.

It's Jiang Hao!

"Jiang Jiang Hao. "

When Han Lulu saw Jiang Hao, she burst into tears. Then she burst into a smile and felt at ease.

"What are you laughing at?" Shi Xiong roared.


He is very angry, wrist suddenly a force, Han Lulu choked dizzy.

"Son of a bitch!"

When Jiang Hao saw this scene, his eyes suddenly became cold, and his whole body revealed a murderous opportunity.

"Let go of Lulu and uncle Han, I'll keep your whole body!" He squinted and snapped.

Hey, hey

Suddenly, Shi Xiong grinned: "little bastard, you killed my lei'er. Now, I want to tear up your close relatives in front of you."

"You want you to be miserable!"


In an instant, Jiang Hao's murderous spirit was flourishing.

"Don't move!"

Shi Xiong pinched Han Jiande and Han Lulu's neck with both hands, and said coldly, "little bastard, if you move again, I'll strangle them!"

Jiang Hao smell speech, Mou Guang more of Sen Han.

He had to stop!

Tut tut

Shi Xiong glanced at Han Lulu and Han Jiande, smacked his mouth and said with a grim smile: "little bastard, you say, which hand is better for these two people to tear off first?"

"If you dare to hurt them, I promise you will die miserably!" Jiang Hao threatened.

However, Shi Xiong turned a deaf ear and did not take his threat to heart at all.

"Little bastard, I heard that Han Lulu is your beloved woman, right?"

Shi Xiong said with a smile: "in that case, I'll kill her!"

"Inner strength turns hands!"

He gave a low drink.

All of a sudden, the inner strength of the rolling, gushing out, turned into a slightly transparent hand, grabbed Han Lulu's left arm, and tore it violently.

"Stop it

Hao gave a loud drink.

However, Shixiong didn't hear it. He didn't stop at all. Instead, he started faster and harder.


Han Lulu's clothes were torn, and her sleeves fell off, revealing a snow-white lotus arm.

Her arm, slightly longer, the arm muscles and skin, in the pull, become rigid and tight, like a tight rope, will break at any time.

"You want to die!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, endless murders, raging fury and fury mixed together to form an unparalleled force to crush Shixiong.

"Kneel down!" He yelled.

Suddenly, Shi Xiong's body is short, knees, waist, slightly bent down.

On his back, like a mountain.


He looked at Jiang Hao in horror, and his eyes showed a touch of horror and fear.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's strength is beyond his expectation.

"Kneel down!"

Jiang Hao drinks again.

In an instant, the unparalleled force rolled Shixiong again.


Shixiong couldn't carry it. He bent his knee and knelt on the ground on the spot, breaking the hard granite floor.

Dada ~ ~ dada ~

with the sound of footsteps, Jiang Hao slowly walks towards him.

Shixiong is scared!

He yelled, "don't come here, don't come here!"

However, Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Shi Xiong sees this, in frightened eyes, once again dyed a layer of scarlet, the whole person is crazy again.

The muscle on his arm suddenly swelled up and made a sudden effort. He grabbed Han Jiande and Han Lulu by the neck and threatened: "little bastard, don't come here!"

"If you come any closer, I'll strangle them!"


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and hummed coldly.

"How dare you resist?"

"Get down!"

He murmured, a more terrible force, like a mountain torrent, poured out, and instantly drowned Shixiong.Poop!

Suddenly, Shixiong's body shook and fell forward. The whole person was like a toad, lying on the ground, unable to move.


In a flash, Jiang Hao rushes over, saves Han Jiande and Han Lulu, and checks them.

After a moment, he was relieved.

Han Jiande and Han Lulu are OK. They just faint. It's OK.

The next second, his eyes were sharp and cold.

He looked down at Shixiong and said in a cold voice, "come on, how do you want to die?"


Shi Xiong's heart trembled.

He's scared, he's scared!

He doesn't want to die!

"You can't kill me. I'm the head of the Shi family. If you kill me, you'll offend the whole Shi family." He cried.

"What if I offend you?"

Jiang Hao's face did not change. He said coldly, "little Shi family, I can destroy it with one sword!"

Shi Xiong heard the words and was silent for a moment.

He was the first master of the Shi family. When he faced Jiang Hao, he was defeated without fighting. He was completely defeated. No one else could threaten Jiang Hao.

It doesn't work even if we do it together.

In this case, his threat is not a threat at all, it can only be regarded as nonsense.

"What do you want to do to let me go?" Shi Xiong takes the soft road.

"No matter what, I won't let you go!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were full of murders, and he said in a cold voice, "if you hurt Lulu, I will die!"


The fierce killing makes Shi's ambition cold.

Roar ~

suddenly, he roared violently, and his whole body was filled with a faint blood gas, and his fierce momentum rose again and again.


Jiang Hao picked his eyebrows.

"Blood burning technique?"


There was an invisible explosion.

Shixiong broke free from the shackles and oppression, his body in a flash, instantly disappeared, straight to the door.

He wants to run!

"Can you escape?"

Jiang Hao raised his lips and outlined a smile of disdain.

Shua ~

he screamed a little and ran out.

The next second, he appeared at the door and blocked Shixiong.


Shi Xiong was shocked to see Jiang Hao.

He has used the technique of burning blood. He doesn't hesitate to burn the blood essence in his body to improve his strength and speed and try his best to escape.

However, even so, in speed, he is still not as good as Jiang Hao.

Why wasn't he shocked?

Jiang Hao, with a cold face, gazed at him and said coldly, "don't waste your time. You can't escape!"


Shi Xiong burst out a rude sentence. In his scarlet eyes, he burst out a fierce color.

"Grass, since I can't escape, I'll kill you first!"

"Go to hell!"

He gave a loud drink, waved his fist and roared at Jiang Hao.

Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the air exploded, like fireworks, and it kept on exploding. This punch is very powerful.

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