Boom! Boom!

The air is exploding and the ground is shaking.

At this moment, Shi Xiong's fist is like a towering mountain. When his fist is waved, it means that the mountain is rolling, crushing and destroying everything.

He is an almost invincible master among the five-star masters. In addition, he used the technique of burning blood, and his strength soared. No one can stop him.

Even if they are six star masters, few of them dare to join them.

Unfortunately, the person he faced was Jiang Hao!

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand casually, and a stream of Qi shot out. In an instant, he destroyed Shi Xiong's fist power and lifted him away.


Shi Xiong spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood. When he fell to the ground, he rolled several circles in embarrassment before stopping slowly.

"How could that be?"

His face was full of disbelief.

Yes, he can't believe that Jiang Hao is so strong, let alone that he is so weak.

You know, he has already used the technique of burning blood, and he can't even stop Jiang Hao from waving it.

"I said, you can't escape!"

Jiang Hao, with a cold face, gazed at Shi Xiong and said coldly, "you'd better go and die. No matter how hard you struggle, you can't change the result!"

"The more you struggle, the more painful you will die!"

After that, he walked slowly to Shixiong.

"You Don't come here Shi Xiong's face changed and he trilled.

However, Jiang Hao did not stop at all.


Shixiong trembled all over, and fear rose in his heart.

All of a sudden, he turned his eyes and fixed on a large group of frightened, shivering bosses and celebrities.

There was a look of ferocity on his face.


Suddenly, he gave a loud drink, and his whole body was burning with flames.


He pointed a little.

All of a sudden, the fire, like a dragon, flew out and landed at the feet of the bosses and celebrities. It spread quickly and formed a circle of fire, trapping them all.

Hey, hey

Shi Xiong's eyes were scarlet, and he said with a ferocious smile: "little bastard, stop for me. If you dare to move forward, I will kill these people!"

"Ah, don't kill me!"

"Please, don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

"I'll give you the money. Don't kill me!"

When they heard the words, they were all frightened and began to shout.

"Shut up

Shi Xiong's face was cold and he drank violently.

All of a sudden, everyone shut up, noisy cocktail scene, instant quiet.

Shi Xiong glanced at Jiang Hao and said: "little bastard, if you don't want them to die, you should kneel down immediately, kowtow to my lei'er and apologize, and then abandon your cultivation."

"Or I'll kill them all!"

Hey, hey

He gave a grim smile and said, "little bastard, I know you are from Wudao League. The duty of Wudao League is to protect ordinary people."

"These people are all dignified people. If they die for you, they will cause a big stir."

"At that time, the high level of Wudao League will be angry, abolish your cultivation, drive you out of Wudao League, and maybe kill you!"

"And I won't kill you. I just need you to kneel down to my lei'er and abandon your cultivation."

"I hope you think it over!"

Jiang Hao glanced at him faintly and said coldly, "do you think you can kill people in front of me?"


Shi Xiong's face sank, and he hummed coldly: "little bastard, I admit that your strength is very strong. I can't beat you."

"But the ring of fire laid by Lao Tzu can submerge them and burn them to ashes in a second at most."

"You can kill me, but they will be buried with me!"

"At that time, you still can't escape the punishment of the high level of Wudao League!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"What are you laughing at?"

Shi Xiong's face was cold and a little impatient. He yelled: "little bastard, kneel down immediately and kowtow to my lei'er and repent."

"And then abandon your self cultivation!"

However, Jiang Hao was not moved at all.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Shi Xiong scolded: "little bastard, do you hear me?"

"Kneel down and repent to my lei'er, and then abandon my cultivation!"

He urged again.

Unfortunately, Jiang Hao is still indifferent.

"Bastard, would you rather they all died than kneel down to repent and abandon your cultivation?" Shi Xiong roared.

Jiang Hao did not move."Good, good!"

Shi Xiong's eyes were cold, and his face showed a ferocious color.

"I can't imagine that a powerful military and Taoist alliance, who claims to be the patron saint of China, will end up sacrificing dozens of people for his own self-interest."

"It's really good!" He sneered.

"Since you want them to die, I'll kill them all!"


The next second, he pointed a little.

Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the flames rose and fell into the ring of fire.

In an instant, the circle of fire became bigger and the flame became more vigorous, although under the control of Shixiong, the flame did not burn anyone.

However, the terrible high temperature, still make them very uncomfortable, very painful, have issued a scream.

"Ah, my skin is red!"

"Help me put out the fire, my clothes are on fire!"

"My hair is burning. Help me

"Ah, I can't stand it. I'm about to be roasted!"

"Let me out, I don't want to die!"

The crowd yelled.

"Shut up

Pointing to Jiang Hao, Shi Xiong scolded: "you should die. If you want to blame it, blame this little bastard. He is the bronze medal elder of Wudao League and is known as your patron saint."

"But now, he chose to sacrifice you for his own benefit, regardless of your life or death at all!"

All of a sudden, everyone glared at Jiang Hao and scolded him.

"Little thing, you are so cruel

"Boy, I don't know what the wudaomeng is, but since you are known as our protector, you should protect us unconditionally!"

"Yes, boy, you quickly agree to his request, kneel down and kowtow to repent, and then abandon your accomplishments!"

"Boy, I command you to agree to his request immediately!"

Hey, hey

When Shi Xiong heard these shouts, he could not help grinning.

"Little bastard, do you hear me? This is the voice of the public!"

"He said with a grim smile:" immediately kneel down and kowtow to repent, and then abandon the cultivation. "

"Otherwise, your reputation will stink when it gets out."

"Moreover, you can't escape the punishment of the high level of the Wudao League. Your relatives and friends, because of you, can only live in scolding and blaming in the future."

"Is the nonsense over?" Suddenly, JiangHao cold tunnel.


Shi Xiong's face turned into the color of pig liver, and his eyes were full of anger.

He's angry!

"Little bastard, do you think I dare not kill them?" Jiang Hao looked at him quietly and said nothing.

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