
All of a sudden, the rolling sound, like thunder, exploded in Shi Lei's second uncle's ear, which made his eardrum tremble and his head hum.

He quickly kowtowed and said, "father, brother was killed!"

"More than a week ago, Xiaolei offended a man in Longteng villa. That little bastard, ruthless, killed Xiaolei on the spot."

"When big brother came back today, he learned the news and immediately went to him for revenge."

"But big brother never comes back."

"Just now, the third brother received a phone call, asking him to understand the body of the elder brother."


The old man, Shi kuangtian, gave a loud drink.

All of a sudden, the whole room, together with the manor on the ground, was shaking slightly.

"Who killed lei'er and Xiong'er?" He cried angrily.

Shi Lei's second uncle, even busy way: "that little bastard, called JiangHao!"

"He is the bronze medal elder of Wudao League!"


Shi kuangtian was shocked by the speech.

"The bronze medal elders of Wudao league are all six star masters. Xiong Er can't beat them at all. Why does he want to die?"


Shi Lei's second uncle shook his head and said, "father, I have investigated. This bronze medal elder is very young, and his strength is not too strong."

"He was promoted to bronze medal elder, not by strength."

"Then why is Xiong Er dead?" Shi kuangtian asked.


Shi Lei's second uncle is speechless.

"Father, what shall we do?"

Shi Lei's third uncle asked: "that little bastard killed Lei ER and elder brother. He has a blood feud with our Shi family. Shall we kill him?"


Shi kuangtian's eyes were deep. He shook his head and said, "endure!"

"We must bear it!"

Shi Lei's second uncle was upset when he heard that.

"Father, don't we take revenge?"

"Of course

Shi kuangtian's eyes burst out a wisp of murder.

"But not now."


he sighed and said, "although I'm a six-star master, I'm too old. My Qi and blood are withered, and my spirit is withered. In terms of strength, I'm inferior to Xiong'er."

"Even Xiong'er is dead. If I take revenge, I will probably die too."

"So, we have to endure, we have to wait!"

"Wait for the best time to get rid of that son of a bitch!"

He glanced at his two sons and said, "you two, don't mess around. Do you hear me?"


Shi Lei's second uncle and third uncle nodded.

"All right."

Shi kuangtian waved his hand and said, "go down."

"Yes, father."

Shi Lei's second uncle and third uncle retreated slowly.

Shi kuangtian looked up at the sky, clenched his fist, and his eyes were full of murders.

"JiangHao child, you kill my grandson, kill my son, this revenge this hate, die together, even if I fight this old life, I will kill you!"

The voice of deep resentment reverberates in the basement.


In a flash, Shi kuangtian went back to the secret room and began to recover.

In recent years, he has been closing the door in order to make a breakthrough.

Unfortunately, it was not successful for a long time. It was closed all the year round, which accelerated the withering of Qi and blood, and led to the withering of essence, Qi and spirit.

Now, he has to recover his spirit, recover his body and try to improve his strength.

Then, wait for the time to kill Jiang Hao!

On the other side.

Jiang Hao takes Han Jiande and Han Lulu back to the villa.

Whew! Whew!

He flexed his fingers and played two magic powers to wake them up.

"Let go of Lulu!"

Han Jiande yelled and stood up abruptly.

He looked around, confused.

"This is My home? What's the matter? Why am I at home? " He murmured.

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "Uncle Han, I brought you back."

"Is it?"

Han Jiande looked at himself and then Han Lulu, wondering, "Why are we all ok?"

"What about the man named Shixiong?"

"He's dead." Jiang Hao light way.


Han Jiande was shocked by the speech.

In his opinion, Shi XiongQiang is peerless in the world, just like the fairy in the legend. Unexpectedly, he died.

"How did he die?" Han asked.


Jiang Hao hesitated and said, "I was killed by a very powerful man."He didn't tell the truth.

Because, for the time being, he doesn't want to expose his identity, and he doesn't want them to know too much about the martial arts world to prevent them from being involved.

Han Jiande asked a few more questions.

Jiang Hao has been half true and half false.

"Jiang Hao, Wuwu..."

Suddenly, Han Lulu wakes up, pours into Jiang Hao's arms and starts to cry.

She was really scared!

"All right, all right, it's all right."

Jiang Hao patted her on the back of the show and comforted her: "it's all my fault. You're scared. I promise, there won't be another time."

"Well, I don't want to stay."

Han Jiande shook his head, sighed and turned away.

In the next week, in order to calm down Han Lulu's mood and eliminate her nightmare, Jiang Hao accompanied her around.

In a week, I visited the places of interest in several surrounding cities.

Eight days later.

Han Lulu finally recovered and went to bed at night, never having nightmares again.

So they went back.

Jiang Hao drags his suitcase and opens the door of the villa.

Suddenly, a strong smell of smoke came, which made Jiang Hao and Han Lulu frown.

"You're back." Han Jiande has a hoarse voice.

His face was tired, his eyes were black, his hair was messy, and there were bottles and cigarette butts everywhere on the ground.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Han Lulu saw this scene, her face changed, and asked quickly.

"No It's nothing. "

Han Jiande shakes his head slightly and wants to say nothing.

"No, there must be something."

Han Lulu worried: "Dad, have you encountered any difficulties? Tell us. Maybe we can help

Han Jiande hesitated after hearing the speech.


then he sighed and said, "money moves people."

"The project that Peng Yi and I have cooperated on has huge investment and infinite potential. Once it is successfully completed, it will surely have a good harvest. At that time, doubling the assets will not be a problem."

"Who doesn't like such a big cake?"

"Originally, I thought that this project, with the participation of general manager Peng, no one dares to pay attention. Unexpectedly, after all, someone has reached out."

"That man, he's a big one?" Han Lulu asked.


Han Jiande nodded and said, "this man is from the Wang family in Beijing. He wants to force me out of this project."

"Peng always wanted to support me when he got to know."

"But I don't know why. In the end, he chose to support Wang can, and repeatedly advised me not to be impulsive and take the initiative to quit the project."

"But you know what? Why did I spend most of my life on this project and invest 8 billion yuan, but Wang can... "

"He's only willing to pay me 100 million, he just wants to kill me!" The more Han Jiande said, the more excited he was and the more angry he was.

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