
Han Lulu smell speech, pretty face, also appeared angry.

"If you invest 8 billion yuan, you are only willing to compensate 100 million yuan. Wang can is deceiving people too much!" She said angrily.

In Jiang Hao's eyes, the cold light also twinkled.

The Wang family in Beijing seems to have a big appetite, greedy and arrogant.

"Dad, what should we do? Do you want to call the police? " Han Lulu said anxiously.

"It's no use."

Han Jiande shook his head and looked dejected.

Ding Lingling ~ ~ Ding Lingling ~

suddenly, his mobile phone rings.

Han Jiande, excited and reflexive, reached for his trouser pocket, took out his cell phone and connected directly.

The whole process, all at once, is very fast.

"Hello, how are you? Did you find out? "

"Yes? Who is it? "

"It's him, hahaha Great, great

Han Jiande was like a sick man, frowning, nervous and laughing.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Han Lulu worried.

She's afraid her dad's going to take a hit and fall.

Han Jiande hung up the phone and laughed: "don't worry, I'm ok. On the contrary, I'm fine. We can be saved!"

"What can be saved?"

Han Lulu's face was full of confusion.

Han Jiande explained: "there is a master around Wang can. I have seen him do it. I think he is more powerful than Shi Xiong at the last cocktail party."


Han Lulu was shocked by the speech.

Rao is Jiang Hao, and his pupils shrink slightly.

Shi Xiong is a five-star master. Moreover, among the five-star masters, he is almost invincible and more powerful than him. Isn't that the six-star master?

Han Jiande was a little excited and said, "Wang can is very arrogant. He wanted to swallow my project, but he gave me a chance."

"He said that as long as I can find someone to beat the experts he invited, he will quit this project and no longer force me."

"So these days, I've been looking for masters."

Han Lulu face a tight, asked: "Dad, you found it?"

"Yes, ha ha ha Just found it! "

Han Jiande laughed and said, "Lulu, do you remember how Shi Xiong died at the last cocktail party?"

"I remember."

Han Lulu nodded and said, "Jiang Hao said that he was killed by an expert."

"That's right."

Han Jiande rubbed his hands and trembled with excitement.

"These days, I've been asking around and spending money to buy news. I finally found out that I killed Shi Xiong that day and saved our people."

Jiang Hao eyebrows pick, slightly surprised.

He didn't expect that Han Jiande was so powerful that he found him out.

It seems that he can't hide it.

"Found it?"

Lulu asked: "who is also excited to save us?"

Han Jiande smiles.

"Lulu, do you remember master Jiang Tongjiang?" He asked back.

"Of course I do."

Han Lulu said: "Dad, you used to say that when I was born, there was an accident, which led to dystocia. Even the experts in the hospital were helpless, claiming that the mother and daughter were unable to protect themselves."

"Besides, I told you to prepare for the future in advance."

"Later, master Jiang Tongjiang appeared and saved us."

"With his help, I gave birth smoothly, and my mother was OK."

"So, every year over the years, you will visit master Jiang and give him a million as a token of thanks."

"That's right."

Han Jiande nodded.

Han Lulu frowned slightly and said, "Dad, what are you doing with master Jiang?"

"Is he the one who killed Shixiong and saved us at the last cocktail party?"


"That's him," Han said excitedly

"At the reception that day, there was a boss who was a good friend of mine. I found out that I killed Shi Xiong and saved our Gaoren, surnamed Jiang."

"Then, I sent someone to investigate master Jiang's whereabouts on that day and found that he had indeed been to Qingtian mansion."

"So, I'm sure the one who saved us is master Jiang!"


Jiang Hao touched the tip of his nose, a little speechless.

Han Jiande was very excited and continued: "it is said that at that time, master Jiang killed Shi Xiong with one sword and almost split the floor of the building."

"He is so powerful that he can beat the experts invited by Wang can."

"At that time, he will have to quit and can't snatch any more projects!"

"Dad, are you sure the person who killed Shixiong at that time was master Jiang Tongjiang?" Han Lulu frowned and asked.She didn't believe it.

Her intuition told her that it was not Jiangxi copper that killed Shixiong and saved them.


"Very sure," Han said

Jiang Hao looked at his determined and firm expression, more speechless.

However, he did not tear it down.

If you admit your mistake, you can admit it. It's better. He doesn't have to expose his identity.

"Go, Lulu, and Jiang Hao, you two, now come with me to see Master Jiang."

Han Jiande urged: "then, ask him to help."

"Dad, don't worry."

Han Lulu said with a smile: "you look like this, how to go out to meet people."

"What do I look like?"

Han Jiande looked down.

Suddenly, I was shocked.

"No, no, I'm going to take a bath. I'm going to change."

He ran away at once.

In half an hour.

A straight suit, radiant, hale and hearty Han Jiande, appeared.

"Lulu, Jiang Hao, let's go."


So they drove all the way to the foot of a hill in the suburbs.

Get out of the car, three people walk forward.

"Master Jiang lived in seclusion here 30 years ago," Han explained

"He is a real expert. When you see Master Jiang later, you must be respectful and don't offend him."

"I see." Han Lulu pouted.

Jiang Hao looked up and looked at the hill in front of him. He was surprised in his heart.

This hill is not lofty, steep, beautiful or magnificent. It is very common and ordinary.

But, on the hill, the aura is very strong, it is a good place.

A moment later.

In front of them, there appeared a retro building, just like the mansion of ancient dignitaries. It was very luxurious and luxurious.

Tut tut

Jiang Hao smacked his mouth and shook his head slightly.

It seems that master Jiang has an extraordinary ability to collect money.

Three people along the bluestone steps, all the way close.


Suddenly, a Taoist rushed out and stopped them.

"This is master Jiang's ashram. No one is allowed to come near without master Jiang's permission."

Taoist boy's tone is very blunt, cold drinks a way: "you leave quickly!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

All of a sudden, Han Jiande bowed his hands and said humbly, "little friend, I'm Han Jiande. If you have something to see Master Jiang, please let me know."

"No time." Daotong cold tunnel.


Han Jiande's face was stiff.

Then he took out a stack of red banknotes and handed them to the peddler. "My little friend, I have no respect for you. Please let me know."

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