"What are you doing? Hurry up. My teacher is going to have a rest." The road boy's voice and color are fierce, driving away the road.

"Wait, wait."

Han Jiande said: "master Jiang, you are ill. It is obviously inappropriate to ask you to leave the mountain for 10 million yuan."

"In that case, I'd like to 30 million. "

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, Dao Tong looks at Jiang Tong.

"Thirty million?"

Jiang Tong murmured, frowning, still did not loosen.

Obviously, 30 million is too little for him.

The corner of the mouth of the road boy once Yang, clear.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Han. My teacher is ill. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm sorry. Please leave." He said coldly.


Han Jiande was stunned.

He always thought that Jiangxi copper was a man of high moral standing and indifferent to fame and wealth.

At this moment, he found out that Jiangxi copper was so greedy.

However, he can only be soft, he can only compromise.

After all, if the project is taken away, most of his efforts will be in vain, and he will lose billions.

So he bit his teeth and said, "master Jiang, how about 50 million?"

"As long as you come out of the mountain and help me defeat that expert, I will give you 50 million."

"Fifty million?"

The road child exclaimed, secretly speechless, the eyeball son shrank for a while, obviously was startled.

But he knows the rules.

Instead of opening his mouth, he looked at Jiangxi copper.

Jiang Tong's face moved, indicating that he was calm on the surface, but not at all calm in his heart.

50 million. To tell you the truth, he's excited.

However, he is still too few.

Han Jiande is worth 10 billion and has a lot of money. This time, he has encountered great difficulties and is very urgent.

So, he's going to blackmail.

Keke ~

Jiangtong coughed a few times, pretended to be indifferent to fame and wealth, and said: "Mr. Han, you and I are predestined friends. We have known each other for 20 years, and we are old friends."

"Talking about money is too hurtful. Am I a greedy man?"

Old fox!

Han Jiande looked at him in the face and wanted to swear. Then he punched him.

"Yes, yes."

He said with a smile, "master Jiang is an expert in the world. How can he be greedy for worldly money?"


Jiang Tong nodded slightly and said, "I don't love money, but I need money. I need a lot of money every step of the road of martial arts. I have no way."

"Understand, understand." Han Jiande is busy.


with a sigh, Jiangxi Copper said: "Mr. Han, you and I have known each other for many years. Besides, you offer sacrifices to me every year, and I don't want to accept your money."

"But I have to accept it again. I'm really in a dilemma."

"It's right to collect money. Master Jiang doesn't have to be embarrassed." Han Jiande said with a smile.

He can only keep a low profile.

"In that case, make an offer." Copper river channel.

When Han Jiande heard the speech, he immediately understood.

This greedy old fox, dislikes 50 million too little!

He wanted to slam the door and never see the greedy ghost again.

But he can't!

Therefore, he can only continue to compromise.

"Master Jiang, how much do you think is more appropriate?"

"How about 60 million?" Han asked

"All right, all right."

All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper waved, a little impatient.

He said coldly: "Mr. Han, we are old friends, and I don't want to take advantage of you. Let's say it's a buy it now price of 80 million. How about it?"

"Eight 80 million? "

This time, Han Jiande was also surprised.

80 million, for 95% of the people in China, is an astronomical number.

As soon as Jiangxi Copper opens its mouth, it will ask for 80 million, which is really not ordinary greed.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered.

He has already seen through the nature of Jiangxi copper.

This man is not greedy for money. How can he build such a luxurious mansion in green mountains and green waters?

"80 million, too much!"

Han Lulu was dissatisfied and muttered.

Suddenly, Jiangxi Copper's face turned cold and said, "what? Mr. Han, do you think 80 million is too much to give? "

"In that case, please come back."

"I'm sorry I can't help you!"

As soon as Han Jiande hesitated, he turned over and wanted to drive people out.

Dao Tong is very smart. Seeing this, he immediately takes action and starts to drive people.

"Let's go, let's go. I don't feel well. I want to have a rest immediately. Let's go!"As he spoke, he reached out to push.

"Wait, wait."

Han Jiande was in a hurry and said: "master Jiang, it's easy to discuss something, it's easy to discuss something."

"There's nothing to discuss."

Jiangxi Copper said coldly: "ah Feng, see off!"

"Yes, master!"

Dao Tong saluted.

Then, he began to push Han Jiande out of the door rudely.

"Mr. Han, hurry up, or don't blame me for being impolite."


Han Jiande panicked.

He wanted to negotiate with Jiangxi copper and cut the price.

Unexpectedly, Jiangxi copper is so resolute and greedy. The buy it now price is 80 million yuan. It's not negotiable and it can't get less than one point.

"Good, good."

In the end, Han Jiande had no choice but to compromise.

"Master Jiang, 80 million, I agree."

All of a sudden, a smile bloomed on the face of Jiangxi copper.

He deliberately scolded: "Feng, what are you doing? Han is always my distinguished guest. You want to drive him out, and apologize to Mr. Han immediately. "

"Yes, yes."

Daotong quickly bent down to apologize.

"Mr. Han, I'm sorry."

"It's OK, it's OK." Han Jiande waved his hand and said.

Ha ha ha

Jiangxi copper is very enthusiastic and laughs: "come on, Mr. Han, please sit down."

"Ah Feng, tea!"

His attitude is changing too fast.

Old fox!

Han Jiande scolded and sat on the futon with a smile.

Jiang Tong sipped a cup of fragrant tea and said with a smile, "Mr. Han, I just made a joke with you. Don't you take it seriously?"


Han Jiande shook his head.

"That's good."

Jiangxi Copper pretended to be merciful and kind-hearted and said, "Mr. Han, you are my good friend for many years. When you are in trouble, how can I stand by?"

"Don't say you give 80 million, even if you don't give money, I'm willing to give you a hand!"

Hypocritical old thing!

Han Jiande scolded secretly.

He felt more and more that he was blind before, but he didn't see the real face of the old fox. He always regarded him as an expert.

Cough ~

he coughed a few times and said, "master Jiang, I've had tea. It's time to talk about me."

"Mr. Han, please go ahead." Jiang Tong said with a smile.

Han Jiande asked, "master Jiang, when can I go down the mountain?"


Han Jiande's face improved a little after hearing the speech.

"In that case, how about master Jiang coming down the mountain at ten o'clock tomorrow morning to help me?" He suggested.

"No hurry, no hurry." Jiang Tong waved his hand and said with a smile, "let's talk about the fee for going out of the mountain first."

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