"What What do you mean

Han Jiande didn't quite understand. He was a little confused.

Jiang Tong said with a smile: "I have a rule. Anyone who asks me out of the mountain needs to pay a part of the deposit in advance."

"Mr. Han, you should pay 50 million down payment first."


Han Jiande was slightly surprised when he heard the speech.

Han Lulu was also surprised, and then said, "why pay 50 million in advance? What if we pay you back and you're not going to help us? "


Dao Tong said coldly, "who is my teacher?"

"He is an expert in the world. How can he do such a mean thing of repentance?"

"Who knows?"

Han Lulu mumbled.

"What did you say?"

Suddenly, Dao Tong's eyes stood up and looked very angry.

He stares at Han Lulu and shouts angrily: "yes, you say it again?"


Han Lulu was so scared that she didn't dare to say.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao spurted out a stream of strength, fanned the boy away, and a wisp of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Hao looked at him coldly and said indifferently, "this is a warning. Next time, I dare to scold Lulu, and I will never forgive you lightly."


Dao Tong is angry, his eyes are burning, his breath is rising, and he wants to start.

"Ah Feng, step back!"

All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper gave a cold drink.

For a moment, the breath of the Taoist boy's whole body dissipated and converged. He gave a cold hum and retreated to one side.

Jiang Tong glanced at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "little guy, I'm so clumsy that I can't see that you are a man of martial arts."

"What's more, a young man with little strength is a genius."

"But have you forgotten where it is?"


Suddenly, a violent momentum came out of his body, sweeping and crushing Jiang Hao like a huge wave.

Deng Deng Deng!

All of a sudden, Han Jiande's face turned white, and he was forced to retreat by the invisible momentum.

In the end, he fell to the ground in a mess.

Jiangxi copper is as powerful as a dragon, and cheers coldly: "how dare you beat my disciples in my territory!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao waved.

In an instant, the heavy, violent, suffocating momentum disappeared.

Jiang Hao said with a light smile, "put it away. These little tricks are useless to me."


Jiang Tong stares at Jiang Hao in horror.

He was shocked!

Because he seriously underestimated Jiang Hao's strength.

With a wave of his hand, the momentum that he deliberately gathered was annihilated. This strength, at least, was full of Mingjin, and even reached the dark strength, which was not much weaker than him.

"Good boy, I really underestimate you." Jiang Tong cheered coldly.

Immediately, he stood up slowly.

In his body, the internal force is surging, rapidly condensing the surging energy.

He's about to do it!

"Master Jiang, calm down! Master Jiang, calm down

All of a sudden, Han Jiande yelled: "master Jiang, Jiang Hao is young and ignorant. He has offended you. Please forgive me. Don't blame him."


Jiang Tong snorted coldly and said, "boy, for the sake of Jiang, I'll forgive you once."

"If there is another time, it will not be easy!"

"Yes, yes."

Han Jiande nodded and bowed.

Jiang Hao opened his mouth to say something.

"Jiang Hao, stop it."

Suddenly, Han Jiande pulled him and interrupted him.

"All right."

All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper cheered coldly: "Mr. Han, let's talk about the mountain expenses."

His tone, a little cold; his face, also a little cold.

Obviously, he was impatient.


Han Jiande looked embarrassed and said: "master Jiang, I can pay a deposit in advance, but can the deposit Less. "

50 million, too much!

He was really afraid that Jiangxi copper would return. He took his money but didn't help him.

In the past, he trusted Jiangxi copper and would not do such a thing.

But now, he doesn't trust.

"Fifty million, not a cent less!"

Jiangxi Copper said coldly, "if you can't take it out, you'd better ask someone else."

He is confident that Han Jiande will be defeated.

The tone was cold and firm. There was no room for negotiation.

"This..."Han Jiande was more and more embarrassed when he heard the speech.

"This is what this is."

Jiangxi Copper said in a cold voice: "you only have one minute to think about it. One minute later, if you don't pay 50 million, please leave!"

"Ah Feng, see off in a minute!"

"Yes Tao Tong nodded.

"OK, 50 million, I'll give it to you!"

A moment later, Han Jiande gritted his teeth, took out a check, filled in 50 million and handed it to Jiangxi copper.

His face was aching and his heart was bleeding.

But he had no choice but to give money.

After all, once he loses the project, he will lose billions instead of 50 million or 80 million.

Jiangxi Copper took the check and checked it. After confirming that there was no problem, a smile appeared on its face.

"Mr. Han, come and have tea." He was enthusiastic.

"No need."

Han Jiande arched his hand and said: "master Jiang, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"I'll be waiting for you in maple forest at 10 noon tomorrow. I hope you won't be late."

"Don't worry."

Jiangxi Copper said with a smile: "I will arrive on time."

"Ah Feng, see me off!"


Dao Tong nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

"Mr. Han, please."

So, Han Jiande and Han Lulu, with a stomach of depression, left here.

Down the mountain, Han Lulu couldn't hold back and began to mumble.

"Dad, master Jiang is so greedy that he is just a greedy guy. Are you sure he killed Shixiong and saved us at the party?"


Han Jiande hesitated.

A moment later, he said helplessly, "it should be him."

"I found out that the person who saved us was Jiang, and he had a lot to do with me. Throughout Jianghai city and even the surrounding cities, there was no one else except Jiangtong."

"So, that man, it should be him."

Han Lulu frowned, pouted, shook her head and said, "I don't think he's like that!"

"It doesn't look like it!"

Suddenly, she glanced at Jiang Hao.


She said softly, "Dad, do you think it was Jiang Hao who killed Shi Xiong and saved us that night?"

"Jiang Hao is also very powerful. We have seen him in private hospitals."

"Besides, he has a lot to do with you."


Han Jiande looked Jiang Hao up and down, shook his head and said, "it shouldn't be."

"Although Jiang Hao is powerful, he is absolutely not as powerful as Shi Xiong."


Han lulujiao snorted: "I think Jiang Hao is the one who saved us." Suddenly, she put her arms around Jiang Hao and asked, "Jiang Hao, come on, that night, the man who killed Shi Xiong and saved us, is that you?"

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