Hey, hey

Beauty, don't be afraid to hurt you

She's so lustful!

"No, No."

This female college student is obviously scared.

"Mr. Han, I won't take part in this performance. I don't want any money. I want to go back."

She bowed apologetically to Han Jiande.

Then, turn around and run.

She was afraid and wanted to leave the place at once.


As soon as Jiang Tong's face sank, he hummed coldly: "I'm not interested in you. It's your blessing. I want to run."

"Can you run away?"

"Come here!"

Suddenly, he raised his hand, opened his five fingers, and gathered his inner strength in the palm of his hand, forming a huge attraction.

Sobbing ~~ sobbing ~

in a flash, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and maple leaves, branches, and even some stones and debris on the ground not far away flew up and were sucked over.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Whether it's maple branches or stone debris, within one meter of Jiangtong, it's crushed by his breath and turned into powder.

Ah ~

the female college students who ran away screamed in horror. They were out of control and quickly regressed.

In the blink of an eye, she was sucked into the pavilion.


In an instant, all the dancers, Han Jiande and Han Lulu, were stunned.

They're stupid. They're stupid!


Six or seven meters apart, he actually sucked a person back. It's so fantastic, just like the fantasy novel.

Han Jiande is thrilled.

Then, he looked at Jiangxi copper, full of fear and exclamation.

Indeed, Jiangxi copper is an expert in the world.

This hand sucks people out of the air. It's so exquisite and powerful!

Originally, he intended to cut off contact with Jiangxi copper after this incident.

After all, he was too greedy and hard to serve.

But now, he decided that he must take good care of Jiangxi copper and have a good relationship with it. Such a master is too rare and precious.

To make friends with him, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

Hey, hey

Jiang Tong chuckles and grabs the girl college student's jade hand and pulls her over.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Female college students struggle and shout.

"Don't struggle, little beauty. You can't escape."

Jiang Tong's eyes were green, and she said, "don't worry, I'll take you back and spoil you when I deal with this matter."

"To be a woman who has been my husband, I promise you that you will enjoy a lot of glory and wealth."

"Let me go, let me go!"

Female college students struggle violently.

It's a pity that I can't get rid of it.

So she looked at Han Jiande and begged for mercy: "Mr. Han, you hired me. Please help me."

Hey, hey

"It's no use, he can't save you," Jiangxi Copper said with a smile


Suddenly, Han Jiande said, "Jiang Master Jiang, you Can you let her go

"You want women, I'll find them for you."

"As long as the other party is willing, you want a few, I'll find some for you, but the other party is not willing, direct coercion, but breaking the law, you..."

"Go away!"

Jiang Tong's face was cold and he scolded, "what about breaking the law?"

"The women I like, whether she wants to or not, are my own. I'll never run away!"

"If you say anything more, I'll leave immediately!"


Han Jiande was silent when he heard the speech.

He was in trouble and had nothing to do.

If he doesn't save this female college student, he will have a bad conscience and will feel guilty all his life.

But if he saved her, he would offend and annoy Nujiang copper. Once he left, he would be finished. Maybe he would be worried about his life.

"Mr. Han, help me! Mr. Han, help me

Female college students see Han Jiande hesitated, immediately flustered, can't help shouting a few.

Jiang Tong glanced at Han Jiande and said coldly, "go away!"

"It's none of your business, neither can you!"

Han Jiande's face changed again and again.


finally, he sighed, stepped back a few steps and made a choice.

He doesn't care!

Although this choice, he is guilty of conscience, will be uneasy all his life.

But he couldn't help it.

He had to make up for it afterwards."Smart decision."

Jiangtong light smile, his face showed a thick smile.

Female college students see this scene, the eyes of the moment dim, the whole person seems to despair, slowly give up the struggle.

Sobbing ~ ~ sobbing ~

she started to cry.

She regretted that she should not have been called to dance.

Otherwise, it would not have happened.

Hey, hey

With a smile, Jiang Tong said, "little beauty, your crying heart and liver will be broken. Come on, let me love you."

Then he pulled hard.

Suddenly, female college students, out of control, rushed to Jiangxi copper.

Shua ~

suddenly, a figure rushed over and rescued the female college students.

It's Jiang Hao!

"Boy, how dare you Jiang Tong shouts angrily.

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said faintly, "you are a brave man!"

"As a warrior, you ignore discipline and rules. In broad daylight, you rob people's women and don't pay attention to the alliance of martial arts and Taoism. You are really bold!"

"Wu Dao Meng?"

When Jiang Tong heard these three words, his pupils shrank and his face showed a touch of fear.


He looked gloomy and said harshly, "I'll kill you now, and then destroy your body. Even if it's wudaomeng, what can I do without finding out the evidence?"

"Kill me?"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile and drew a curve of disdain from the corner of his mouth.

"Can you do it?"


Jiangxi copper was angry on the spot.

"Master Jiang calm down, master Jiang calm down."

Seeing this, Han Jiande quickly stood up to make it over.

"Xiaojiang, step back!" He said coldly.


Suddenly, Han Lulu spoke.

She looked disappointed and said, "Dad, you are so disappointing to me."

"I know that your company, your project, has encountered difficulties. If you ask for help from him, you have to keep a low profile."

"But you shouldn't give up your bottom line in order to please him!"

"You paid for this girl. If she is really sullied, her life will be ruined, her family will be ruined."

"I know that without his help, you might lose projects and billions."

"However, the loss of billions, our family, still rich, is still rich, and will not be ruined."

"You can't abandon the bottom line for money!"

Han Jiande was shocked by the speech.

For a moment, he had a feeling of enlightening.

Yes, lost the project, lost billions, he is still a billionaire, but the female college student, if it is sullied. Her life is over.

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