"Damn it! Damn me

Han Jiande slapped himself hard.

Then, he looked at the female college students and bowed, "I'm sorry, my lard was blinded and almost hurt you. I apologize to you."

"No No, I don't

Female college students wave their hands repeatedly, a little flattered.

A trace of resentment in her heart vanished.

Jiangtong see, face more and more gloomy, as if to drip water, eyes is more cold, it is cold.

He said coldly, "Mr. Han, what do you mean?"

Han Jiande straightened his back, looked at him directly, and said coldly, "it's meaningless. I just want to tell you, this girl student, you are not allowed to move!"

His voice is very cold, even a little domineering.


Jiang Tong was stunned.

Immediately, he was angry and scolded: "Han Jiande, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll leave you and not help you?"

"Not afraid."

Han Jiande said indifferently: "if you want to go, you can go. If it's a big deal, I'll lose billions and I won't go bankrupt."

"As for the 50 million deposit, I'll give it to you!"


Jiangxi copper is both surprised and angry.

He didn't expect that Han Jiande, who thought he was going to die, would dare to resist him.


Seeing this, Dao Tong scolded: "if you are a mortal, you dare to be rude to my teacher. You can't be forgiven!"


Having said that, he was shocked all over and burst out with a momentum that was neither strong nor weak.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao yelled.

All of a sudden, the sound wave, rampant out, instantly shook him away, rolled several circles on the ground, mouth bleeding, embarrassed.

It's Jiang Hao's mercy.

Otherwise, just a roar will shatter him, and there will be no bones left.

Han Jiande looked at Jiang Tong coldly and said, "master Jiang, make a decision."

"Choose to leave, or stay and help?"

"If I stay, I will still regard you as my guest of honor, but I will not agree with your unreasonable demands any more."

"If you leave, don't think about the remaining 30 million!"


Jiangxi copper was silent and fell into thinking.

After all, there are still 30 million left.

However, he did not dare to kill Han Jiande.

Han Jiande is a social celebrity. Once he dies, it will cause a big sensation. Once the wudaomeng investigates, he can be found out.

By then, he'll be dead.

After thinking about it, Jiangxi Copper finally chose to stay and put up with it for the time being.


He looked ugly and said, "I'll stay."

"I'm not a perfidious person. I've received your deposit, so I'll help you."

"But next time, if you ask me for help, I won't help you!"

"Don't worry."

"There won't be another time," Han said coldly


When Jiang Tong heard the speech, he snorted, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Oh, it's singing and dancing, it's banquet, Han Jiande, you are in a good mood!"

All of a sudden, a harsh voice sounded.

Two figures come slowly.

The man walking in front of him is a middle-aged man with an evil smile on his face. His posture is very arrogant. He looks like an older version of the rich second generation.

He is Wang can of the Wangs in Beijing!

Wang can followed a man closely.

This man is very big, more than two meters high, like a giant, the whole body muscle is also very developed, the body contains extremely explosive power.

However, if you look at it carefully, you can see that every step of his fall is as light as a feather, without any sound, just like a dragonfly skimming water.

Jiang Hao's eyes sank and his face changed slightly.

"It's a strong control force. It contains such explosive power in the body, but it can be controlled freely without any leakage."

He sighed in secret: "it's powerful. It's like lifting a heavy weight lightly."

Such a strong man, let him alone, is a little scared!


Han Jiande snorted and stared at Wang can. He said in a cold voice, "Wang can, you are half an hour late!"


Wang can shrugged his shoulders and said, "I overslept and forgot the time."

He's apologizing.

However, in the tone and gesture, there is no apology at all. Instead, it is full of contempt and irony.

"You..."Han Jiande stares at him, a little angry.

Wang can waved his hand and said casually, "well, Mr. Han, don't be angry."

"After all, your project belongs to me later, you will be more angry. At this moment, if you are angry, it will be bad."

His words are full of confidence.


Han Jiande snorted coldly, and was too lazy to argue again.

He glanced at Jiangxi copper, vaguely worried.

This time, all the hope lies in Jiangxi copper. If he loses, it will be over.

Yo ~

Wang can glanced at Jiangxi copper, sneered and said, "Han Jiande, is this the master you invited?"

"Why did you hire a bad old man?"

"Han Jiande, do you have no one to invite, or do you deliberately admit defeat?"

"This bad old man is so old. He has old arms and legs. When he touches them, they fall apart. How can he fight?"

"If you kill him, it's nothing, but it's not very good to carry a life on his back."

"So, Han Jiande, don't struggle. You don't have to fight this competition."

"You give up!"

"So Hello, I'm good, everybody is good." He said with a faint smile.


All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper gave a cold drink.

His eyes are as bright as electricity, staring at Wang can, scolding: "mole ant like mortals, dare to despise me, when heavy punishment!"

"Break your hand!"


Suddenly, Jiangxi Copper grabs a chopstick, pours in its inner strength and throws it out.

Suddenly, the chopsticks, like lightning, carrying the power of terror, shot out.

Ah ~

Wang can screams, looks scared and retreats.

Before the chopsticks came near, the sharp edge of the chopsticks made his body ache, as if to tear his skin, which made him panic and uneasy.

Shua ~

suddenly, the giant waiting behind him made a move.

This man is huge, but his action is extremely flexible and quick. He grabs the flying chopsticks with a flick.


He squeezed it gently.

All of a sudden, the chopsticks containing inner strength were smashed and turned into a pile of powder.


Jiangtong eyebrow pick, swept giant one eye, face slightly dignified.

The strength of this person is very strong, which can not be underestimated.

Hoo ~

Wang can breathed a sigh of relief, and his fear gradually dissipated.

The next second, he was furious.

"Old man, you dare to scare me. I remember you!" He stares at Jiang Tong and scolds him.

Immediately, he looked at the giant and said, "later, you beat this old man to death and tear down all his bones. Do you hear me?" "Yes The giant answered.

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