"Tell me, what school did you learn from?" Jiang Tong asked.

The giant raised his head, glanced at him faintly, and said coldly, "you have no right to know!"


Jiang Tong cheered coldly: "the ignorant rat, if he won a scrap road boy, he would dare to be so arrogant."

"It seems that I have to teach you a lesson today, so that you can understand that as a warrior, you have to be modest and low-key, excessively rampant, and you will only die quickly!"

Jiang Hao shook his head when he heard the words.

Even the real strength of the other side can not see through, in the end who is ignorant, who is rampant, at a glance.

"You are the ignorant!" The giant said coldly.

"You want to die!"

Jiangxi copper is furious.


His whole body was shocked, and a violent momentum came out of his body and swept away, shaking Han Jiande and Han Lulu back and forth.


When he stamped his foot and cracked the ground, he took off. His fingers bent like dragon's claws and flew to the giant. His claws pointed to his throat.

Jiangxi copper is ready to kill!

"Go away!"

Suddenly, the giant gave a loud shout.

He raised his stout arm and went out without looking.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper seemed to be crushed by a big mountain, and flew upside down, spewing out several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

After landing, he couldn't stop at all, rubbed the ground and rolled out for 20 or 30 meters.


Jiangxi Copper spurted out a mouthful of blood again, his face suddenly withered, and his momentum weakened.

"How could that be?"

He was in a state of shock.

In his opinion, a big man is good for nothing except his big body and strong strength. He is confident that he can beat him in ten moves.

But now, he was killed with a second stroke.

He's out of his mind!

"Master Jiang!"

Han Jiande's face changed greatly when he saw this scene.

At the same time, he was dispirited.

Although he was not a warrior and didn't know anything about cultivation, he could see at a glance that Jiangtong was defeated quickly and thoroughly.

Ha ha ha

Wang can was in a good mood. He looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "Han Jiande, you are defeated. The project you developed belongs to me."

"Hey, hey I really want to thank you

"I've seen your project. It's very promising. After the project is completed, it can earn at least 10 billion."

"With these billions, my status in the Wang family will be improved."

He pretended to be generous and said, "Han Jiande, in order to show my gratitude, I have worked out a compensation of 100 million yuan for you, and I will give you another 10 million yuan."


Han Jiande smell speech, gas of fast spit blood.

After Han Lulu's reprimand and suggestions, he was open-minded, cheerful and indifferent.

However, most of his life's hard work is gone, he is still very heartache, very uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?"

Wang can sneered: "Han Jiande, I know you can't bear it. Well, after the project is completed, hold a celebration banquet. At that time, I invite you to participate."

"How's it going? Am I good to you? "

He was very impressed, so he was angry with Han Jiande and deliberately stimulated him.


Suddenly, Wang can's face changed.

He looked at the giant and ordered, "the old man is going to run away. You should catch him quickly."


The giant answered and squatted down slowly. His muscles were tense and he suddenly started to work.


As soon as he stepped on the ground, the whole person was ejected like a rocket.

Click! Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the ground cracked, a dozen meters around, all cracked, broken, pieces of soil, high arch.

The most central ground is more than half a meter down, like a big pit.


Giant across the sky, a fly out, instantly fell in front of Jiangxi copper, blocking his way.


As soon as Jiang Tong's face changed, he yelled: "get away from me!"

He's in a hurry!

He panicked!


With a cold hum, the giant stretched out the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of.

Jiangxi copper can't break free at all.

At this moment, he realized that the giant is too strong, much better than him.

Whew ~

the giant's body turned into a streamer and returned.


He imprisons the cultivation of Jiangxi copper and throws him at Wang can's feet.Hey, hey

With a smile, Wang can stepped on his head, trampled his whole face into the soil and ground it heavily.

He said ferociously, "old man, don't you want to kill me?"

"Get up, get up and kill me!"

Ah ~

Jiangxi copper has no internal strength to protect its body. It screams in pain. Its face is scratched and bleeding.

He begged for mercy and said, "Wang Mr. Wang, I No, I I'm wrong, I'm wrong, please forgive me

"Spineless thing!"

Wang can looked scornful and trampled on his feet.

Holding back the pain, Jiangxi Copper showed a pudgling smile and begged for mercy: "yes, Mr. Wang is right. I have no backbone. I am a coward!"

"So, Mr. Wang, please forgive me."

"Shut up

Wang can yelled.

Then he looked at the giant and asked, "do you have any way to tame him so that he must listen to me? If he doesn't listen to me, he will die?"

He took a fancy to the strength of Jiangxi copper.

Although Jiangxi copper is not as good as a giant, it can be regarded as a master.

What's more, the giant was hired by him with a lot of money.

When it's over, I'll leave.

Therefore, he urgently needs a strong bodyguard and dog leg.


The giant shook his head and said, "if I want him to listen to you, I can only abolish his cultivation and make him a useless man."

"If he wants to use it, he'll use it!" Wang can is not happy.

"Forget it, forget it."

He waved his hand and said impatiently, "mad, it's useless. Kill it!"


The giant heard the words and walked slowly to Jiangxi copper.

All of a sudden, Jiangxi copper was scared and trembled all over. His accomplishments were sealed and he couldn't escape.

He can only beg for mercy!

So he yelled, "don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Mr. Wang, save my life. I can swear to heaven that I will submit to you and only listen to you from now on."

Cut ~

Jiang Tong turned his lips and said with disdain, "I'm tired of swearing that it's a gross use."

"Hurry up, give him up, this old thing is too noisy!"


The giant went to Jiangxi copper, raised his left foot, ready to step down.

"Don't ~ ~ don't waste me!" Jiangtong cried out with tears of fear.


A foot fell, his voice, suddenly stopped.

The giant raised his voice. Jiangtong's body is intact. He can't see any injury, but all the meridians in his body are smashed, and his accomplishments are gone.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao secretly exclaimed: the perfect power control destroyed his eight channels without damaging his skin. Lift heavy as light, really extraordinary!

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