Ah ~

Jiangxi copper makes a pig like scream.

"My accomplishments, my accomplishments..." He cried.

"Shut up

Wang can scolded: "if you dare to shout again, I will kill you!"

All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper shut up.

All over the body pain incomparable, he also held back, at most issued a whine of pain.

"That's right."

Wang can smiles with satisfaction.

Then, he looked at Han Jiande, who was already dull, silly and ignorant.

"What? Han Jiande, are you scared? "

With a sneer on his face, he said sarcastically, "waste, thanks to you, you are still a 10 billion rich man who has been fighting in the business world for decades."

"It's silly to be scared by such a trifle. It's rubbish!"


He spat with disdain.

"You Shut up Han Lulu is a tough girl.

When she spoke, her voice was shaking and her strength was weak.

She's scared!

Oh ~

when Wang can saw Han Lulu, his eyes were almost green.

Hey, hey

With a smile, he said, "it's good, it's good, it's really good!"

"I just noticed that there is such a beautiful little beauty here!"

After that, he reached for Han lulu.

"Get out of here!"

All of a sudden, Han Jiande drinks violently and rushes over. He pushes Wang can away and protects Han Lulu behind him.

Wang can said with a smile: "Han Jiande, what are you excited about?"

"Is this little beauty your daughter?"


Han Jiande's eyes are not good, full of vigilance, cold hum: "so what?"

"I warn you, don't hit Lulu's attention, otherwise, I'll go all out with you!"


Wang can grinned at the corners of his mouth, showing a disdainful smile.

"What do you do with me?"

He sneered: "from the moment you lose, your project is Laozi's."

"Without that project, your assets have plummeted. At most, you are a person worth hundreds of millions. In my eyes, this money is not even a fart."

"Tell me, what qualifications do you have to fight with Laozi?"

His words are very vicious, and he keeps stimulating and disdaining Han Jiande.

Han Jiande was silent.

Without that project, he is not qualified to fight with Wang can.

No, even if there is a project, he can't compete with Wang can from the Wang family in Beijing.

For a moment, his heart was cold.

Seeing this, Wang can became more and more arrogant.

With a grim smile, he said, "Han Jiande, don't say that Lao Tzu is cruel and ruthless. He swallowed your project."

"Now, I'll give you a chance!"

"As long as you promise to give your daughter to me, I will give you 10% of the shares in that project, OK?"

"Go away!"

Han Jiande uttered a word coldly.

His expression, more and more vigilant, just like a thief.

When Jiangtong saw this scene, he turned his eyes, held back the pain and opened his mouth.

"Han Jiande!"

He cheered coldly: "it's your good fortune that Mr. Wang has taken a fancy to your daughter, and it's a great good thing. How presumptuous of you to refuse!"

"Don't forget, Mr. Wang is a member of the Wang family in the capital."

"Wise, get out of here and give your daughter to Mr. Wang!"

Wang can gave him a look of appreciation.

"That's right. That's right."

Hey, hey

All of a sudden, Jiangxi Copper said with a smile: "thank you for your praise! Thank you, Mr. Wang

He is very much like a pug, trying to curry favor with Wang can.

After all, his accomplishments have been abandoned. He is no longer a strong master Jiang, but a useless man.

Over the years, he has cheated or blackmailed a lot of rich people. Once the news that he has become a useless person is spread, those people will surely seek revenge on him.

At that time, his end must be very miserable.

Therefore, he has to hold his thighs in advance to find a backer.

Wang can is a member of the Wang family in Beijing. He is an excellent choice.

"Han Jiande, do you hear me? Give me your daughter as soon as possible! " Wang can cheered coldly.

"No way!"

Hanjiande cold drink, look firm, will hanlulu tightly behind.


Jiangxi Copper scolded: "Han Jiande, you live impatient, dare to refuse Mr. Wang repeatedly!"

"Hurry up. If you don't want to die, you can promise Mr. Wang immediately!"

"Shut up

Han Jiande's eyes burst into flames, staring at Jiangxi copper, and said angrily, "you old man, I'm blind. I worship you every year, and I always regard you as an expert in the world!"Pooh!

He spat a mouthful of saliva and said angrily, "you're such a bastard!"

"You are a despicable, lustful old rascal, old beast!"


Jiang tongqi's whole body trembled. The broken meridians in his body seemed to tremble, and his whole body was more painful.

He wanted to kill Han Jiande!

It's a pity that his accomplishments are exhausted and he can't do it.

"Han Jiande!"

Wang can's face turned cold and said impatiently, "I'll ask you one last question, will you hand over your daughter?"

"Go away!"

Han Jiande said angrily, "if you want to touch Lulu, you have to step on my body!"


Wang can's face suddenly became overcast, and a ray of fierce color burst out of his eyes.

"If you don't want to be shameful, since you don't know how to praise me, I will use the strong one directly!"

After that, he looked at the giant and ordered, "go and catch that little beauty for me!"


The giant hesitated.

"This is what this is!"

Wang can's face was cold, and he scolded: "what? Are you going to disobey Laozi's orders? "

The giant looked embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do it to her."

"Why?" Wang can cheered coldly.

His face, a little gloomy.

The giant explained: "I am a warrior. There are rules in the martial arts circle. Every warrior can't hurt innocent ordinary people. Otherwise, he will be severely punished."


Wang can scolded: "bullshit rules!"

"I'll ask you again, will you go up?"

"If you don't, don't think about 200 million!"


The giant still hesitates.

He did not dare to violate the rules of the wudaomeng.

In the same way, he didn't want to hurt ordinary people who were helpless.

However, he was short of money and needed the 200 million yuan promised by Wang can.

He's tangled!


Wang can was furious.

He said coldly, "come on, mad, you don't have to do it. I'll do it myself. Just help me trap them."

"That's all right."

"If you can't, you can't even think about 200 million!"

The giant hesitated, nodded and said, "OK."

"Do it now!" Wang can said impatiently.


The giant answered.

Then, looking at Han Jiande and Han Lulu, he bowed solemnly and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm short of money, so I can only hurt you."

Boom! As soon as his voice fell, an invisible momentum burst out of his body and enveloped Han Jiande and Han lulu.

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