
Suddenly, Han Jiande and Han Lulu were short, and their faces suddenly changed.

Invisible pressure, all around.

This space seems to be frozen.

They were like ants in amber. They couldn't move at all. They could hardly move their fingers or open their mouths.

I'm in a hurry!

Han Jiande is anxious and flustered.

Han Lulu is the same, pretty face, showing a strong fear.

Daddada ~

the sound of footsteps.

Wang can's face is full of evil smile, and his eyes are full of evil light. He is not affected by the invisible momentum at all, and moves towards Han Lulu step by step.

"You Don't Touch... " Han Jiande looks ferocious and roars.

Unfortunately, under the pressure of terror, it was hard for him to say a word.

Hey, hey Hey, hey

Wang can sent out a series of obscene laughter, step by step close to Han Lulu, eyes green Zhan Zhan, are about to flow saliva.

"Little beauty, you are so beautiful. You are more beautiful than all the female stars I've played with, especially the figure..."

"Tut tut It's nice to look forward and backward! " He said with a chuckle.


Han Jiande eyes canthus to crack, red face, forehead, blue veins burst up, the whole person is going crazy.

He tried his best and yelled, "beast, get out of here Go

"How dare you hurt Harm Lulu, I will kill I've killed you

Cut ~

Wang can curled his lips and gave a sneer of disdain.

"Han Jiande, are you special? Now you are like a dead dog. You can't move, and you still talk hard to me?"

He said contemptuously, "you are nothing. I will play with your daughter today."

"Hey, hey I haven't played with such a beautiful beauty. I just want to taste it. "

While talking, he came to Han lulu.

Then he licked his tongue, reached out and touched Han Lulu's pretty face.


suddenly, a sigh sounded.

Jiang Hao stood up slowly.


He waved his sleeve.

Suddenly, the giant released momentum, the formation of invisible pressure, in a flash, disintegrated, disintegrated.

Deng Deng Deng!

The giant retreated several steps, his face flushed and his chest stuffy.


He looked at Jiang Hao in horror, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

"Get out of the way!"

Jiang Hao glanced at him and yelled.

"Kneel down!" Suddenly, he said coldly.


Suddenly, Wang can's knee softened, and he knelt down on the ground. He didn't touch Han Lulu at all.

Ah ~

his knee was knocked on a stone, bleeding on the spot and screaming in pain.


His face was ferocious and he swore, "who is it? Get out of here

"Shut up

Jiang Hao yelled, whew, appeared in front of him.

"Are you all right?" Jiang Hao looks at Han Lulu and says softly.

"Jiang Hao, you..."

Han Lulu looks at Jiang Hao and is very surprised.

"Well, you step aside and I'll explain to you when I'm done with this." Jiang Hao said with a smile.


Han Lulu nodded cleverly.

Then, back off.

Jiang Hao looked down at Wang can and said indifferently, "you know, when you forcibly occupied uncle Han's project, I didn't want to do it."

"After all, I'm a member of the Wudao League, and I can't hurt ordinary people."

"I'll let you go, but why do you think so much of Lulu? Why do you want to die? "


Wang can snorted coldly and said slowly, "I have the wrong idea. How can you do it?"

"No one can escape the woman I like!"

"You're wise. Get out of here, or I'll..."


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and he slapped in the face.


The slap was loud.

Suddenly, Wang can's cheek became red and swollen. The corners of his mouth were bleeding all the time. Several broken teeth mixed in the blood and flowed out.

"Spicy next door!"

The son of a bitch yelled angrily

"Go away!"

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao spurted out his strength.

All of a sudden, Wang can's mouth gushed blood, and his whole body flew out. He was rolling all the time. His clothes, face and head were covered with mud, and he was very embarrassed.Coincidentally, as soon as he got to Jiangxi copper, he stopped.

As soon as the complexion of Jiangxi Copper changed, it quickly dragged the injured body and climbed over.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang Are you all right? " He asked anxiously.

However, Wang can's mouth was broken. He couldn't understand what he said.

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Tong stares at Jiang Hao and shouts angrily: "boy, how dare you hurt Mr. Wang? You're dead!"

"Now I'll give you a chance to kneel down and kowtow to Mr. Wang. Maybe you haven't saved your life!"

He was born to be a dog slave!

Not long after joining Wang can, he has fully and perfectly adapted to the dog leg's identity, and has done well and qualified.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao didn't bother to talk to him and directly fanned him over a hundred meters.

When Wang can saw this scene, his pupils shrank.

Then, he glared at the giant and growled vaguely: "Grass Mud Horse, I've been beaten. What are you doing? Give it to Laozi and kill him! "


The giant nodded and went to Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao."

Han Lulu's face changed when she saw this. In her beautiful eyes, she showed deep concern.

She saw the power of giants not long ago.

As strong as Jiangtong, they were all blown away by him. They were captured like chickens. They easily abandoned all of Jiangtong's accomplishments.

He's too strong.

Han Lulu is worried about Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao turned his head, showed a smile, plain and casual way: "don't worry, I'll be OK, he can't beat me."


When the giant heard the words, he was upset and gave a cold hum.

His eyes are as sharp as brass bells.

"My name is Xue Meng!"

He said: "little guy, I know you are very strong. There is a very strong force hidden in your body. You are a genius!"

"But you are too young to beat me even if you are a genius!"

"Step back, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Is it?"

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao's mouth curved.

Suddenly, he asked.

"You are the master of six stars. Even in the martial arts and Taoism alliance where the strong gather, you can be regarded as a master."

"It's reasonable to say that experts like you have the dignity of experts. You can't be willing to be ordinary people's bodyguards and thugs for the sake of worldly money and be called around by ordinary people."

"But you did. Why?"

Xue Meng was silent.

After a while, he raised his head and said in a deep voice, "I need money!"

"Money?" Jiang Hao frowned and said, "a master like you can easily earn a lot of money. You should not be short of money, right?"

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