
Xue shook his head and said, "I'm short of money. I'm short of money."

"So, I can only be his bodyguard and thug!"

Jiang Hao's brow wrinkled deeper when he heard the speech.

However, he did not ask much.

"Do it!"

He negative hand but stand, indifferently way: "you first hand!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you don't have a chance to do it!"


Suddenly, Xue Meng's face was cold.

"Little guy, originally I quite appreciate you and don't want to bully you. Since you are so arrogant, I have to beat you!" He said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Jiang Hao hooked a finger, provocative way: "hurry to do it, I let you three moves!"

Xue Meng's eyes were cold.


He gave a loud drink, and his breath soared. He cracked the ground and ejected.

At the same time, he waves his fist, explodes the air and rolls over Jiang Hao.

"Back up!"

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao shook away Xue Meng's fist strength and drove him back.


Xue Meng stepped back more than ten steps to stabilize himself.

His face was full of horror and his heart was shocked.

"You have two more moves!" Jiang Hao light way.

Xue Meng put away the look of contempt, with a solemn face, said: "I can't believe that I've lost my eye."

"Your strength is very strong, enough for me to pay attention to it!"

"You have to be careful. I'll use 80% of my strength with this blow!"

"Is it?"

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao said: "I hope your 80% strength will not disappoint me!"

"Certainly not!" Xue Meng said coldly.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the thunder like voice sounded, Xue Meng's whole body of air, all burst out, the fury of momentum, poured out, swept in all directions.

Not far from the pavilion, shaking, seems to collapse.

The whole ground is shaking.

"Watch the fist!"

Xue Meng gave a violent drink and a blow.

In an instant, the terrifying fist strength and endless energy rushed to Jiang Hao like a tide, and drowned him in an instant.

"Jiang Hao!"

Han Lulu saw this scene, her face changed and she couldn't help shouting.


Suddenly, a cold cry rang out.

Suddenly, all the strength, all the energy, disappeared, as if it had never appeared.


Xue Meng was shocked.

He found that he repeatedly underestimated Jiang Hao's strength.


It should be said that he has never seen through Jiang Hao's strength.

Jiang Hao stood with a negative hand, staring at Xue Meng and said indifferently, "your 80% strength is pretty good."

"Unfortunately, it still can't hurt me."

"Burst out with all your strength!"


Suddenly, Xue Meng's face was solemn and serious. He bent down, clasped his fist, saluted and said, "I have offended Xue Meng!"

Obviously, he really took Jiang Hao as his opponent.

And a close opponent!

He said in a deep voice: "next, I will not only break out with all my strength, but also use my mace which I have practiced hard for many years. If I kill you accidentally, please don't blame me."

"What else have you got?"

Jiang Hao said with a light smile, "it's interesting. Come on quickly."

He is still a calm look, not a bit nervous or flustered.


All of a sudden, Xue gave a violent drink.

All of a sudden, he burst into flames, bathed in the light of the fire, just like the God of fire who oppressed the world, and looked down on the world.

"Fire dragon boxing!"

Suddenly, the flames converged to his fists, and constantly compressed and condensed.

A moment later.

The pale yellow flame turned into golden yellow and sent out palpitating waves. It covered Xue Meng's right arm like wearing a golden glove.


Xue Meng's legs pressed down, his weight lowered, and suddenly shot a blow.

All of a sudden, a dragon's song sounded.

A golden dragon, from his fist power, rushed out, issued a thunderous sound of dragon chant, fierce, open teeth and claws, flew to Jiang Hao.

This golden dragon is lifelike, with its scales and whiskers clearly visible, just like a solid body.

Jiang Hao was slightly awe inspiring.

This fist is terrible. Even if it's a six star master, not many people dare to take it hard.

"A good punch." Jiang Hao commented slightly.Then, he slowly extended a hand and gently grasped it.


A terrible shock, destructive force, shock, JiangHao motionless, did not step back, even the body did not move.

With one hand, he grasped the dragon's head and blocked the attack.


Jiang Hao fingers force, suddenly a pinch.


The sky and the earth burst, and the Golden Dragon disappeared.


When the move is broken, Xue Meng is attacked and spurts out a mouthful of blood.


He looks at Jiang Hao in horror, his eyes are very scared, like seeing a ghost.

"Don't be surprised."

Jiang Hao said with a light smile: "I said, your strength is very strong, but you can't beat me."

Cough ~ ~

Xue Meng coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

Then he straightened up, bowed 90 degrees vertically, bowed his hands and said, "Xue Meng, meet Master Jiang!"

This is a great gift!

Obviously, Jiang Hao's strength, even his talent, has convinced him.

"I don't like red tape. Get up." Jiang Hao is indifferent.


Xue Meng immediately straightened up after hearing the speech.

Jiang Hao looked at him and said faintly, "you are employed by Wang can for money. We are the enemy. I should kill you or abolish you."

Suddenly, Xue Meng's face changed, and he was nervous and worried.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "as a warrior, you have high strength. When you face ordinary people, you have the power to kill or take. But you don't act recklessly. You always abide by the rules."

"So, I won't kill you, and I won't waste you!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's words changed, and his eyebrows and eyes were sharp.

"But, after all, you have done something to Uncle Han and Lulu. This crime is unforgivable."

"Break your arm to show punishment!"


As soon as the voice fell, a string of blood splashed out.

Ah ~

Xue Meng's face twitched and let out a scream.

His face was full of horror, and he was a little dull.

This sword, too fast!

Rao is him, all just barely see a shadow, no time to react, the sword light fell, cut off his arm.

He's thrilled!

Once again, I feel the unfathomability of Jiang Hao.

"Go away!" Jiang Hao waved.


Xue Meng bent down and gave a salute.

In a moment, the sole of the foot disappeared.

"Jiang Hao, are you ok?"

Suddenly, Han Lulu rushed up, up and down, carefully checking Jiang Hao's body, worried that he was injured.

Jiang Hao smiles gently.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Then he glanced at Jiang Tong and Wang can, looked at Han Jiande and asked, "Uncle Han, what are you going to do with these two people?"

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