"Don't worry, the Wangs can't help me." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

He's not worried at all.

Although the Wang family is strong, it is far worse than the wudaomeng.

He is a bronze medal elder appointed by several law enforcement elders. The Wangs dare to move him, but the Wudao League is the first to refuse.

"Well, let's go back." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Han Lulu said happily.

Han Jiande said in a deep voice: "since things have happened, they can't be changed any more. It's just Xiaojiang. You must be careful today."

"I'm afraid the Wangs will deal with you secretly."


Jiang Hao nodded slightly.

So they left the maple forest and went home.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

the shrill scream echoed over the maple leaf forest.

A moment later.

Wang can couldn't carry it. He rolled his eyes and fainted in pain.

Two hours later.

He just awoke.

Ah ~

suddenly, the pain in his crotch made him scream at the first time.

He took a look and yelled on the spot.

"Ah, I'm a eunuch, I'm a eunuch..."

He's excited, he's angry, he's very emotional.

It was a long time before he calmed down a little.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The phone is through.

Wu Wu ~

suddenly, Wang can burst into tears and said, "Dad, I've become a eunuch. I can't play with women any more!"

A 34 year old man, crying, it's really wonderful.

He is the first dandy of the Wang family!


At the other end of the mobile phone, Wang Xuebing was stunned.

Immediately, he was furious.

"Who is it? Who did it? " He roared.

He had to be furious!

As the Third Master of the royal family in Beijing, he is not as famous and influential as his eldest brother and second brother, but he is also highly valued by the master of the royal family.

Even in the capital, few people dare to provoke him.

He is now more than 50 years old and has been playing with women for decades, but there is only one single child under his knee, Wang can.

Now, Wang can has been castrated. His pulse is going to be the last.

How can we not be angry?

"Jiang Hao!"

Wang can gritted his teeth and said, "it's a son of a bitch named Jiang Hao. Dad, you must avenge me!"


Wang Xuebing warned: "can'er, stay there and don't turn off your mobile phone. I'll send someone to rescue you and take you back to the capital."

"Then, I'll go to the doctor and ask him to help me at all costs. I can't be a queen in my pulse."

"Maybe he can help you become a man!"


Wang can's face brightened when he heard the speech.

He saw the hope that he would continue to play with women without being a eunuch.

"Well, I'll send someone to help you now."


Wang Xuebing hung up the phone.

The capital, the Wangs.

After Wang Xuebing hung up, he dialed another number.

"Hello, I'm wang Xuebing. You immediately fly the helicopter to Jianghai city to save my son Wang can. I'll send you the exact location." He ordered.

A moment later.

A private helicopter, from the Wangjia airport, took off and flew away.

Many people in the Wang family saw this scene, which caused a lot of discussion.

The master of the Wang family, hearing the news, immediately summoned Wang Xuebing.

"Third, what are you doing? Why did the helicopter come out? " Master, he asked.

He was very old, his hair was gray and sparse, his face was wrinkled, like gullies, and he was bent, leaning on crutches.

How to look at it, they are old and dying.

However, his invisible momentum was extremely powerful and dignified. Even Wang Xuebing was afraid to look directly at him.

Wang Xuebing lowered his head and told the truth: "Dad, can'er has been abandoned and become a eunuch."


The old man was furious.

"It's big enough to be brave!"

He said angrily, "who hurt my Wang's son?"

This anger made everyone tremble and panic.

Wang Xuebing's head was buried even lower. He reported: "according to can'er, he is a son of a bitch named Jiang Hao."


The old man hummed coldly: "no matter who he is, no matter where he is, I will catch him back. I will cook him myself!""Green dragon."

Suddenly, he called.


Suddenly, the space seems to be distorted for a while, and a figure appears out of thin air.

This person is Wang Qinglong!

The old man looked at him and said, "it's up to you."

"In three days, get the man named Jiang Hao back!"

"Yes Wang Qinglong nodded slightly.

Shua ~

then, his body swayed and disappeared.

The old man looked at Wang Xuebing and asked, "can you still recover?"

"I don't know."

Wang Xuebing shook his head and said, "but I'd like to have a try. I'd like to ask a miracle doctor to do whatever it takes to save can'er."

"Not bad."

The old man nodded and said, "I have a little friendship with the doctor. I'll ask him myself."

Ah ~

Wang Xuebing was surprised.

How noble is the status of the old man. Looking at the capital and even the whole China, few people can match him. He is willing to ask for help for Wang can.

Wang Xuebing is very moved!

"Ah, what."

The old man said coldly, "get up quickly and go to see the doctor with me!"

"Yes, yes."

Wang Xuebing quickly followed.

Wang family manor, a mansion.

Wang Qinglong summoned three people.

These three people are all very old. They are estimated to be 40 or 50 years old.

Among them, there is a long hair, named dailuo, eight star master.

A few years ago, he challenged Wang Qinglong and was defeated by one move. He deeply felt Wang Qinglong's strength and terror.

So he was willing to submit to him and became his follower.

Another person with long clothes and long beard is Gao Qianqiu, who is also an eight star master.

He also challenges Wang Qinglong. After he fails, he stays and follows Wang Qinglong. He expects Wang Qinglong to guide him and make him stronger.

As for the youngest man, Hu Tian, the six-star master at the top, he can fight as hard as he can.

This man is extremely belligerent.

Two years ago, he met Wang Qinglong, and his fighting spirit was boiling. Regardless of the huge gap between them, he directly challenged Wang Qinglong.

As a result, he was defeated without fighting.

Wang Qinglong appreciates his courage to fight against the strong and thinks highly of him. He wants to accept him as an apprentice.

At first, Hu Tiangen didn't agree.

Finally, it took Wang Qinglong a year to convince him and accept him as a disciple.

Wang Qinglong's eyes were sharp. He scanned the three people and said faintly: "just now, the master has given me a task to go to Jianghai city and arrest a man named Jiang Hao."

"Deadline, three days!"

"Which of you would like to come?"

"I will!"

Hu Tian was the first to stand up.

His eyes were burning and he said: "master, I haven't done it for more than half a year. I feel my body is getting rusty." "So I ask that the task be given to me!"

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