"Are you sure?"

Wang Qinglong glanced at him and reminded him, "we know nothing about Jiang Hao's strength."

"The task may be simple or dangerous."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of a bird!"

With a big wave of his hand, Hu Tian's fighting spirit was boiling. He laughed and said, "I hope he is very strong!"

"The stronger the better, then I can have a good fight."

"What's more, only when you screw off the head of a strong person can you have a sense of accomplishment."

"It's too weak. It'll only dirty my hands."


Wang Qinglong's indifferent face finally showed a smile, eyes, full of appreciation.

The war spirit is soaring, the stronger the Vietnam War is!

This is why he took Hu Tian as his disciple.

"This task is up to you. In three days, I want you to take that Jiang Hao back!" He ordered.


Suddenly, Hu Tian took orders and said, "I will live up to the master's trust."

"Go ahead."

Wang Qinglong waved.


Hu Tian disappeared in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, he left the Wang family and went straight to Jianghai city.

Instead of taking the means of transportation, he flew away in the imperial air. When he was tired and his inner strength was insufficient, he stopped to have a rest.

Rest up and keep flying.

Jiang Hao, who is far away in Jianghai City, doesn't know that he has castrated Wang can. The Wangs in the capital have been furious and sent big experts to arrest him.

At the moment, he is answering the phone.

"Hello, Mr. LV, call me. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Elder Jiang Hao!"

On the other end of the mobile phone, LU Hong's respectful voice came.

"Elder Jiang Hao, it's like this. Every three years, there will be a martial arts competition among the five major forces in Jianghai city."

"This year, it happens to be the third year."

"After discussion, the five great forces of martial arts will hold a martial arts contest at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"The people who participate in the contest are basically the strongest experts of various forces."

"We're all in the Daowu League."

"Now, they're all dead."

"Lao Jiu's last injury has not yet healed. The rest of us, the strongest, are only two-star masters. We can't use them at all."


Lu Hongdun for a moment, then said: "so, I want to invite elder Jiang Hao to take the place of the branch of Wudao League to participate in the martial arts competition."


Jiang Hao frowned, a little reluctant.

After all, this contest is very troublesome.

Recently, he felt that he was lack of strength and wanted to practice hard. He didn't want to waste time on these trivial things.

LU Hong recognized Jiang Hao's unwillingness.

Suddenly, he was in a hurry.

"Elder Jiang Hao, do you know why the five great martial arts forces in Jianghai city hold a martial arts contest every three years?" He asked.


Jiang Hao was a little curious when he heard the speech.

Hey, hey

The success aroused Jiang Hao's curiosity, and LU Hong couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Hao's face was cold.

"What are you laughing at? Speak quickly

He gave a cold drink.

"Yes, yes."

LU Hong trembled and said: "every three years, the five major forces in Jianghai hold a contest to determine which side is the strongest."

"Then, the five forces will unite to form an alliance for the time being."

"This alliance, on behalf of Jianghai City, fights with the martial and Taoist forces in several surrounding cities, and finally determines the front and rear positions?"

"Determine the position?"

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "what's the use?"

"It's of great use!"

LU Hong's voice suddenly became low and serious.

He said solemnly, "elder Jiang Hao, do you know why the martial arts civilization on earth is getting weaker and weaker?"

"I don't know."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

He's really curious.

Because, all kinds of signs show that, a long time ago, the martial arts civilization on earth was very prosperous and developed.

No, it should be immortal civilization!

Up to now, in some ancient books and fragments, it is also recorded that all kinds of mythical characters appeared on the earth in ancient times, with the ability to understand the whole world.

However, I do not know why, the earth's master, gradually disappeared.

The aura on the earth is becoming rarer and rarer.

As a result, the civilization of cultivating immortals has gradually weakened, and few of the world-famous masters of ancient times have been born.In modern times, the aura of the earth is thinly ignored.

The civilization of cultivating immortals, completely cut off, has become a low-level dance civilization.

However, as the aura of the earth becomes thinner and thinner, the martial arts civilization is gradually weakening.

"Tell me why."

Jiang Hao is very curious, can't help but urge a word.

Cough ~

LU Hong coughed a few times, cleared his throat and said, "that's because in ancient times, the earth suffered an invasion."

"Are aliens really invading the earth?"

Jiang Hao's pupil shrinks, surprised.


LU Hong nodded and said in a deep voice, "but not aliens, but demons!"

"The demons?"

For a moment, Jiang Hao thought of the magic things in Wuji immortal's territory, which were engulfed by the evil Qi.

"Do demons really exist?"

He was shocked!

Because the information disclosed by LU Hong subverts the three outlooks that he has been forming for more than ten or twenty years.


LU Hong said seriously: "that time, the invasion of the demons was very fierce. Even in the ancient times, the earth's immortal cultivation civilization was very developed, and there were many super experts, which could not be resisted."

"In the end, the protracted fighting ended and the ancients won."

"But it did win!"

"That war can be called the war of God's death. In ancient times, countless experts on the earth almost fell down."

"It's said that the earth almost collapsed."

"Since then, the aura of the earth has gradually weakened, and the civilization of cultivating immortals has gradually weakened."

"The invading demons are almost dead, but there are still a few who live in the world."

"These demons have been sealed by ancient sages."

"With the passage of time, the sealed demons have been destroyed by time."

"However, there are still a very small number of demons who live a very long life due to race reasons and have not died yet."

Hiss ~

Jiang Hao sniffs at the speech and takes a breath of cold air.

The bustling modern, some unknown places, but also sealed the demons?

This is incredible!

If these demons break the seal and rush out, it is bound to set off a bloodbath that will stir up a sensation all over the world. At that time, there will be countless innocent people who will die miserably.

Jiang Hao breathed out a breath and calmed down slowly.

Then he asked, "but what does this have to do with the martial arts competition of Jianghai city and the surrounding cities?"

"It matters a lot!"

LU Hong said in a deep voice: "because in the valley of the dead in Jianghai City, there is a demon clan sealed."

"This demon clan is not dead yet!"

"What?" When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he felt as if he had been struck by thunder. He was confused.

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