Is the demon clan sealed in Jianghai city before it dies?

When Jiang Hao heard the news, he was stunned.

"That's right."

LU Hong's tone was very serious. He nodded and said, "there is an undead demon clan, which is sealed in the valley of the dead in Jianghai city."

"Four hundred years ago, this cunning demon clan had been dormant for thousands of years, and finally healed the wound and reappeared in the world. In a few days, it created boundless evil."

"At that time, many martial arts forces sent their top experts to join hands to kill the demon clan."

"However, the predecessors failed. They were in a mess."

"Dozens of masters have become the blood food in the mouth of the demons."

"In the end, stone broke the sky!"

"Stone breaks the sky?"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's tone was so short that he even breathed heavily. His face turned red slightly. He said excitedly, "but the stone who is known as the last God on earth breaks the sky?"

"That's right."

LU Hong nodded, looked respectful and admiring, and said, "that's him!"

Stone breaking the sky is the most magical and admirable legend in the world martial arts circle in the last 500 years.

At the end of the law, the spirit was thin and the martial arts were withered. It was extremely difficult to break through the shackles of the nine star master.

But the stone breaks the sky, but goes against the sky, breaks the confinement of heaven and earth, and becomes a God.

Therefore, he is known as the last God on earth!

He is also the most powerful person in recent hundreds of years.

"Shi broke the sky and soon suppressed the demons."

"However, this demon clan, because of its race, is as strong as stone. It can't kill him. It can only seal him and annihilate him with the power of time."

"Four hundred years, the demon clan is still alive."

LU Hong said with emotion: "I have to say that the inborn race advantage of the demons is too strong."

"So, every three years, you hold a martial arts contest to identify the most powerful of all parties, and then join hands to enter the seal area to deal with the demons?" Jiang Hao speculated.


LU Hong shook his head and laughed at himself.

"Although we are five-star masters and six-star masters, we can be regarded as masters in the world of martial arts and Taoism, but in front of the demons, we are not farts."

"Even if the demons have been sealed for 400 years, they are very weak and can't move, we can't help him."

"Even if we don't sleep and slash for ten days and nights, we can't hurt the demons."

"Three years ago, Nangong Wuji followed us into the seal land."

"At that time, he had already broken through the shackles of the NINE-STAR master. He was one of the strongest people in the world, even the strongest."

"It's a pity that even though he used all kinds of moves and means and worked hard for a day and a night, he finally exhausted himself and only slightly hurt the demons."

"An hour later, the demon's wound healed."

LU Hong said with a bitter smile, "even Nangong Wuji can't help the demons. We are even worse."

Jiang Hao's brow wrinkled deeper when he heard the speech.

"Then what are you doing at the seal of the demon clan?" He asked.

"Of course, it's for cultivation and strength!" LU Hong longed for it.

"Practice? Stronger? "

Jiang Hao has a black question mark on his head, and his face is full of doubts.

LU Hong quickly explained: "elder Jiang Hao, do you know that Shi Shatian is not only the most powerful in the past 500 years, but also the most accomplished in array."

"After he subdued the demons, he arranged a wonderful array."

"This array communicates the general situation of the earth and suppresses the demons with the help of mountains and rivers."

"At the same time, there is a function."

Lu Hongdun for a moment, then said: "that is, to absorb the energy in the demon's body, just like drawing blood, and after the transformation and purification of the array, it becomes pure energy."

"These energies can be used for cultivation, and the effect is excellent, almost as good as the spirit liquid condensed from the legendary aura."

"Every three years, there is a competition, and the winner can enjoy the best energy pool."

"The lower the ranking, the farther away the energy pool is from the demon clan, the less natural energy there will be."

"I see."

Jiang Hao showed a sudden color.

At the same time, he is also very curious about the effect of the energy extracted from the demons.

LU Hong asked: "so, elder Jiang Hao, I hope you can take the place of Wudao League, take part in the competition, win a good place, and let the people of Wudao League get a chance."

"I'm too old to support Jianghai wudaomeng branch by myself."

"So I want to train a few successors as soon as possible."


Jiang Hao nodded and agreed.

"I will take part in the contest at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon.""Good, good."

When LU Hong heard the speech, he looked very happy.

He said excitedly: "thank you, elder JiangHao, thank you very much!"


Jiang Hao waved his hand and asked, "by the way, where is the place of the contest?"

"Look at my brain."

LU Hong patted his forehead and said, "the place of the competition is on the top of Longteng mountain. There is a large competition field there."

"Well, I remember." JiangHao road.

After a few words of greeting, he hung up.

"The demons?"

His eyes twinkled and he murmured to himself, "I can't imagine that the world's most prosperous civilization of cultivating immortals has been weakened and disappeared due to the invasion of demons."

"I don't know what the demons look like."

Jiang Hao is very curious and eager to see the demons.

However, it's useless to be in a hurry.

He took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Then, sit up and practice with your eyes closed.

The next day, 3:30 p.m.

Jiang Hao set out for Jianghai wudaomeng branch.

LU Hong had been waiting outside the gate for a long time.

When he saw Jiang Hao coming, he bent down to salute and said, "see elder Jiang Hao!"

"Get up."

Jiang Hao picked him up and asked, "shall we start now?"


LU Hong nodded.

"Let's go then." JiangHao road.

Immediately, they two people, together with LV Chan, a line of three people, straight to Longteng mountain.

Twenty minutes later.

They arrived at the arena.

At this time, many people came to the arena.

LU Hong glanced and said, "elder Jiang Hao, let me introduce you."

"Look over there, that fat man is Qianbao, the owner of the Jin family, one of the five martial arts forces in Jianghai city."

"It is said that he has practiced a very strange martial arts. Once he shows it, his fat body is as light as a feather, and his whole body looks like a leopard. He is extremely fast and ferocious."

"And the bald head, he is the head of the Zhen family, Zhen kind!"

"His name is Zhen kind-hearted, but he is vicious, treacherous and cunning. You must stay away from him and never make friends with him."

"Otherwise, he will unknowingly hurt you badly!"

"There are no less than a dozen such examples." "At that time, I worked with him in the martial arts and Taoism circles of Jianghai city to build up the brothers of Zhen family. All these years, he killed them all!"

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