
Shi Lei's third uncle's face changed and he was embarrassed.

There are rules in every martial arts contest. You can't kill people!

Otherwise, the punishment is very serious.

"It's nothing but!"

Shi Kuang cheered coldly: "if I can't, I will abolish you!"

Suddenly, Shi Lei's two uncles and three uncles, neck a shrink, heart and liver all tremble for a while.

"Yes They bowed their heads.

Leopard squinted at Jiang Hao and said contemptuously, "elder LV, are you sure you want to send him to the war?"


LU Hong nodded.

Wow ~

all of a sudden, people were in an uproar again.

"I'll go. What's the wudaomeng doing?"

"What does it mean to send a suckling yellow haired boy to fight?"

"Does the wudaomeng really want to give up this contest?"

"What's the matter? Mr. LV, are you contemptuous of us when you send a little boy to fight

People are confused, angry or sneer.

In a word, no matter the leaders of qianqianbao, Zhenshan and other major forces, or other people who participated in the war, they did not pay attention to Jiang Hao.

After all, in their view, a yellow haired child of about 20 years old, no matter how severe, is just like that.

As a result, leopard, Zhen kind, baiyuefeng and other people's faces, all showed a smile.

Wu Dao Meng, not to worry about!

Kill a strong opponent, the hope of winning is even greater.

As a result, everyone had a small plan.

Leopard looked at the other two participants and said in a low voice, "listen up, you two. The competition will begin later. When you fight alone, you can win."

"If you can't win, give up and keep your strength."

"The Yellow haired child in wudaomeng has no strength at first sight. No matter who meets him, you two will abolish him and get rid of one person first."

"When fighting in a team, listen to my orders and make a surprise attack together. First get rid of Baiyue wind, and then deal with Shi kuangtian and Zhen kindhearted."

"Do you hear me?"

"I hear you." They both said in unison.


Leopard eyes sharp, fierce face, exhorted: "single battle, if the opponent is weak, under heavy hand, scrap him, as long as the undead."

"Yes They nodded.

On the other hand, Zhen kind-hearted, Bai Yuefeng and Shi kuangtian also told their subordinates the same way.

It's very important to win and lose in this contest!

In order to win, in order to win the first place, some small tricks and small means are indispensable.

"Be quiet, everyone."

LU Hong pressed his hand and said in a loud voice: "the number of players is ready."

"I'm the referee in this contest."

"Before the competition, I'll talk about the rules."

After a pause, he continued: "the five forces, a total of 13 people to fight."

"This contest is divided into two rounds."

"The first round, it's a single fight!"

"Every force has to fight with everyone in the other four sides. The winner will score one point and the loser will score zero."

"In a team battle, the five forces compete separately. The winner scores three points and the loser scores zero."

"In the end, the one with the highest score wins!"

LU Hong looked around and said, "the head of the winner's family or clan will become the leader of the martial and Taoist forces in Jianghai City, leading the alliance to fight in Dabi one week later."

"Elder Lu, don't waste your time."

Leopard impatient, cold drink: "these rules, we have long been familiar with, or hurry to start the contest."


LU Hong said with a light smile: "since we all know the rules, I don't want to talk much nonsense."

"However, there is a rule that we should focus on."

"That is: no killing in the arena!"

"Violators, disqualified!"

"I know, I know." The leopard said with a gloomy face.

He looks impatient!

Repeatedly interrupted, LU Hong's face, also a little cold.

He said in a cold voice: "in that case, the old man announced..."

"The contest begins!"

"Who will play first?"

When this was said, everyone was silent.

Including leopard, who has been very impatient, also kept silent and didn't want to be the first one to play.

After all, the first one to go on the court is bound to suffer.

No one wants to lose.

"Second, you go up to challenge Jiang Hao!" Suddenly, Shi kuangtian ordered in a low voice.

"Dad, I..." Shi Lei's second uncle, a tight complexion, bitter way."I don't know what I am!"

Shi kuangtian's face was cold. In his turbid eyes, the cold light was awe inspiring. He yelled, "if you're told to go up, you'll go up. What nonsense!"

"Will you betray me?"

Suddenly, Shi Lei's second uncle shook his head and said, "no No


Shi Kuang snorted coldly: "since you don't have it, give me a chance to kill that little bastard!"

"Yes Shi Lei's second uncle bowed his head.

He can only accept advice and surrender.

If he resists again, Shi kuangtian will be angry. At that time, he may not know how to punish him.


So, he jumped up to the challenge arena.

He said in a loud voice: "since everyone is not willing to go on stage, I will be the first one."

He looked around, pointed to Jiang Hao and said coldly, "you Boy, it's you. Don't look at others. Come on up. I'll challenge you. "


Jiang Hao is a little speechless.

He didn't move at all, let alone look at others.

"Boy, you, come on up!"

Shi Lei's second uncle, with a sneer on his face, said sarcastically, "what? Afraid to come up? "

"I said elder Lu, where did you find him? You dare not accept my challenge. You are just a coward and a counsellor."

Under the stage.

Shi kuangtian nodded with satisfaction.

It's a good method.

It is to stimulate Jiang Hao to accept the challenge and compete on the stage.

As long as he is in the challenge arena, he will have a chance to kill him!

Jiang Hao smell speech, the corner of the mouth slightly raised a touch of cold radian.

"Elder Jiang Hao, be careful."

All of a sudden, LV Chan came over and said in a low voice, "he's a member of the Shi family. He's Shi Xiong's second younger brother. On purpose, I didn't mean to challenge you."

"You have to be on your guard."

"Hello, Hello, hello"

Shi Lei's second uncle is shouting again.

"Boy, can't you come up yet?"

"If you really don't dare to fight, just give up and don't waste my time."

"Who said I didn't dare?"

Jiang Hao smiles indifferently and walks slowly to the challenge arena.

"Come on!"

All of a sudden, Shi Lei's second uncle is ready to start.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.


Shi Lei's second uncle, slightly a Leng.

Immediately, he sneered: "boy, you are not really afraid, want to surrender?"

"It's boring to surrender."

"Now that I'm on stage, I have to fight a few times." He sneered: "don't worry, I'll be merciful!"

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