Ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile. He didn't want to pay attention to the king, but looked at LV Hong.

He asked: "Mr. LV, how long will it take for the whole process to finish if the competition is carried out step by step according to the process?"

"Not necessarily."

LU Hong respectfully said: "the previous martial arts competitions took a long time and a short time, but they were basically within the same scope."

"So, I estimate that it will take about five hours to finish the contest."

"Five hours?"

Jiang Hao frowned and shook his head: "five hours is too long."

Hey, hey

Suddenly, Shi Lei's second uncle, with a smile, said: "boy, I have a way to help you reduce your time."

"As long as you surrender every time you compete, it's estimated that you can cut down an hour or two."

"Boy, what's up? Is this a good method? "

Ha ha ha

He gave off a series of piercing and sarcastic laughter.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao gave him a sharp rebuke.

Suddenly, Shi Lei's second uncle, the whole person froze, the bottom of my heart gave birth to a chill.

Jiang Hao's eyes are so terrible that he has the illusion of being in hell.

He's scared, counselled, shut up!

"Five hours is too long. Is there any way to reduce it?" Jiang Hao looks at LV Hong and asks.


LU Hong said with a bitter smile: "the rules of martial arts competition have long been settled and can not be changed."

"Is that so?"

Jiang Hao frowned slightly and glanced around.

All of a sudden, he glanced at the crowd and said in a loud voice, "in that case, I will challenge everyone at one time. It should be OK."

Ah ~

LU Hong was stunned for a moment, and his face was tight. He said: "theoretically, it's OK, but..."

"No one has ever tried!"

"It's too difficult to single out more than ten people. It's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible."

Jiang Hao light smile, overlooking the audience, indifferent way: "one by one challenge, too much trouble."

"My time is precious. I don't want to waste too much time here."

"So, come up together!"

Wow ~

all of a sudden, everyone was in an uproar, and the frying pan broke under the stage.

"Boy, how dare you

"Ha ha ~ ~ a child with yellow hair, whose hair hasn't grown up, but his tone is crazy!"

"Ignorant fool!"

"Is this what young people often say nowadays? Sure enough, it's a breeze. It's a pity that if you don't have the strength, you'll only get into trouble! "

"Boy, I'll give you a chance to take back what I just said, and then I'll take the initiative to withdraw from the contest, and I'll spare you my life!"

At this moment, leopard, Zhen kind, baiyuefeng and others were all angry.

Hey, hey

Seeing this scene, Shi kuangtian smiles.

"Little bastard, I'm still thinking about how to kill you. Unexpectedly, you can't think of it. Dig your own grave!"

"Well, later, I'll wring off your dog's head and pay homage to my lei'er and Xiong'er."

Cough ~ ~

LU Hong coughed a few times, and his face was very dignified. He couldn't help but whispered: "elder Jiang Hao, don't be impulsive, challenge everyone alone, it's impossible, it's too dangerous..."

"Don't worry."

Jiang Hao interrupted him with a faint smile.

Then, looking down at the crowd, he said coldly, "well, I don't have time to waste here. Come on up."

"I'll hit twelve!"

"You want to die!"

Leopard's temper is the most hot. The first one can't help it. He drinks and flies to the challenge arena.

The two men behind him also went up immediately.

Ha ha

Zhen kind eyebrows with a smile, benevolent way: "this little brother, really is the courage to praise."

"In that case, I'll play with you."

Then, he took two people and jumped into the challenge arena.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The air broke.

The silent Baiyue wind showed his attitude with action and rushed to the challenge arena.

Hey, hey

Shi kuangtian gave a ferocious smile and said, "let's go up, too."

"Remember, when we are fighting, we must find a chance to kill Jiang Hao's son. It's better to cut off his dog's head!"

He told a, jump up, on the challenge arena.

Shi Lei's second uncle and third uncle look at each other and jump into the challenge arena.

So far, all the 13 people who participated in the contest were in the challenge arena.Jiang Hao looks around.

Then, looking at LV Hong, he nodded and said, "announce the start of the competition."

LU Hong frowned and said, "do you really want to fight?"

"Of course."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.


Since Jiang Hao had made up his mind, LU Hong knew he couldn't persuade him, so he didn't.

He believes in Jiang Hao!

So he announced, "well, I'll announce that the game Start

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a strong momentum, rushed to the sky, as if to shake the clouds in the sky to disperse.

The atmosphere of fury spread, making the ground within a hundred meters tremble.

Leopard staring at the bell big eyes, urn sound urn airway: "little guy, ignorant and arrogant, I want to beat you cry father and mother, kneel down to beg for mercy!"

Ha ha

Zhen kind charity smile, said: "young man, I'm going to fight, you have to be careful."

Baiyue wind saw this, holding the sword, stepped back a few steps.

He said coldly, "if you two do it, I won't do it."

He is going to watch the play quietly.


Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "let's go together and beat you all at once. This contest should be over, so as not to fight one by one and waste time."

Baiyue wind smell words, eyes a cold, shot out a sharp cold.

"Crazy boy!"

He said coldly, "in that case, I'd like to know if your ability is as good as your tone?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at it."

Jiang Hao light smile, way: "but, clean up you, more than enough!"

"Son of a bitch!"


"To die!"

Suddenly, leopard, baiyuefeng and others were angry.

Rao Shizhen is kind and kind, with a kind smile on his face.

"Come on, stop talking!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand. He was a little impatient. He hooked his finger and said, "come on, let's go together. Otherwise, you may not last ten seconds."

"You want to die!"

This speech, a group of popular face red, head smoke, eyes fire, it seems to eat people.


LU Hong touched his forehead and said in silence, "elder Jiang Hao, how can you practice this mouth? It's too strong to attract hatred."

"Yes, yes."

On one side, Lu Chan nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Seeing this scene, Shi kuangtian couldn't help looking happy.

"Son of a bitch, you're looking for your own death!"

"Together!" Suddenly, the leopard gave a violent drink, with five fingers slightly bent, like a dragon's claw, full of light. It grabbed Jiang Hao, as if to tear him up.

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