Hu ~

LU Hong was relieved and relieved.

Immediately, he shook his head and said with a smile, "I can't imagine elder Jiang Hao's strength is so terrible. I really underestimate him all the time."

"I thought that his status as a bronze medal elder was a great achievement and an exceptional gift."

"Now it seems that even without great credit, his strength is enough to be a bronze medal elder!"

LV Chan stares at Jiang Hao with stars in her eyes.

On the ring.

Jiang Hao looked at LV Hong and said, "old LV, I've won. Is it time for this contest to end?"

"Yes, yes."

LU Hong was stunned and nodded.

Keke ~

he coughed a few times, cleared his throat, and announced: "now, I declare that this competition is over, and the winner is..."


Suddenly, leopard cold drink, interrupted his words.

"I don't agree!"

"The contest is not over yet," he said

"Yes, we haven't lost yet!" Zhen kind echoed.

"I admit I lost." Baiyue air cooling channel.

He is open-minded and honest.

If you lose, you lose. It's no use arguing.

However, he was not reconciled.

Shua ~

suddenly, he raised his head and stared at Jiang Hao with burning eyes. He said: "I admit I lost, but I want to fight again."

"Please give me a chance!"

On one side, Shi kuangtian didn't speak.

But in his eyes, the cold light was cold and the opportunity of killing loomed.

Obviously, he didn't want to end the contest like this.

Because, he also wants to find a chance to kill Jiang Hao, revenge!


Hearing the speech, LU Hong looked embarrassed.

To tell you the truth, he didn't agree with the demands of these people and their sophistry.

After all, Jiang Hao has won.

To fight again is to cheat.

Jiang Hao scan a circle, indifferent way: "you just lost not reconciled?"

"Of course!"

Leopard arms, chin, proud way: "boy, I admit you are very strong."

"But if I hadn't been careless just now, you wouldn't have won me!"

"That's right."

Zhen kind nodded coldly.

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth, outlined a smile, and said faintly: "since you are not convinced, come again until you are convinced."

"Anyway, you are so weak that you can't kill me or hurt me."


This speech, everyone is angry, eyes with flame, staring at Jiang Hao.

A few of them were so hot tempered that they could hardly restrain themselves. They were about to start.

Rao is Baiyue wind, his eyes are a little cold.

Cough ~

LU Hong coughed a few times, and consciously or unconsciously reminded: "elder Jiang Hao, you have won. Even if they don't agree, it's useless."

"You don't have to fight again."

He's a little worried!

After all, Jiang Hao won the battle just now, of course, relying on his strong strength.

However, other people's contempt and carelessness are also important reasons.

Once qianqianbao, baiyuefeng and others are serious and on guard, 12 people try their best to break out and seize the right time. At the same time, Jiang Hao may not be able to stop them.

"Don't worry, it's OK."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

Then, his eyes, swept leopard and others, indifferent way: "come on, I'll give you a chance to play again."

"Remember, twelve of you, seize the time and attack at the same time."

"Otherwise, it won't threaten me at all."

His tone is very flat, but it reveals a strong confidence.


Leopard couldn't bear it any more, he said something rude.

He said angrily: "boy, you are too arrogant. Today, I must teach you a good lesson!"


He gave a cry.

All of a sudden, everyone moved.


The first one to rush out is Baiyue wind.

He is like a sword, the fastest.

The next second, he took a body meal and slowed down.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, the others caught up.

They are very conscious that if they are fast, they will slow down; if they are slow, they will speed up.

Twelve people, keep a line, and kill Jiang Hao neatly and uniformly.They deliberately controlled the speed to keep 12 men, and attacked Jiang Hao at the same time. There was no front and back, or even time interval, which made Jiang Hao unable to resist and dodge.


Seeing this, LU Hong's face changed.

He secretly scolded: "these old guys are so mean and shameless. It's unfair for twelve people to beat elder Jiang Hao alone."

"Now, I still use such despicable tactics!"

"What should I do, grandfather?"

On one side, LV Chan was worried and said: "grandfather, stop them quickly, or elder Jiang Hao may be in danger."

LU Hong sighed, "it's too late."

"Those old guys are no weaker than me. I can't stop them at all."

"What is to be done?"

Hearing this, LV Chan was so anxious that she had to jump.


The air broke.

A touch of cold light, with a sharp breath and violent energy, stabbed Jiang Hao's throat.

It is the sword of Baiyue wind!

On the other side, the five fingers of the leopard are full of light, as if they have really become leopard's claws, grabbing Jiang Hao's other throat.

On the front is Zhen's kind-hearted red flame knife, which cleaves to Jiang Hao's head in a blazing flame.

On the back is Shi kuangtian.

He carried a green dagger to the back of Jiang Hao's head.

Obviously, the dagger was poisoned.

Baiyuefeng, qianqianbao, Zhen Shanshan and Shi kuangtian killed Jiang Hao from around.

As for the other eight people, they killed Jiang Hao from other angles.

For example, some people point directly at Jiang Hao's heart; some cut at Jiang Hao's abdomen; some stab at Jiang Hao's spine; some stab at Jiang Hao's tianlinggai

All of us are ruthless and merciless.

Everyone is a master, for the shot timing and time control, very accurate.

The 12 men's inevitable attack almost attacked Jiang Hao at the same time.

"It's over!"

LU Hong's face changed greatly.

Then, he moved his body and stepped forward, ready to rush up and rescue Jiang Hao.

"Don't come here!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Immediately, he slowly raised his hand, the surging spirit power in his body was surging.


He gave a low drink, a terrible and fierce sword, swept out.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the sound of vomiting blood, interwoven into a piece.

Leopard, Zhen kind-hearted and other 12 people, as if crushed by a tank, all spit blood and fly out.

Baiyue wind, Shi kuangtian and others flew backwards for more than ten meters.

The others, weaker, all flew out tens of meters, spewed a few mouthfuls of blood, and before landing, they fainted one after another.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, a very slight, very small sound broke out.

Several cold lights broke the air, penetrated the void, and shot at Jiang Hao. hidden weapon!

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