
Jiang Hao gave a cold hum, reached out his hand and grabbed it.

All of a sudden, he caught all the concealed weapons coming from the shooting.

He opened his hand and saw five nails with strange light.

"Soul destroying nail?"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's face was cold, and his eyes were bursting with cold light.

The soul destroying nail is the most cruel and terrifying concealed weapon in the martial arts world. Once it is hit, no matter it hurts the key or cuts the skin, the hit will die.

Because the soul killing nail is to extract hundreds of poisonous plants and animals, mix all the venom together, and through a special method, refine and throw it for 100 days.

In the end, the soul nail was formed.

Nine star master below, as long as you are hit by the soul nail, you will die of ulceration and turn into a pool of pus and blood.

This concealed weapon is too insidious and cruel. The people who made the soul killing nail once set off a sensational massacre in the martial arts and Taoism circles all over the country.

Finally, a law enforcement elder of Wudao League dispatched and killed the man.

At the same time, the Wudao League issued an order to destroy all the soul killing nails, and forbid anyone to make soul killing nails. Once found, they will be killed.

The soul killing nail has also become a forbidden device. No one can use it.

Jiang Hao's eyes are cold, and a sense of killing rises.

Someone used the soul nail, obviously to kill him.

This man must not be spared lightly!

Jiang Hao takes out the soul nail and shows it to the public.

Then, moriran's eyes swept over each face and said coldly, "who made these soul destroying nails?"

"What? "Soul destroying nail?"

LU Hong's face changed greatly when he heard the speech, and the whole person was horrified.


In a flash, he rushed to the challenge arena, looked at Jiang Hao repeatedly, and asked anxiously, "elder Jiang Hao, are you ok?"


Jiang Hao shook his head.

With cold eyes, he scanned the crowd and asked, "who made the soul killing nail?"

"Not me, not me."

The leopard shook its head.

Jiang Hao's strength is too strong. He is afraid.

"Not me, either." Zhen kind slightly frightened, shaking his head.

Baiyue Feng was holding a sword, straight and proud: "I don't care to use these inferior concealed weapons!"

He believes in strength and sword!

Disdain to use concealed weapons.

Jiang Hao's eyes swept over the three of them.

Then, his eyes stay on Shi kuangtian.

Suddenly, Shi kuangtian trembled all over, showing a look of fear and fear. He shook his head and said: "it's not me, how can I have the soul nail!"

Jiang Hao took a look at him.

Immediately, staring at all people, indifferent way: "are not willing to admit it?"

"It's not me. How can I admit it?" Leopard is in a hurry.

Zhen kind looks innocent.

"It's not really me."

Baiyue Feng didn't speak.

Obviously, he had just made an excuse, but he didn't care to do it again.

Shi kuangtian was frightened and wronged and said, "it's really not me!"

Everyone, the expression looks very real, very natural, not disguised.

But one of them must be in disguise!

From this we can see that this man is very good at acting.

"Shut up

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, everyone shut up.

Jiang Hao closed his eyes and carefully recalled the scene of the soul killing nail. Through the memory, he determined which direction the soul killing nail came from.

Then, we can lock the killer.

Shua ~

suddenly, he opened his eyes, shot two fine lights in his eyes, and immediately fixed on Shi kuangtian.

He said in a cold voice, "Twelve of you are driven back by me at the same time. The direction of retrogression is different."

"And the soul killing nail is coming from your direction."

"Say, isn't that the nail that you hit to destroy soul?"

When Shi kuangtian heard the words, his face changed. In his turbid eyes, he was flustered and disappeared.

The next second, he calms down.

Then, trembling all over, pretending to be frightened and wronged, he yelled, "it's not me, it's not my soul nail."


Jiang Hao hums coldly: "still want to sophistry?"

His eyes, cold light Zhan Zhan, all over Teng up a sharp breath.

LU Hong's eyes were sharp. He stared at Shi kuangtian and asked, "why do you use the soul killing nail? Do you want to assassinate elder Jiang Hao? "

"Do you want to avenge your son and grandson?"

"I didn't, I didn't..."Shi kuangtian shook his head.

He's a little flustered.

Because, he found that his lies and acting skills, it seems that can not deceive Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is going to do it.

He's going to die!

All of a sudden, his eyes turned and he had a plan in mind.


Suddenly, he was in a flash, ran to Shi Lei's third uncle, grabbed his collar, and said: "it's him, the soul nail was made by him, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Dad, you..."

Shi Lei's third uncle was confused.

Then, the whole person was shocked and a little angry at the same time.

He knew that Shi kuangtian would sacrifice him!

"Shut up, asshole!"

Shi kuangtian looked angry and said, "beast, the soul killing nail is too vicious and insidious. It's a concealed weapon strictly forbidden by Wudao League. How can you have it?"

"Besides, why did you assassinate elder Jiang Hao?"

"I've said for a long time that Xiong'er and lei'er are innocent and worthy of death. They are not allowed to take revenge for them!"

"Why did you disobey my words?"

"Dad, you are so cruel..." Shi Lei's third uncle, angry tunnel.

At the same time, his whole body was shocked, and his inner strength was surging, trying to break free.

When Shi kuangtian saw this, a ray of fierce color burst out of his eyes.

"Brute, elder Jiang Hao is the bronze medal elder of Wudao League. You should have killed him. Today, I'm going to kill you and clean up the door!" He snapped.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he suddenly raised his head and clapped his palm on Shi Lei's third uncle's Tianling cover.


There was a crack in the bone.

All of a sudden, Shi Lei's third uncle, seven holes bleeding, eyes protruding out, face consternation, accident, anger, fear and other expressions, instantly solidified.


Shi Kuang gave a cold hum and loosened his hand.

Pat, Shi Lei's third uncle's body, soft lying on the ground.

Shi Lei's second uncle, seeing this scene, shivers all over, his eyelids jump wildly, and his heart rises with endless chill and fear.

When he was very young, he knew that his father was very cruel. In order to achieve his goal, he could do anything.

But he did not expect that Shi kuangtian should be so vicious.

Tiger poison does not eat son!

But in order to survive, he even killed his son himself.

Shi Lei's second uncle, scared!

Suddenly, Shi kuangtian bowed his hand and said, "elder Jiang Hao, I'm sorry!"

"I'm incompetent. I didn't discipline my son well, which made him feel evil and stabbed you. You were shocked." "He deserves to die. I have killed him myself. This is his personal behavior. Please don't blame the whole Shi family!"

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