LU Hong licked his dry lips, and then said: "although old man Yu is old, his life and blood are not dried up at all; his body is not old, and he is still at the peak."

"Plus decades of accumulation."

"Although he is only a five-star master, he has great strength. Even though he is a six-star master, he can't beat him."

"In the past, every decisive battle was between him and the leader of Luohan sect."

"But every time, he lost, exhausted his inner strength, and couldn't break the gold body of Luohan sect leader."

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Hao asked


LU Hong nodded and said, "but the martial arts forces in other cities are nothing to worry about."

"In recent Wushu competitions, I support them. After I quit, Xie Kun and others took over the class. Their strength is not bad. Therefore, Jianghai city is basically the third place."


Jiang Hao said faintly: "as long as you win the old man of Yu family in Ganghe city and the Lord of Luohan gate in Nanshan City, you can win the first place?"


LU Hong nodded.


Suddenly, he shook his head again.

Jiang Hao frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"There is another force that cannot be ignored." Lu Hongdao.

"What force?"

LU Hong's face was slightly dignified. He said in a deep voice, "Pan's family in Lanyun city!"

"The pan family in Lanyun city is very strong. It once won the first place in four competitions, and is stronger than the leader of Luohan gate in Nanshan city."

"But I don't know why. Nine years ago, the pan family in Lanyun city suddenly stopped taking part in the competition."

"Therefore, the force of martial arts and Taoism in Lanyun city suddenly weakened and became one of the bottom few."

"Also from that time on, the leader of the Luohan sect became the gold body of the Luohan sect and became the strongest. Without the threat of the pan family, he firmly occupied the first position."


Lu Hongdun for a moment, said: "I heard that this session, the pan family of Lanyun City, and joined the war."

"What's more, the people sent have already set out for Jianghai city."

"After the return of the pan family, another strong enemy has been added to this contest. Plus elder Jiang Hao, this contest is bound to be fierce."

LU Hong took a look at Jiang Hao and reminded him, "elder Jiang Hao, don't make trouble again."

"You can't challenge everyone as you did just now."

"I see."

Jiang Hao touched his nose.

In fact, at the bottom of his heart, he wanted to monopolize the heroes again. It was so cool.

However, he just thought about it.

After all, the leader of the Luohan sect, the old man of the Yu family and the pan family in Lanyun city are not leopard, Zhen kind-hearted and Bai Yuefeng. They are stronger.

To tell you the truth, Rao is Jiang Hao, but he has no confidence.

"Well, nothing's wrong, I'll go." Jiang Hao light way.


LU Hong nodded.


Jiang Hao's body turned into a streamer and disappeared in a flash.

On one side, LV Chan stares at the direction of Jiang Hao's departure, and doesn't move.


LU Hong sighed deeply and said, "Xiaochan, let's go back."

"Ah, oh!"

LV Chan returns to her senses, follows LV Hong and returns to wudaomeng branch.

On the other side.

After returning to the villa, Jiang Hao felt a little excited.

Especially when I think of the leader of the Luohan sect, the old man of the Yu family, and the pan family in Lanyun City, my blood seems to be boiling and my fighting spirit is rising.

He is looking forward to competing with these experts!

"There are still two days left. I don't want to think about it for the time being. Hurry up and practice." He murmured.

Then, sit down, close your eyes, silently run the nine day dragon formula, absorb and refine the aura within a few miles, and improve your accomplishments a little bit.

Ding Lingling ~ ~ Ding Lingling ~

suddenly, his mobile phone rings.

Shua ~

Jiang Hao opens his eyes, reaches out his hand, and inhales slightly.

Suddenly, the mobile phone on the desk flew into his palm.

Jiang Hao took a look. It was a strange number.

He frowned slightly, hesitated, and got through.

"Hello ~"

"Hello ~ are you Jiang Hao?"

On the other end of the cell phone, a young voice came.

Jiang Hao eyebrows pick, feel this voice, familiar.

He nodded and said, "I'm Jiang Hao. Who are you, please?"

"Jiang Hao, it's really you. I'm Huizi." The other end of the cell phone, happy tunnel."Huizi?"

Jiang Hao's brow is deeper.

It seems that I have heard the name, but I can't remember it.

"Li Hui, this is Li Hui. Do you remember?"

"Li Hui?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes brightened and he remembered.

Li Hui was a classmate in his primary school. When he was in school, he had a good relationship with him, but he had not contacted him for many years.

"Huizi, call me. What can I do for you?" Jiang Hao asked.

"It's like this."

Li Hui said, "do you remember Gao Liang?"

"I remember."

Jiang Hao nodded, his voice a little cold.

At school, he had a bad relationship with Gao Liang.

Gao Liang relies on his family's money and acts recklessly. He bullies his classmates everywhere. He seems to be the bully of the school and often bullies him.

However, Jiang Hao has been strong since he was a child.

Once, he beat Gao Liang to tears.

Gao Liang actually spent money to hire several 18-9-year-old social gangsters and beat him badly.

Jiang Hao still remembers that time when he was lying in bed, he couldn't get out of bed for half a month.

Keke ~

Li Hui coughed a few times and said, "a few years ago, the Gaoliang family moved to Jianghai city. Now, his father has a successful career and is worth several hundred million."

"Recently, Gao Liang contacted old classmates everywhere and said that he was going to hold a cocktail party for his classmates."

"These days, several old students from other provinces and cities have come one after another, and some old students from Jianghai city have also expressed their willingness to attend the party."

"I know you have a bad relationship with Gao Liang. I didn't want to invite you."

"However, I saw yesterday that the photos on your microblog are all tourist attractions in Jianghai city. I guess you should be in Jianghai city."

"So, I thought all night, I'll call you and invite you."

Li Hui asked tentatively, "how about it? Jiang Hao, are you going to the party? "

Jiang Hao was silent.

To be honest, he didn't really want to attend the party.

After all, a group of primary school students, who haven't been in touch for many years, have almost forgotten and become estranged from each other. Besides, he has a bad relationship with Gao Liang.

"Jiang Hao, join us."

Li Hui advised: "we are all primary school students. After more than ten years of separation, this party is the first time for us. Since you are in Jianghai City, you can join us."

"As for you and Gao Liang, it's normal to be naughty and noisy when you were a child. Now that you've grown up, it's time to take a look at this little thing."

Jiang Hao is still silent. There was no promise and no refusal.

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