"That's right."

Suddenly, Li Hui said, "Wu Xiaoran is also in Jianghai city. I invited her last night and she promised to attend the party."

"What? Will Wu Xiaoran also take part? "

Jiang Hao was excited at the news.

Wu Xiaoran is a person Jiang Hao has been very grateful to since he was a child.

At the beginning, when he was in primary school, Jiang Hao's family was poor. He had some inferiority complex and didn't like to talk much. He was always bullied. Wu Xiaoran was like a big sister and always protected him.

Jiang Hao is very grateful to her.

Unfortunately, in the fifth grade of primary school, Wu Xiaoran transferred to another school, and his family moved away from their hometown.


At the other end of the phone, Li Hui nodded.

Then he asked again, "how's it going? Jiang Hao, are you going to the party? "

Jiang Hao hesitated for a moment, nodded his head and said, "take part."

He's going to the party!

He would like to thank Wu Xiaoran for taking care of him face to face!

If you can, he is willing to help Wu Xiaoran!


Li Hui showed a smile and said, "our party, initiated by Gao Liang, was decided by him in time and place."

"Eight o'clock tomorrow night, black rose club."

"Don't be late."


Jiang Hao nodded.

Then, they talked for more than ten minutes before they hung up.

"Little ranjie, I don't know if you've had a good time these years?" Jiang Hao looks up at the ceiling and whispers.

When he thought of Wu Xiaoran, he was in a difficult mood.

In his heart, Wu Xiaoran was his sister. He was very grateful and respected.

"Forget it. I don't think about it for the time being."

Jiang Hao shook his head and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Immediately, continue to concentrate on meditation.

The next day, 7:20 p.m.

After a little cleaning up, Jiang Hao set out for the black rose club.

Thirty minutes later, he arrived.

Out of the car, he went to the black rose club.

"Jiang Hao?"

At this time, a young man with dark skin and hard life came over.

Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he recognized it.

"Huizi, how did you turn black?" He said with a smile.

Li Hui laughed at himself.

"I can't help it. My family is relatively poor, and I haven't been admitted to university. I have no diploma, so I have to do some hard work."

"No, come on. I haven't seen you for more than ten years. Hold one."

After that, they hugged each other.

After separation, Jiang Hao scanned the crowd for Wu Xiaoran.

"Don't look for it."

Li Hui said with a smile, "Xiao ran hasn't arrived yet."


Jiang Hao was a little disappointed.

Then he frowned and asked, "Why are you all standing at the door? Why don't you go in? "

"I can't get in."

Li Hui said with a bitter smile, "there is a security guard at the door. We are not allowed to go in."

Jiang Hao looks up.

Sure enough, at the door of the black rose club, there were four big, cold faced security guards, looking at a group of students with vigilance and disgust.

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "where is Gao Liang?"

"This party was initiated by him. Why didn't he arrange for you to stand outside?"

Li Hui said with a smile, "I just called him. He said he was on the way and would come right away."

"Right now?"

Jiang Hao was a little displeased when he picked his eyebrows.

The black rose club is very prosperous, with a large flow of people. A group of students are standing at the door, and the influence is very bad. People in and out of the club point out, which is very unpleasant.

"Why do I stand so many people at the door? What do they do? "

"Bodyguards? It doesn't look like it! "

"The bodyguard farts. In my opinion, these people are all poor. They want to go in, but they are stopped by the security guard!"

"Yes? It's a shame to stop at the door

"These poor people have been standing for nearly half an hour!"

"OK, leave them alone. Let's go in and get up!"

"Go, go, go!"

The sound of pointing comes from time to time.

All the students bowed their heads.

Some people even wear masks.

"Shit, what's the matter with that guy? He started the party. Why didn't he arrange it?" Suddenly, one muttered.

"That's it

Suddenly, another person echoed: "we stood outside for half an hour. We were pointed out and lost our face!"

"Damn, it's a shame. I can't wait any longer. I'm going back!" One of them cheered."I'm going back, too. I'm not going to the party!"

"Wait for me, let's go together!"

"Add me one!"

A group of students are in a commotion, shouting to go back.

The party is going to be a bust.

Li Hui is in a hurry.

He said in a loud voice: "students, don't worry, just wait."

"This party is the first time we have been apart for more than ten years. It's of great significance and rare. It's a pity if it fails."

"Wait a minute, we should be here soon."

A few minutes later.

Li HUICAI managed to persuade everyone.

However, everyone was impatient and wanted to leave at any time.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao came out.

He said in a loud voice, "forget it, I'll take you in."

"Jiang Hao, you Can you do it? "

Li Hui was surprised and said: "it is said that the black rose club is a high-level club, which is dedicated to providing services to the rich. If you don't have money, you can't go in."

"No problem."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

Then he went straight to the door.


The guard held out his hand and suddenly stopped him.

"Gold card, please!"

Jiang Hao frowned slightly, "what gold card?"

Suddenly, the security guard, with a heavy face, said coldly, "no gold card, no entry. Go away quickly. Stay away. Don't block at the door."


Jiang Hao opened his mouth to show his identity.

"I don't know what I am!"

The security guard's face was cold and said, "no gold card, no entry? Don't you understand? "

"Get out of here, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face was cold.


He said coldly: "the whole Jianghai City, there is no place I can't enter, get out of the way quickly!"

Yo ~

the security guard, glancing up and down at Jiang Hao's stall goods, said with disdain: "a poor guy, he's good at loading."

"Here's a minute. Get out of here!"

"Otherwise, I'll beat you out!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Hao's eyes are cold, and he seems to start.

"Forget it, forget it."

At this time, Li Hui held him and advised: "Jiang Hao, don't be impulsive. Let's step back and wait for the highlight to come."

Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~

suddenly, the roar of high-end engine rings.

A dazzling red Ferrari, galloping, a beautiful drift, stopped.

A figure came down.

It's the highlight!

Wearing a valuable tuxedo and a golden Rolex watch, Gao Liang walks slowly with a pocket in one hand and a Ferrari key in the other.

Why? He looked surprised and said, "Li Hui, why are you all standing outside? Why don't you go in? "

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