Li Hui gave a bitter smile and said, "I can't get in."

"We don't have any gold cards. The security won't let us in."

"Sorry, sorry."

Highlight a faint smile, said: "black rose club, only for the rich, no money, really can't enter, I'm sorry, it's my negligence."

"Come on, I'll take you in!"

Then he led the way to the door.

"Welcome Gao Shao!"

All of a sudden, the four security guards bowed to salute with great respect.

"All right!"

Gao Liang's face was cold and scolded: "get out of the way quickly. These people are my classmates. You dare to stop them outside the door. How dare you!"

All of a sudden, the four security guards were shaking all over, their forehead and back were sweating.

"I have no eyes, please forgive me!" They all bent down.


Gao Liang snorted coldly: "apologize to my classmates immediately, and I'll spare you!"

"Yes, yes

Four students did not hesitate to bow to the security, a hasty apology.

"I'm sorry!"


All the students were a little flattered and at a loss.

At the same time, they look at the bright eyes, full of admiration, envy, no longer dissatisfied.

There are a few smart people, eyes dribble, in the bottom of my heart thinking, later, must be a good flattery.

"Well, stop talking nonsense. Let's go in." Bright proud way.

Then he led the way into the black rose club.

The rest, nervous and nervous, followed carefully.

Wow ~

as soon as they went in, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's so luxurious!"

"What kind of club is this? It's just like the ancient imperial palace!"

The crowd was amazed.

a group of woodlouse!

Highlight secretly despised a, but his face showed a warm smile, smile: "well, you students, don't look."

"I've reserved the box. Let's go in."

"Yes, yes."

The crowd nodded and immediately followed.

After entering the box, everyone was surprised again.

This box, too big, has more than 100 square meters, divided into several areas.

There are KTV hi song area, dance floor area, drinking area

"Come on, let's have a drink first." Gao Liang said with a smile.

"Good, good."

So they went to the drinking area.

On the counter, there are all kinds of wine, including whisky, vodka, Lafite, Maotai, Wuliangye, snow beer and drinks.

"Wow, beer, Baijiu, red wine and drinks are all there. It's too detailed." One was surprised.

"Drink whatever you like."

Gao lianglang said: "come on, let's have a drink first."


So, people choose the wine they like and drink together.

Most people choose the most expensive wine and drink it without restraint.

A group of bumpkins who have never seen the world!

Bright eyes, flash a touch of disdain.

Immediately, he said with a smile: "well, don't drink too much. These drinks have great stamina. Be careful to get drunk later."

"Come on, let's talk about the experience of these years."

"Who starts first?"

A male classmate, very smart, quick reaction, said with a smile: "our experience, what to say, please talk about it."

"I know that your father is now a famous tycoon in Jianghai city."

Hi, ~

Gao Liang waved his hand and said modestly, "what famous tycoon has not much money, so he just started a company with a value of several hundred million."

Wow ~

suddenly, people exclaimed: "hundreds of millions, a lot of money!"


"Hundreds of millions, I'm afraid I can't make so much money in my life!"

"Hundreds of millions of cash, should be able to fill a big house!"

People were surprised.

At the same time, I envy it.

There are several smart male students, have to highlight the toast, from time to time to curry favor with him.

A few girls, more active, changed position, next to highlight, from time to time miso him, tease him, seduce him.

However, he remained indifferent.

It's not that he's tall, not feminine.

But these female students, general appearance, body is also general, because every day to work, fortunately tired relationship, the skin is also a little dark, rough.As a result, they don't look up to them at all.

EH ~

suddenly, Gao Liang stares at Jiang Hao and says, "who is this? It's not like our classmates, is it? Why did he come in

Jiang Hao frowned.

This highlight, put it clearly, deliberately find fault.

Cough ~

Li Hui coughed a few times and said, "Gao Shao, this is Jiang Hao. Don't you remember?"

"Jiang Hao?"

Gao Liang frowned and said, "well, the people I'm dealing with are either rich or wealthy. The name of Jiang Hao is just a little person in the low society. I really don't remember it."

"Li Hui, please introduce me."


Li Hui is speechless.

If you don't remember anything, it's just to make a fool of Jiang Hao and embarrass him.

"Gao Shao, let me introduce you."

A smart male classmate, took the initiative to say: "Jiang Hao is really a small role. Although he is our classmate, he was also the most useless in the class at that time."

"However, this man has a silly strength, but his head is not ready to shine. He is simple and stupid."

"Once, he provoked Gao Shao you."

"Gao Shao, who are you? The children of rich families are well-educated and magnanimous. "

"At that time, you were magnanimous and didn't care about him, but this fool actually made an inch. There was no way. In the end, you taught him a lesson."

"He flattered:" from then on, the fool convergence, concentrate on learning

"Gao Shao, you wake up. You're kind to him!"

"Is it?"

Gao Liang grinned.

"Yes, yes

"Of course

"When I was in primary school, the whole school, who didn't know that Gao Shao was a kind-hearted, kind and tolerant person. He would rather reduce his study time, but also wake up other people and help them on the right road."

"Yes, Gao Shao is so great!"

People racked their brains to praise.

Li Hui's mouth was twitching. He felt sick.

For the first time, he felt that these students were disgusting and shameless.

In order to curry favor with Gao Liang, it's OK to open your eyes and tell lies, but also to confuse black and white and distort the facts without conscience.

At school, Gao Liang was a famous bully.

Not to mention other people, that is, these students in the class, are very annoying and repulsive.

But now, all of them are bashful and flatter him like a pug.

Even, it's great.

What a shame!

"Am I that great?" I was surprised and surprised.

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