"Did you really see it with your own eyes?"

Some people still have doubts.

"Of course."

Gao Liang asked: "do you know why Qingtian mansion has been closed all the time in the past week?"

"I don't know."

The crowd shook their heads.

"It's really strange that Qingtian building is built in a prime location in the city center. It has a huge passenger flow and can make a lot of money every day. It will lose a lot if it goes out of business for a week."

"Why shut down?"

"Because of Qingtian building, it almost collapsed!" He said.


The public was shocked by the speech.

"More than a week ago, Han Jiande, another 10 billion giant in Jianghai City, held a celebration party for the project development," Gao explained

"All the rich people from several nearby cities took part in it."

"My dad was lucky to be there, too."

"At the beginning, everything went well at the reception. Later, an accident happened."

"What accident?" A man, who couldn't wait, asked.

"An expert has appeared!"

Gao Liang sipped a mouthful of red wine and continued: "this expert, who is said to be Han Jiande's enemy, came to him for revenge and killed a lot of tycoons at the cocktail party."

"Later, another expert appeared. They had a big fight and almost destroyed the whole Qingtian building!"

"This Is that true? "

"It should be true. In recent days, I often see reports in the news that famous tycoons in several surrounding cities have died for no reason."

"Yes, I saw the news, too!"

There was a lot of talk.

"That's right."

Gao Liang nodded and said, "those rich people are the ones who unfortunately died in Qingtian mansion."

Hiss ~

people suck in the cold air and feel like the collapse of Sanguan.

Li Hui, on one side, was stunned and had a sense of trance.

Jiang Hao glanced at them.

Then, drink on your own.

These people, if they knew that Jiang Hao was one of the experts who fought in the Qingtian mansion, they didn't know what they would feel.


A male classmate, hard to swallow a mouthful of saliva, asked: "Gao Shao, this black rose club, is what you say the master built?"


Gao Liang shook his head and said, "the black rose club was built by a mysterious tycoon."

"At the beginning, only those experts could enter the black rose club."

"Later, slowly, the rules were changed, and ordinary people could come in, but they had to be rich people with gold cards."

"In Jianghai City, no more than 100 people can enter the black rose club."

Wow ~

the crowd exclaimed: "there are less than 100 people in Jianghai City, and Gao Shao is one of them."

"Gao Shao is too strong."

"Nothing, nothing."

Gao Liang waved his hand, pretending to smile modestly.

Suddenly, with a straight face, he reminded: "all the people who can enter the black rose club are big people. Don't make trouble."

"If I get into trouble with the rich, it's nothing. My father is a big man in Jianghai City, and I'm a little well-known. The average rich will give me face, and I can deal with it."

"But if you get into trouble, Han Jiande can't save you!"

"So be careful, all of you!" He warned.

"I know, I know."

People's hearts trembled and nodded.

"All right, all right."

The next second, highlight said with a smile: "don't be afraid, as long as you don't make trouble, there will be no problem."

"Yes, yes."

The crowd nodded.

Then, they were still very nervous and scared, and their hands trembled.

After all, they are ordinary people at the bottom of the society. They haven't even met the millionaires who are worth tens of millions. What's more, they are the high-ranking people who are afraid of the ten billion rich?

Even if they didn't see the master, they were scared!

However, they didn't know that they had met the experts, and they also reprimanded and abused them.

If they knew about it, I don't know if they would be scared to pee on the spot.

Creak ~

suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open.

A slim, gentle woman came in.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao was shocked.

He recognized that this woman was Wu Xiaoran, whom he had always been very grateful to.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

As soon as Wu Xiaoran entered the door, he bowed and apologized: "there's something wrong at home. I'm really sorry for the delay and late arrival.""It's OK. It's OK."

People waved their hands.

Suddenly, Li Hui waved and cried, "Wu Xiaoran, sit here."

Wu Xiaoran took a look, hesitated and came over.

After she sat down slowly, she looked at Jiang Hao and said, "you Are you Xiaojiang


Jiang Hao gave a wry smile and retorted: "sister ran, I've grown up. Don't call me Xiao Jiang any more."


Wu Xiaoran wrinkled Qiong's nose and hummed: "I like to call you xiaojiangjiang."

Jiang Hao shakes his head and grins bitterly. He is helpless.

Immediately, he asked: "little ranjie, how have you been these years?"


Wu Xiaoran wanted to talk and stop, as if to reveal something.

The next second, she shook her head, restrained the pain and fear deep in her eyes, pulled the corners of her mouth, forced a smile, and said: "still It's OK

"Well, let's talk about you. Which university did you study in?" She changed the subject.

"I didn't go to college."

Jiang Hao shook his head.


Wu Xiaoran pretended to be angry, grabbed Jiang Hao's ear, criticized: "Xiaojiang, I have already warned you that you must study hard."

"You promised me that you would go to college."

"You lied to me?"

Ouch ~ ~

Jiang Hao pretended to be in pain and begged for mercy: "I'm wrong, little sister ran. Don't twist my ear."

"My ears, when I was a child, were twisted by you. Now it's hard to recover, and it's broken again."


Wu xiaoranjiao snorted: "I'll wring it. Who told you not to listen to me? You didn't study hard and went to university."

But she let go of her hand, and she actually said.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong." Jiang Hao begged for mercy pathetically.


Wu Xiaoran wrinkled Qiong's nose and asked: "you didn't go to university. What do you do now? How about the salary? "


Jiang Hao Leng for a moment, said: "now I'm a bodyguard for people, the salary is very good."

"To be a bodyguard?"

Wu Xiaoran frowned and said, "is it lucky and hard to be a bodyguard? Is it dangerous? "

"You quit as soon as possible. I'll arrange a good job for you."

When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he felt a warm current in his heart.

Nothing has changed!

Little ranjie took him as her younger brother when she was a child. She cared for him very much and took care of him very much.

Yo, Jiang Hao said with a light smile, "it seems that little ranjie has developed."

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