"Of course."

Wu Xiaoran gave a proud smile.

However, in her eyes, there was an imperceptible sadness and pain.

Unfortunately, Jiang Hao didn't find it.

He shook his head with a smile, said: "little ranjie, my work now, very good, do not want to change."

"All right."

Wu Xiaoran warned: "Xiaojiang, if you encounter any difficulties or lack of money, just tell me, don't be polite."

"I see, rich woman, little sister ran." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Even though they have been separated for more than ten years, the relationship between them is not unfamiliar at all.

Not far away, Gao Liang takes a peek at Wu Xiaoran from time to time.

Wu Xiaoran's appearance is not brilliant, but also a beauty.

What's more, she has a good figure, concave and convex, exquisite curve, good temperament, gentle with a hint of playfulness, and has an indescribable charm, which is very attractive.

Gao Liang has money and status. He has played with many women, even female stars.

However, I have never played with a woman with such temperament as Wu Xiaoran.

Therefore, he had a lustful heart.

"Go away, all of you

His action was very rough. He pushed away several male and female classmates and sat down beside Wu Xiaoran.

"Xiao ran, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. You are more and more beautiful." He has a glib tongue.

Wu Xiaoran frowned, a little displeased.

"Gaoliang, I'm not familiar with you. Don't call me Xiaoran. Please call me by my full name."


Suddenly, Gao Liang's face was cold.

Ha ha ha

Immediately, he said with a laugh: "that's what I said. After more than ten years of separation, I'm really not familiar with it."

"But it doesn't matter. Come on, let's have a few drinks and we'll be ripe."

"Sorry, I don't drink." Wu Xiaoran said coldly.

"How can we do without drinking?"

Gao Liang said with a smile: "today is our group of old classmates. After more than ten years of separation, the first party is of great significance. No matter what, we have to have a few drinks?"

"Students, do you think so?"

"Yes All the students said in unison.

Wu Xiaoran frowned, hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "OK, I'll have a drink."

After that, she took her glass and drank it up.

"That's right." Gao Liang said with a smile.

His smile, a bit obscene, seems to be malicious.

"Come on, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. How can one drink be enough? Another drink."

As he spoke, he filled Wu Xiaoran's glass with wine.

"No, I can't drink it."

Wu Xiaoran blushed and shook his head: "I can't drink much. If I drink a few more cups, I will get drunk. I can't drink any more."

It's better to be drunk!

Bright evil a smile.


"You don't have to drink too much," he said with a smile

"It doesn't matter if you're drunk. We'll take you home. You can rest assured."

"No, No. "

Wu Xiaoran shakes his head and refuses to drink.

I'm in a bit of a hurry.

If Wu Xiaoran is not drunk, he will not be able to achieve his goal. This is not good.

So he gave a look to many of his classmates.

Several smart male students, instantly understand his meaning, have advised up.

"Three cups is not much, Wu Xiaoran, drink it!"

"Yes, drink it!"

"Wu Xiaoran, you are so late for the party. Shouldn't you punish yourself for three cups?"

They all advised.


Wu Xiaoran was embarrassed when he heard the speech.

This party is the first time for us to get together after more than ten years of separation. In addition, she is late for a long time, so she should drink more. However, she is not good at drinking. If she drinks more, she will get drunk.

So, she was very tangled.

There's drama!

Highlight see, the corner of the mouth showed a smile.

He pretended to be kind-hearted and said, "well, you can have two more drinks. It's OK to drink all the time. How about that?"


Wu Xiaoran still hesitated.

She is very clear about her drinking capacity. If she drinks two more glasses, she may get drunk.

But if you don't drink it, you can't say it.

"I'll drink for little ranjie."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Suddenly, bright Mou Guang a cold, the facial expression is a little gloomy.

"Jiang Hao!"

He said coldly, "this is the wine Wu Xiaoran should drink. Why do you drink it for her?"

"I call him sister." Jiang Hao said coldly."Sister? Ha ha... "

Highlight a cold smile, his face is full of irony.

"All right, all right, don't make any noise."

Wu Xiaoran bit his teeth and said, "I'll drink it."

After that, she took up her glass and dried up.

"Good drink!"

Highlight praised a, fill wine for her at once.

Wu Xiaoran raised his head and drank again.

"That's right."

Highlight the corner of the mouth smile, more and more brilliant.

"No way, no way."

Wu Xiaoran blushed and said, "I'm going to be drunk. Let me lie down for a while."

After that, he leaned against Jiang Hao and lay down on the sofa. He was so dazed that he seemed to fall asleep.

Suddenly, her curvy figure, slender straight legs, fully exposed.


Highlight see, secretly swallowed a saliva, eyes very hot, emitting green light.

"That's a great figure!" He exclaimed in secret.

He has played with many women, but no woman's figure can match Wu Xiaoran's.

He's very lustful!

So, he urged: "Jiang Hao, get out of the way!"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly. His face was a little cold. He yelled, "get out of here!"

How can he not see that he has a ghost in his heart?


He became angry from embarrassment.

He said in a low voice, "mad, Jiang Hao, you are wise. Get away from me and make way for me!"

"Go away!"

His response is still a rolling word.


I'm angry.

He glanced at many students and ordered: "you guys, pull Jiang Hao away quickly!"


Several students hesitated.

They are not blind. They all see that Gao Liang has a ghost in his heart and wants to attack Wu Xiaoran.

So they hesitated.

"This is what this is!"

Gao Liang cheered coldly: "you are so brave. Even I dare not listen to you. Do you want to work in my father's company?"

Hearing the words, people's faces changed.

There are a few people, slightly shaken.


Gao Liang hummed coldly: "Whoever helps me open Jiang Hao, I will award him 10000 yuan. If anyone doesn't help me open Jiang Hao, he won't go to work in my father's company."

"What's more, I promise to let him lose his job. He can't live in Jianghai city!"

All of a sudden, people completely changed their faces.

"Up, up, up!"

"Don't be angry, Gao Shao. I'll do it right away!"

"Jiang Hao, I'm sorry!"

All of a sudden, everyone stood up and rushed to Jiang Hao.

All of a sudden, Wu Xiaoran trembled and bounced up from the sofa. He covered his mouth and said vaguely, "I I'm going to throw up. It's all Get out of the way. "

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